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Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 6:27 pm
by Jancsika
First of all, if you have not played Dr Frag’s Amerigonia you should try it is well designed game full with new ideas.
Amerigonia converts passengers (workers) to products. That gave me an idea of a game based on immigrants coming to America, working in the coal mines, cornfields etc. contributing to the growth of the nation, while the bankers of Wall Street collecting the gold.
I tried to make it on American geography but it just did not worked right, so I made an imaginary landscape, but kept the original goals.
As I said the game is based primary on Dr, Frag’s Amerigonia but there are parts from Utah, BasinAndRange, and AZCanyon incorporated, so you have to have all those installed.
I have kept the dual steam locomotives, because they look great belching pollution over the landscape. The game plays better if you use the expensive tunnels.


Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 9:26 am
by K-class
Hello Jancsika

Another great map for SMR :D :D

No CTD's on playing this map.

Like Dr Frag’s Amerigonia well spread out industries. Great landscape had good layout for tracks.

I like the Port City and perhaps see (if not already) snoopy55's Side To Side with Containers and you can add container shipping to the map say from Port city to Norfolk etc.

Perhaps also look at adding visitors ( I think that was Cato58 New Scenario based on Stormfather's America Map)

Great job building on Dr Frag’s Amerigonia map. :D

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 4:06 am
by Bushdoctor
I would very much appreciate it if this map could be poured into
a nice installer that contains all necessary elements.
Thanks a lot!

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:07 am
by atani
Installer for this map...

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 9:40 pm
by Zorander
I can't seem to find the scenario AZCanyon, is there another name for it?

Nevermind, I had to have the first version of Arizona Gold installed, not just the latest.

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 1:21 am
by atani
Zorander wrote:I can't seem to find the scenario AZCanyon, is there another name for it?

Nevermind, I had to have the first version of Arizona Gold installed, not just the latest.
Are the two AZCanyon and AZCanyonV2 identical? If so, I will update the installer to check for only AZCanyonV2


Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 3:50 pm
by Zorander
From the Wiki page:
Sid Meier's Railroads!:Arizona Gold V1 [Download Installer]
Sid Meier's Railroads!:Arizona Gold V2 [Download Installer]

I only had V2 installed, once I installed V1 the install was able to complete.

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 2:12 am
by Bushdoctor
Thanks a lot for creating the installer,
however from the comments after that post I understand that the
installer only checks for certain elements being in place,
but doesn't actually put them in place if they're missing.
And that's a shame because that is specifically what I need from an installer.

Why not include every single piece of data that I need to run this map?
I don't care if the file is 350kb, 3.5mb or 35mb, I just don't want to go on a treasure hunt
for all missing elements.
That's what kept me from downloading this map earlier before the installer was created,
but unfortunately it still keeps me from doing that.

Please see my comment as a representation of how most noobs handle map downloads.
If it isn't pre-chewed, we can't swallow it. Sorry.

Thanks for your work and time put into this project.
I hope to play it one day.

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 4:14 am
by snoopy55
In some ways I can see your point, but in others, no. In some ways the map was written correctly, in others, no. In some ways the first post was correct, in some ways no.

The idea of the GLOBALS is so XMLs can be smaller. Lately I notice that mappers are using them less. If the map requires AZCanyon for the Bank, it could have used 3 lines of code for it IF AZCanyon had the Bank set up as a GLOBAL.
The Bourse is one I'm not sure about. By definition it is 'A stock exchange, especially one in a continental European city', tho there were some early ones in the US. It's only using an Icon from Utah, which is no problem, but if that is all it needed from that map, along with the icon for the Shipping Center from Amerigonia, then a folder with those 6 TGAs included would have been better.

At this time there are 14 maps that need to be loaded into the game for the GLOBALS to be complete.(someone correct me if I'm wrong :wink: ) They may have to be loaded in a certain way, and the list below may be correct (and again, correct me if I'm wrong):

Chicago to the Rockies
Super Bowl Express
Basin and Range (demo first, then full)
Side to Side
Side to Side DSC
Mid East
Middle East
Holiday Map (not the Web version, the modified one)
Dog World
AZCanyon v1
AZCanyon v2

And yes, you may not want some or all of these maps, but just go in and remove what you don't want.

I once thought of writting a thread for Noobs, giving all the info about what maps to load and how things worked, but then thought, "For all the work I put into it and the help from others, if any, would it be read?" Some people download maps, have a problem and go right to the end of the thread to question why, when the answer is in the thread or posted elseware.
And I'm not accusing anyone, so calm down.

What we really need is some requests and ideas for new Goods, Annexes and Industries that can be loaded into the GLOBALS and be used. Some of you out there may have these ideas but not want to or be able to make a map.

And if you want to make a map, load the maps above and make a list of the Goods, Train Cars, Annexes and Industries and their assosiations with each other and use it. It has helped me debug and edit maps since GLOBALS were started. Maybe a listing is needed in Wiki. Would it be used?


Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 5:00 am
by Warll
How much space do GLOBALS really save? Is it worth the headaches?

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 5:08 am
by atani
Bushdoctor wrote: Why not include every single piece of data that I need to run this map?
I don't care if the file is 350kb, 3.5mb or 35mb, I just don't want to go on a treasure hunt
for all missing elements.
That's what kept me from downloading this map earlier before the installer was created,
but unfortunately it still keeps me from doing that.
If I was to include *EVERYTHING* in *EVERY* installer that had any changes to the globals the Hooked Gamers Wiki would have a meltdown! My local cache of mods is over 2GB when extracted.

That said though... DrFrag is working on a new version of the installer macros which will enable auto-download of the "missing" parts. The current installers will tell you if you do not have a specific map installed, with this information you should be able to go to the Wiki and find the appropriate installer link.

The Wiki is great for newer people to find the installers, but unfortunately the history of the maps are lost on the Wiki whereas they are available in the forum threads (we should update the Wiki with links to the forum topics as well as the installers).


Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 5:09 am
by atani
Warll wrote:How much space do GLOBALS really save? Is it worth the headaches?
Globals do save some space, mainly in that maps do not have to include all of the XML bits. Also, the game does not handle multiple copies of files in the CustomAssets tree with the same name.


Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 1:49 pm
by snoopy55
The proof of GLOBALS is in the original maps. Firaxis used them to a point where some maps used RRT XMLs from other maps. Some of the maps have no more that a RRT_Cities and a RRT_Scenario.
As to saving space, the Goods XML in Amerigonia uses 809 bytes. The GLOBAL for what it uses is 20.6K bytes. If you multiplied those two figures by the 66 maps there are, instead of 53K bytes you would have 1359K bytes. And that is just one of several XMLs, so yes, they are better to use.

Another reason is having to add all that data to your map. The Editer uses the GLOBALS, and a mapper would have to search and copy every item they put in. The Depot XMLs don't even have to be put into the map if they are in the GLOBALS. Most maps would require 11 XMLs also.

Yes, they are very handy to have. :twisted:

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 3:32 pm
by Warll
Ok I can see why we use the GOBALS because it saving mappers times, but 1.3mb saved space alone simply can't justify it.

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 5:49 pm
by Dr Frag
Yeah, space is not the issue. It's really just a great way to save time and complication. As snoopy said you don't have to duplicate all that data so you can just make a simple reference to something and the game gets all the details from the Globals. And it makes using other mod components simple that way.

Short term it may not seem that way but in the long run we all benefit from it.