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North East UK Map - 2 versions.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 2:25 pm
by Narra
Hi all.. with grateful thanks for advice from Stormfather, Atani and Snoopy55 on getting it running, I present my little offering, North Eastern UK : From the cradle to the grave.

Map size - 15 (225x225)

Covers the whole of the North of England from Doncaster in the south to Edinburgh in the North.

Made from DEM data

Numerous historical goals to complete.

Probably suitable for 1 or 2 AI opponents at maximum (but capable of 3) and designed with moderately experienced players in mind.

She may need a few (i'm hoping ONLY a few) tweaks here and there, but I hope you all have fun with it.

Contact details for feedback are in the readme file.

Enjoy :D

I've added a second, more difficult version with a more challenging landscape, altered goals with city specific requirements, reduced numbers of cities and industries. Universum.. this one's for you :wink:

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 4:01 pm
by tomasvicente38
The last condition of the map is not correct, nothing else to begin the scene already you have gold.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 5:48 pm
by atani
The era "Crossing the borders" is mangled with the "Failing health" era. You are missing a closing Era tag and opening Era tag.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 5:50 pm
by atani
Installer attached for this map.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 6:30 pm
by Narra
Thanks guys.. uploaded an amended version with era tags added.

Cheers for the feedback

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 10:05 pm
by Pete
What a fantastic map.
Loaded it with the installer and played fine.

Thanks Narra and Atani.


Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 3:39 am
by universum
Must say that this map is not of my favorite kind.

The good:
:D it has scenario

The bad (in my humble opinion):
:( too many places and industries placed rather densely (In many cases, train won't really leave the departing station before ariving to destination)
:( terrain is not very interesting and for most parts, with no decorations
:( no routing challenge whatsoever; because of the scale, it is not likely you will ever need to build bridges or tunnels (i did not built a single one in my three attempts to play this scenario), tracks I laid just went straight through the landscape like knife using fills and cuts and I rarely had grade other than "no" or "gentle" and were generally rather short
:( it keeps crashing on my computer (3 times out of 3 attempts, around 1850, 1855 and last time just after few years)
:( victory conditions list shows 1905 twice (wonder if this could be causing the crashes)
:( as far as I can tell from first few decades of playing, far too easy even on Robber Baron

I am sure there is a lot of work in this map and I definitely want to encourage Narra to do more but this map needs more work: my recomendation would be to remove half of the places from map, turn some of them to villages, modify the terrain to be less precise but more fun (exagerate vertically, replace a lot of bumps with real hills and valleys), add trees and other decorations, restrict starting locations to few and add more scenario goals, especially specific ones like transport something both FROM and TO and of course figure out why it keeps crashing (unless it is only happening on my computer).

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:32 am
by Narra
Thanks for the replies chaps.. all feedback is good :)

I've had a quick look through the xml but can't for the life of me spot why the 1905 victory screen is coming up twice.. anyone got any ideas?

universum : Have no fear tho.. far from putting me off, your comments only inspire me to try harder and resolve the issues. :)

To answer some of your comments.

When i first designed the map, i found that the DEM model did indeed give exagerated terrain which i suspect would be more to your liking. I tweaked the data to give a more 'realistic' feel, simply as this is the kind of map I prefer myself.

I added a larger number of towns/ villages (even villages demand passengers, mail and food) as during initial play, I found it to be tough to run lines as only the starter towns would accept or generate passengers and mail.. and this gave the poor soul lumped with Manchester (sorry to any Mancunians.. no offense intended) a major disadvantage.

As far as the terrain not being very interesting.. It's the North of England lol.. the terrain ISN'T very interesting.. I grew up in Tyneside and I was about 13 before I knew what a tree WAS! :P Seriously tho, I take all your comments onboard and will spend a bit more time making the place a little more 'varied'.

I suspect the perfect solution is release two versions of the map.. the one I have at the moment and a much more difficult version of the map and scenario, with exagerated terrain, altered starting positions and more challenging goals.

On the not so good side, it may take me a while to get round to this. I'm having real life issues with my boat's engine, 12 v electric and heating system that need to be sorted out as a priority (I live on the boat, so it's kind of vital if you follow me :wink: ). Rest assured.. as soon as I'm warm, have running water again and the engine actually runs for more than 30 seconds without having a coughing fit and dieing, I'll get my head down and do what I can to provide you with a REAL challenge.


Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:39 am
by gforce
for a better map, id din't had a look at yours yet,
but have a look at it like this:
dem date gives a good map for borders etc if you're using GTOPO)...
if you want to have better results for detail level, hills, mountains etc...
dem data could also provide this, but there you should work on a much more detailed level (smrt10-data), take a portion of this and use this where the bigger picture has mountains or hills...
You can not have fe all the mountians of colorado good showned, if you show them all, take just 5 mountains wich represents them... :wink:


Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:08 pm
by Slappy Da Clown
Nice map

Put it on with the new installer. Runs fin as long as its on pause, as soon as I start it, it crashes. Even tried saving & starting that.

Got it I think guys. I didnt realize it put on a program in the add/remove programs so I think it didnt work when I over wrote the file for the update. Uninstalled it & reinstalled working good so far.


Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 3:44 pm
by atani
Narra wrote:Thanks for the replies chaps.. all feedback is good :)

I've had a quick look through the xml but can't for the life of me spot why the 1905 victory screen is coming up twice.. anyone got any ideas?
In the RRT_Scenario_User_NE_UK.xml you have "Crossing the borders" listed twice under the Eras tag. If you use something like XML Marker you can view the Eras in a table and it shows it twice (due to duplication).

Removing the second copy will remove it from the victories screen.


Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:50 pm
by Narra
Thanks once again Atani.. nicely spotted.

I've altered the era's so that it only appears once. Also, I've corrected the A£ to £ in the currency table and most importantly.. I think I've solved the CTD issue.

I'd managed to get the wood car in as.. ermm.. a paper car. :oops:

Hopefully this will resolve a few issues for people.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 9:55 pm
by snoopy55
Are you saying that you had to add paper to get a wood car? The paper shows up as a Good, but is not used. Needs to be removed. You might also want to add Manufactured Goods to the Metropolis demands as there is no place to take them and they're not something you can add during the game.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:21 am
by Narra
No.. what I managed to do was put the paper car in INSTEAD of the wood car.

I'll try and look into the adding the goods demand thing tomorrow if I get a chance.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 7:09 am
by snoopy55
Your last 2 cars are Paper and Wood. You do have Paper in as a Good, but no Paper Mill.

I'm sorry, I should have mentioned in my first post......VERY good map :D