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Amerigonia 1.0

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 5:17 am
by Dr Frag
Okee Dokee Folks, here is my very first complete Scenario.

And Now With It's Own Installer. :shock: Again

Amerigonia is a fictitious country founded in the early 1800's.
Dedicated to freedom and equal opportunity Amerigonian's face a struggle
to build their country into an efficient & profitable nation.

Swingley is the capitol of Amerigonia

This Scenario is set in the steam era and thus only has steam locomotives. I have added dual locomatives to add some variety and extra umph if you can afford it. :P
*** Because of the dual locos this Scenario requires the Tender Mod.

I've added one Industry to the game, it's the Shipping Center in Hovey. I wanted to make it an Annex but the game will not let you define an Objective of shipping something to an Annex so I had to make it an In-City Industry.

Please let me know if there is anything out of wack and especially the Installer because this is my first crack at one.

Thank You and Enjoy,

EDIT: 8/22/07 - I've included the missing event images.
EDIT: 8/28/07 - Fixed Dual Mikado price. Thx Jancsika
EDIT: 9/10/07 - Put the Installer back up. Fixed the path issue. I feel like such a n00b.
EDIT: 9/29/07 - Uploaded new installer that includes Tender Mod dependency check.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 8:52 am
by K-class
Hello Dr Frag

WOW :D :D great map you have gone all out on this one! I like the map terrain on this as lots of nice features and layout.

The Scenario you have put a lot of thought into this and is no walk in the park and is good challenge.

:D no installer ha ha better to add manually till all the bugs are out.

Your install txt is easy to follow and works.

Its a different approach that you need to ship people to industries like cattle farms and the like to make goods! Seems a bit odd why you ship people to industries but this works and is different.

Getting 200 passengers first up I didn't make that goal

Maybe another ore mine since there is a lot of gold to ship.

Some of the goal and fish are a distance but that's ok better than being next door.

I only had 3 CTD'd and are half way through this map. Two caused my graphics system to crash to 800 x 600 16 bit colour. I did not need to restart my machine. (What helped me to get back my full colour desktop was If you can get CTRL + Alt + Del (be patent) kill railroads.exe and dump file and then kill explorer and restart explorer through new task and reset graphics)

Not sure what caused CTD prob some random event as usual.

Save Save Save every time after you do something.

All up well done back to playing.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 6:02 pm
by Dr Frag
Thanks for the feedback, I did have fun working on the terrain.

The Scenario sort of developed by itself after I came up with the story of Amerigonia. I didn't want something too simple and also wanted to make it a little different by requiring passengers to work the industries. Remember this is the 1800's and people did everything so I thought it only natural to require you to supply the people to get the resources.

I'm sorry you have gotten CTDs. I haven't had one with this since I created the Scenario specific Events file. It is a huge map and will probably tax a lot of systems. I only notice it when it Autosave since the map is 20x20 it takes a bit to write the map image. Otherwise I'm happy to say it plays really smoothly on my system.

Thanx again and Happy Play Testing. ;p

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 4:03 am
by dick810
how about some where to deliver goods and are we transporting pasengers to different source hope there not being used for fodder to generate material

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 4:19 am
by Dr Frag
Hmm, maybe I'll try creating a Good called Workers so you'll have to deliver Passengers between cities and Workers to Resources.

I'm not sure what Goods you're having trouble delivering but some require you to grow to City or Metropolis before you can deliver them but I stated this in the Victory screen conditions.


Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 10:20 am
by K-class
Thanks Dr Frag your explanation on people should be working in industries makes sense. No free lunch for these citizens!

Yep track laying is a crawl over half way through - but this map is not a walk in the park and you can see a lot of thought has gone into this map and scenario. You really do need to think about what needs to be shipped and to where and get the tracks layered out and get those goods delivered. This is good makes you think and makes the scenario challenging. :D

Found one fault / bug

Deleviing last lot of oil to Shipping Center in Hovey and got
File not found

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 4:55 pm
by karsten
Hi DF,
great map, very carefully thought out and well organized, not heavy, did not slow on my machine. I enjoyed the scenery and the elegantly challenging goals.

Some playtesting remarks: As K-class says, the final delivery to Shipping Center in Hovey is missing file, I also missed event_shipgold, see screenshot.

I think it would be easier if you just copied the additional XML code into the files, it actually took me 20 minutes to get that exactly right :lol: A lot of gamers will not feel comfortable fiddling with the XML anyway.

Lets see more of these! 8)

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:40 am
by Dr Frag
I knew I would forget something.
Yeah, I made both of those but forgot to add them to the zip. I will update when I get home.

I guess I can try adding the dual locos to the Local XMLs and see how it goes. I was going to ask atani if he could make an installer once things seemed stable.

That's why this is a beta. :P

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:19 pm
by atani
Dr Frag wrote: I guess I can try adding the dual locos to the Local XMLs and see how it goes. I was going to ask atani if he could make an installer once things seemed stable.

That's why this is a beta. :P
Once you are ready for an installer PM me and I will generate one.


Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 3:55 pm
by Jancsika
Dr Frog, you did it again.
The map is great. The scenario is challenging without being confusing. The dual locomotives add a little spice to the picture.

There are four graphic files in your “Interfaceâ€

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:55 pm
by Warll
Jancsika wrote:Dr Frog

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 6:30 pm
by Jancsika
Boy!! Am I red faced.
My apologies.
I type with two fingers and have to look at the keyboard all the time.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 9:03 pm
by Warll
Don;t worry its not like it was the worse spelling you could have came up with.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 2:07 am
by Dr Frag
Actually I glazed over it the first time. :P - ribbit
Yeah Warll, I've been called worse. :?

The Interface folder goes in the CustomAssets folder just like it is in the archive.

Thanks Guys, glad you like it.

Unless there is something that people want added/changed I'll PM atani and have him create an Installer sometime this weekend. And then I'll post it in the Wiki.
W00T, I get to add a section for me. Image

DF - ribbit

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 5:42 am
by K-class
Hello Dr Frag

Completed the map with no CTD's and all the files are there. :D

Found this map to be very challenging. You really have to think about your track layout as you will get trains backing up trying to deliver the goods.

I found growing the towns into Metropolis hard as you have to thinks about building them up. I use the investor mod with all the cash and maybe there needs to be some closer resources.

Maybe as above add some visitors to mix it up a bit.

Great to have all the dual steamers overall excellent map made me sweat. :D