Mud Skippers

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Lowell » Thu May 07, 2009 4:32 pm

Thanks for your interest.
I have swapped out Rodea's old version of the cargo ship and dock for a newer version. I am changing one of them into the steel ship, I got half of the script and name changes done last night. Tonight I will complete the steel ship.

I guess I need to make some new threads for the maps. I am not sure if I can even close the old threads, I had looked into it in the past. Mud Skippers was first posted as a self-contained map, but several of the older ones were made as global file maps, then changing to self-contained half-way through the threads. Those need new ones for sure, it will clear any confusion for players/downloaders if they start out in the threads as self-contained files. No biggie. Michael Cook did a nice job on editing the Events figures so as to make the map a better challenge. Some time was spent testing some Event settings, seems the start and end dates don't work correctly when set in the script. A few other findings were discovered as well in those tests.

So everything is complete, I just need to finish the last edits on the steel ship. I have to go and see the new Star Trek movie tonight as well... :D

On Florida Gold, I tested placing the distribution centers out of the cities. It trashes some of my car goals, as you can only track cars delivered if they go to a city or an industry in a city. It also only lets the centers have three tracks instead of the four you get in the cities. Moving the centers out of the cities will stop the double car count and the extra money generated. If left in the cities as built, the player needs only watch the car count. F/G is getting the biggest update. Moving the southern engines to the Georgia Peaches map and placing Atlantic coast line and Seaboard.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by RockyNarrowGauge » Thu May 07, 2009 10:10 pm

Sorry boys, I thought that by quoting Lowell's post it would be made clear as to what I was refering to. Another rundown of the status of you map Lowell was not it. I was questioning the status of your CIC/SAM joint effert. You made the proposal and just left it at that. Since snoopy55 does not seem to be posting on this forum I'm guessing it might be a smart move to post your suggestion on the other forum also, or have someone else post it for you.

And from past experiance with forums, only the Moderators and Administrators can delete threads. And while there are some posts that need to be removed from this one, there are some that need to be left. One problem with removing some and not all is it can make the ones you leave sound kind of silly if they refer to the ones removed, you know, like "What is he talking about there?".

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Lowell » Fri May 08, 2009 3:58 am

If you read close to what I talked about, I said I would post my work here. Then if they want to make a Sam file version, they could let me know when they are complete with their files. Then I would place their Sam files on the main post for the thread. I also mentioned that "they, meaning Vzbob or an admin from that site" could post the completed mods at their site, providing they leave all credits and offer both the unaltered CIC and Sam version files for the same scenario.
I was questioning the status of your CIC/SAM joint effert.
I don't know, they have not responded to my requests or posts on the matter. You would have to talk to them.
You made the proposal and just left it at that

Again they are the ones not responding, I am minding my own business here.
I'm guessing it might be a smart move to post your suggestion on the other forum
No, I am a member here and will post my works here for now. If others wish to host the maps, all I ask is they keep things current and no credits are altered or the scenario or content either. Simply making a file style change would not change any of those items from the way I built them. They were informed by others from this forum, they are aware of what I have said.

I understand all about forums and moderators. What was being referred to was a conversation we have had before about not being able to contact Falconer either by email or PM to ask for anything.

I think we need to elect a new admin for our site, someone like Karsten or Jancsika. A member from our forum.

So actually you need to ask them if they are still interested or not. They have gutted all their old BB stuff from what I have seen so far, correct me if i am mistaken. Only a mess of empty threads are left, they will need deleted. Many of those items were defective anyway. But it was a novel idea, however they didn't realize that it takes a mod builder to totally construct new content, that means renaming everything by the user/map builder anyway. Mod builders like myself, make our own stuff from the games' default content items, default scripts or brand new. So I don't think much if any of that stuff was ever used anyway.

Maybe you would like to be a moderator here :?: :D
What say we start a new thread in chat and hold an election for a moderator.

Whatever we all do, please lets make this a family oriented site and be nicer to other map makers and members. I think we all see enough hate on the TV every night. This should be a place where people can come and escape all that. :)

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by brandon » Fri May 08, 2009 6:07 am

Lowell wrote:Many of those items were defective anyway. But it was a novel idea, however they didn't realize that it takes a mod builder to totally construct new content, that means renaming everything by the user/map builder anyway. Mod builders like myself, make our own stuff from the games' default content items, default scripts or brand new. So I don't think much if any of that stuff was ever used anyway.
I've seen that in any of the SAM's that used mods. And they were from and/or used by Jancsika in his maps. What this means is that they must have worked. And I know all the SAM's worked because I downloaded all of them and played them.

It's kind of odd Lowell, you want to calm things down and get together with snoopy55, Tiger and vzbob, but you put down the work they did for this forum. In a way I can see why snoopy55 left and deleted his stuff. You're slandering him and what he did, and he probably won't post any reply to you on this forum. And a lot of those BB's were from other maps, and if the maps work OK then the BB's have to work. I know I'd use them if I made a map since I'm no good at graphics, but I can do the programming. Unforntunatly, I would have to make a map and that requires a graphics ability.

Think about what you are saying there. I think you need to edit it if you want them to work with you.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Lowell » Fri May 08, 2009 6:50 am

get together with snoopy55, Tiger and vzbob
No I do not. I am simply saying that if they feel compelled to make sams out of my already self-contained maps, I would allow it and would post their files next to mine.
but you put down the work they did for this forum

No again, I personally fixed a few items of their already like the cotton industry. Several of those items used caused many of those maps to crash. They were fixed as they were used on maps. People had posted on those threads with concern if the stuff had been tested, the comment from the creator himself said he was too busy making new stuff to test what he had built already. The statement back to the poster was, use them and as they crash they would be fixed. :roll: Better read through all those posts and get your history straight.

At present I am referring to the blank threads that they pulled all that content away. The blank threads need erased was my comment, and I am not the only person who has said they need purged off the forum as they have no content and refer to something that is no longer part of this forum.
I think you need to edit it if you want them to work with you.
Are you joking. :lol: What are you smoking...I don't want their help with my work, period, ever. All I said is if they feel compelled to copy it and post the scenarios on their site, they could.

Enough of this. I have spoken on the matter.


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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Lowell » Fri May 08, 2009 7:14 am

I know I'd use them if I made a map since I'm no good at graphics, but I can do the programming. Unforntunatly, I would have to make a map and that requires a graphics ability.
Tell me what area on the globe you wish to make a scenario and I will get the landscape off of Micro DEM for you, then work out the gray scale height. As it is a satellite snapshot, I would need to know how big of an area to make the map for etc. I could also paint the landscape and/or place trees etc. There isn't that much "programming" to it really, they are simple xml lists that the game reads from...not like C#, C++ or Perl.
And if you use them you have to rename the same exact parts you would need to edit off of the default game items. So why not start out with the genuine McCoy...less trouble and guessing. However that is cool, I am sure they have the bugs worked out as they have been in use for awhile I believe...which-ever is easier for you.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by brandon » Fri May 08, 2009 7:24 am

Lowell wrote: No again, I personally fixed a few items of their already like the cotton industry. Several of those items used caused many of those maps to crash. They were fixed as they were used on maps. People had posted on those threads with concern if the stuff had been tested, the comment from the creator himself said he was too busy making new stuff to test what he had built already. The statement back to the poster was, use them and as they crash they would be fixed. :roll: Better read through all those posts and get your history straight.
Could you point me to that, I don't remember it. Was it in the SAMs or in the BB's?

As to a map, I'd like Mexico. Got some ideas for that using a few of the BB's.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by vzbob » Fri May 08, 2009 8:03 am

Lowell wrote:If you read close to what I talked about, I said I would post my work here. Then if they want to make a Sam file version, they could let me know when they are complete with their files. Then I would place their Sam files on the main post for the thread. I also mentioned that "they, meaning Vzbob or an admin from that site" could post the completed mods at their site, providing they leave all credits and offer both the unaltered CIC and Sam version files for the same scenario.
I was questioning the status of your CIC/SAM joint effert.
I don't know, they have not responded to my requests or posts on the matter. You would have to talk to them.
You made the proposal and just left it at that

Again they are the ones not responding, I am minding my own business here.
I'm guessing it might be a smart move to post your suggestion on the other forum
No, I am a member here and will post my works here for now. If others wish to host the maps, all I ask is they keep things current and no credits are altered or the scenario or content either. Simply making a file style change would not change any of those items from the way I built them. They were informed by others from this forum, they are aware of what I have said.

I understand all about forums and moderators. What was being referred to was a conversation we have had before about not being able to contact Falconer either by email or PM to ask for anything.

I think we need to elect a new admin for our site, someone like Karsten or Jancsika. A member from our forum.

So actually you need to ask them if they are still interested or not. They have gutted all their old BB stuff from what I have seen so far, correct me if i am mistaken. Only a mess of empty threads are left, they will need deleted. Many of those items were defective anyway. But it was a novel idea, however they didn't realize that it takes a mod builder to totally construct new content, that means renaming everything by the user/map builder anyway. Mod builders like myself, make our own stuff from the games' default content items, default scripts or brand new. So I don't think much if any of that stuff was ever used anyway.

Maybe you would like to be a moderator here :?: :D
What say we start a new thread in chat and hold an election for a moderator.

Whatever we all do, please lets make this a family oriented site and be nicer to other map makers and members. I think we all see enough hate on the TV every night. This should be a place where people can come and escape all that. :)
Well, for starters you only made 1 post. And In that you say you only think that you have an answer, Either you have the answer or you don't, we will never know. Then you never replied to the other people who posted either.
You could have answered those. Also you could have registered at my site and put you post there as well but you did not.

And why should we send you the SAMed maps for your approval when for all we know you could go in and change them to, and then say they crash or have error's after you had altered them. Which is what you stated and wanted in your (I think I have an answer post). I see your still calling them CIC's.

As for the BB's well if you have never downloaded them how would you know how they are. They seem to work for other people ok and, as far as I know, no one has ever posted any problems with them. And if they did they were repaired and re-uploaded.

Also you are saying you make your own stuff, but then in the same paragraph say it is the original stuff renamed and or recolored. So that is not new stuff at all it's only old stuff refurbished.

We are waiting on you to do what you said you are going to do. And so far there has been no activity on your part.
2 weeks ago you posted Say I think I may have an answer...
I have had some time to think things over and after speaking with some others I think I may have an answer for all concerned.
then you just expected people to reply to you when your not even sure yet. But I want to know if you have worked out the answer yet.

And now after saying you want to stop trashing anyones maps:
Lowell - Mud Skippers thread on Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:00 am wrote:No more threads specially made to trash anyone’s maps…
You trash not only our SAM maps, but the BBs too! Not a good way to shake hands.

Before snoopy even thinks about responding to you about this you have to clean up your act AND finish, with no further changes in mind, your maps.

And then you respond to Brandon that you had not intended to work with them.
Lowell - Mud Skippers thread on Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:00 am wrote:This will close down any old issues anyone or myself may have, it would also make me feel better if we could work together on making the maps and scenarios better for all. No more threads specially made to trash anyone’s maps…ie the trouble with florida gold thread. We lift Tijers ban and try to help each other and no more insults. I know I make my share of mistakes, we are all learning.
Explain that one if you will.

The Cotton Farm thing was way before the BBs were started, and that took you about 6 posts to get it correct, kind of a 'hit and miss' till you got it right. I could have done that and I knew very little of modding back then. Like Brandon, I'd like to see just what you are talking about when you say they said the BBs were bad. And the SAMs were tested by Pete and I, and they did not crash. And if anyone elses maps crashed, how are you so sure it was because of the BB's? And if there were any errors, I apoligize that we could not be as perfect as you with your maps that never crash or have errors in them.

And finally, you post this:
Lowell wrote:Whatever we all do, please lets make this a family oriented site and be nicer to other map makers and members. I think we all see enough hate on the TV every night. This should be a place where people can come and escape all that.
And then proceed to attack what STEP Inc did. Good going, the families will love to read that.

At least with your reply to brandon

Code: Select all

Are you joking. :lol: What are you smoking...I don't want their help with my work, period, ever.
that just showed your real intentions.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by RockyNarrowGauge » Fri May 08, 2009 6:53 pm

Lowell, you shouldn't talk about maps and stuff being posted that don't work. How many times have you posted your maps and they have had errors in them, and you say they have been tested 'zillions' of times, even going so far as to list the testers in the maps XMLs.

You need to take a bit of time and look at the maps posted before the SAMs and your CICs were done. Most all of them failed and most of the failures were repaired by snoopy55. What were you doing :? ?

You need to turn around and get your own maps fixed and posted before you make claims that the SAMs and BBs are failures. There was only one SAM that had a problem, and the one SAM2, which was simply a wrong file uploaded. You took your well tested Florida Gold map and cleaned a file out of it and posted it, then took several months to put the files back in :roll: .

Post your 4 fully working maps first, then find the defective SAMs and BBs and list them. And since you were part of the reason they were pulled, ask someone to send you all of them, I'm sure they'd be happy to.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Lowell » Fri May 08, 2009 10:37 pm

Look Vzbob, I read the first two paragraphs and realized you are confused.

If you fully read what I have written and stop putting words that are not there, you would read that I said you guys make your Sam file version of what I made. Then I would place the Sam next to my CIC files on the same first post.
Then, if you stop daydreaming while reading and read further, you would see that I said you take my files and put them on your site, I take your files and put them with mine. where I said IF someone posts on your threads for those maps that my CIC files have an issue would you please inform me so I can fix whatever, and I would do the same for your Sam files if someone posts an issue with your Sam files.
Stop talking about people editing the files they did not make. I edit mine and you let me know if there is any issues, and I do the same for your files. I have no intention of spending time trying to redo your file types. I would leave them alone and give you the respect to edit your own material.

So see you guys have the wrong idea here again. In my mind I would have the respect to inform you and let you guys correct whatever on your own, then re-post the corrected scenario files.
All I am saying in that message is I will let you play in my sand box if you want. I need no help from anyone thanks very much, I already know what I am doing.
I see your still calling them CIC's.
Well they need called something. They are simply self-contained maps. They are much different from what everyone else is doing. I build the scenarios out with the scenario file structure, then add only the global files I need to force the game to behave in the manner I need. Most likely these type maps could run with all global files except the one map scenario list for goals etc. But I am a firm believer that the game wants to see those other scenario lists in order to properly save games on the games' saved game files. Events and Loadscreens all need global files, as the new updates have new additions to them like loadscereens now.
As for the BB's well if you have never downloaded them how would you know how they are.
Well lets see, I remember there being many Rift maps. They all crashed, not just a missing dds file, these hard crashed. After Rift three was posted, I saw real quick that there would be another version to see if the crash was corrected on the new version. The trouble all along was the cotton industry. The build up file had never been edited for any name changes and still thought it was a grain silo. The Kfm file was not edited for that model as well as a couple other items ...hence hard crash. That coal power plant crashed all the time, turned out to be an error in the nif files themselves and would have had to be totally rebuilt from the games' power plant files...hence it was edited wrong from the start and trashed it. There are others but that was some time ago and I was asked to look at them from the map builders who were using those at the time. Like I said, use the games default items to build from, and make sure you test them out as I know you guys don't use the games' map editor and that is what you need to use to test them fully before posting them as running on maps.
Several of those broken maps were placed in that SMRI update, at the time I mentioned lets beta test SMRI before it gets posted to the public. I believe there were four maps that hard crashed in that update, and the sad part was they were "known" to hard crash and still were placed in the package. I was scorned for asking it be tested before release, and as a result I opted not to have Florida Gold added to the maps in SMRI and at the time many had asked I place it in the SMRI maps. And yes, it ran fine as a global map even way back when. At Mod DB they even used one of my Florida Gold screenshots saying that map would be in the mix. So for some time, they had been known to put out broken hard crash items and leave it.
So when I mentioned that they were now missing from those threads, I made the smartypants comment that well they never worked as I knew then...and I should have kept my mouth shut.
We are waiting on you to do what you said you are going to do. And so far there has been no activity on your part.
That's fine, I am replacing that old first model of the cargo ship and dock. I was waiting for Rodea's new model, however he hasn't finished the additional frames on the newly animated model, so I am backing up to his previous model and am turning one into the steel port as I did the older one.

I own and run two companies so I have more than just a day job. Then I also am a beta tester for the new Trainz 2009 WBE, making new game content, plus I have my own art projects and if I do any rendering from Vue or Lightwave that can take a day or two.

What I was talking about and I guess I should have kept the BB stuff to myself, is those items have been pulled off of those threads and the threads talk about scripts that are not there anymore. Hence the threads now talk about nothing as the content is gone. Those threads now need deleted, unless you guys wish to put it back.
You need to take a bit of time and look at the maps posted before the SAMs and your CICs were done. Most all of them failed and most of the failures were repaired by snoopy55. What were you doing
Well at the time I was completing Florida Gold and starting several other maps. Funny how other maps were getting help, yet side to side hard crashed for several years. Then the same people want to come and tell me how to do things...I think not.
You need to turn around and get your own maps fixed and posted before you make claims that the SAMs and BBs are failures.
My maps have always run. They are getting updated with more and new stuff...expanded as it were. I could even post the old versions right now and they have no issues. Florida Gold runs great even as a global map and it was posted way before the SMRI Update was complete.
Post your 4 fully working maps first, then find the defective SAMs and BBs and list them. And since you were part of the reason they were pulled, ask someone to send you all of them, I'm sure they'd be happy to.
I have no interest in people's maps they have posted. It is up to them to mess with their projects they made. Unless asked I would never mess with another mod builders files...even if they have left the forum. Because I know they return from time to time even if they don't let others know. Maps that were created by others and use only the games' default goods and content items, can be placed in the usermaps folder just as is without any changes and they run as self-contained maps already, so messing with someone's scripts can cause a good map to fail and trash a project. That was why I was so out-spoken on the subject at the's like a code of ethics for mod builders, you don't mess with others stuff unless asked.

If they pulled whatever, it is because that is what they planned all along, I even made a special thread talking about how everything was getting gutted from this site and it wasn't right.
Be that as it may be, the threads that are empty will be deleted. And that goers for these empty map threads of mine as I make new what we say today will be gone tomorrow as it were.

If you wish to have your very own version of what I create that is fine as long as like you mentioned you don't alter the base scenario and goals and leave the scenario play as built, I have no issue with you making your Sam version of a self-contained map. Just have the decency to please inform me if anyone posts they have an issue with my mods and or files as I build. If you guys would like to have your version of what I make, I will allow such and will even place your Sam version next to my self-contained files I make. From that I believe I am being more than fair.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Lowell » Fri May 08, 2009 11:30 pm

As to a map, I'd like Mexico.
I will pull up Micro DEM and make you a map of the whole country this weekend. It may end up like the Florida map where there is some ocean on both sides...I will try and fill the area as best as I can. I know the country is fatter at the top and gets slightly thinner as you move south. Did you want any of Central America at all or cut it off at both the north ansd south borders?

Mexico would be cool as it has several different types of landscapes, from swampy to mountains where if you go there you can find ruby crystals the size of your hand due to the old volcano ranges. So you could have mining of several types even gem mines. Farming of all types and sizes. You could even have cruise ships and hotels at the gulf shores etc.

Nice choice.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by RockyNarrowGauge » Sat May 09, 2009 2:09 am

Lowell, first of all, you need to review your timeline.
Well lets see, I remember there being many Rift maps. They all crashed, not just a missing dds file, these hard crashed. After Rift three was posted, I saw real quick that there would be another version to see if the crash was corrected on the new version. The trouble all along was the cotton industry. The build up file had never been edited for any name changes and still thought it was a grain silo. The Kfm file was not edited for that model as well as a couple other items ...hence hard crash. That coal power plant crashed all the time, turned out to be an error in the nif files themselves and would have had to be totally rebuilt from the games' power plant files...hence it was edited wrong from the start and trashed it. There are others but that was some time ago and I was asked to look at them from the map builders who were using those at the time. Like I said, use the games default items to build from, and make sure you test them out as I know you guys don't use the games' map editor and that is what you need to use to test them fully before posting them as running on maps.
Several of those broken maps were placed in that SMRI update, at the time I mentioned lets beta test SMRI before it gets posted to the public. I believe there were four maps that hard crashed in that update, and the sad part was they were "known" to hard crash and still were placed in the package. I was scorned for asking it be tested before release, and as a result I opted not to have Florida Gold added to the maps in SMRI and at the time many had asked I place it in the SMRI maps. And yes, it ran fine as a global map even way back when. At Mod DB they even used one of my Florida Gold screenshots saying that map would be in the mix. So for some time, they had been known to put out broken hard crash items and leave it.
So when I mentioned that they were now missing from those threads, I made the smartypants comment that well they never worked as I knew then...and I should have kept my mouth shut.
I've been reading this forum since it started, and the SAMs and BBs came out to replace the Globals and the SMRI, so why do the two of them have to do with each other? Get your story straight. Every bodies maps had a tendency to fail, even yours. July 14 2008 -> ... 581#p30581 Then you found this on January 2, 2009 -> ... 394#p35394 it wasn't until the 4th that you finally repaired it. 5 1/2 months to replace 1 DDS file. It took snoopy55 only 3 days to find his problem and repair it.
What I was talking about and I guess I should have kept the BB stuff to myself, is those items have been pulled off of those threads and the threads talk about scripts that are not there anymore. Hence the threads now talk about nothing as the content is gone. Those threads now need deleted, unless you guys wish to put it back.
You have several threads that are for maps that are not posted. How come those are not deleted?
Well at the time I was completing Florida Gold and starting several other maps. Funny how other maps were getting help, yet side to side hard crashed for several years. Then the same people want to come and tell me how to do things...I think not.
Several years....I think not. Let's look at the history of that map. It was first posted on March 19th, 2007, two years ago. Several is defined as more than two. It was first posted on July 27, 2008, after it was tested by vzbob. There was no problem was found with it until Sept 15th of 2008. And the problem was found to be Automobiles going to one certain city. ... 918#p32918 Do you test EVERY good to EVERY location? I doubt it. That was the first and only time I've seen that happen.

And excuse me, your Florida Gold global version never was finished, which is why it could not have been included.

And as to gutted threads, you look awful odd referring to pictures in your threads that you deleted.

You seem to be about the only one who ever really complained about those SAMs being made. Since they were not yours, what did you care? And I, and I'm sure a few others, would like to see this 'code of ethics for mod builders' And non of those maps were trashed, they all ran fine for me, even some of them that did not run in the original form. And if you had looked at the numbers of downloads of them, no one else seemed to care either.

I read your complaint on the copying of those files to Bobby's Rails. If those guys from STEP Inc made them, don't they have the right to post them where ever they want to? And they were not 'gutted' from this site at that time. They were removed because of your bitching about everything they did. I know this for a fact because I PM'd snoopy55 on Bobby's Rails about it. I didn't think it was to cool of an idea either, but he pointed out that he did what he could to give you what you wanted, the stuff that you claim he 'steeled' removed from this site. If he could have he would have removed the ones in the map threads too.

And you need to go back and read a lot of those threads like I have. He was thanked many times for making SAM out of them and repairing maps that crashed in their original form. He also assisted you with a couple of your maps too, tho you have conveniently forgotten that.

And as to them making SAMs out of your maps, I doubt that will ever happen. You have been working on and posting your Florida Gold map for 2 years now and it is still not finished, even tho you keep stating that it will be done 'by this weekend'. Every time someone like Rodea2007 comes up with something new, you take it, color it a bit, and put it into your map. THAT is 'steeling'.

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Rodea2007 » Sat May 09, 2009 8:35 am

RockyNarrowGauge wrote: Every time someone like Rodea2007 comes up with something new, you take it, color it a bit, and put it into your map. THAT is 'steeling'.
I'm not agree with you if 'steeling' it means "stealing", because if my mod was launched with my map or stand alone mod, that's means you can free to use them on your map, just give me a credit for that.......... :lol:
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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by Lowell » Sat May 09, 2009 9:07 am

Nope, those maps are done and have been done. That just goes to show you haven't kept up with everything about my mods. I pulled them when I was told my files had been changed from the way they were built, then re-posted at a different site. Then someone posing as me was making comments as well on those copied threads.

That is good news that I need not worry about a sam version which would be redundant.

I take my time to test my maps. I use testers before I release them. Ask any of the many beta testers if they don't run great as is. They are being expanded. So it will take several days/weeks to correct and then retest. Plus I have a life beyond games.

Allot more has happened from just what you read. That has had an impression on my attitude for sure. It makes no difference if you didn't understand what I was getting at in the last post.
Every time someone like Rodea2007 comes up with something new, you take it, color it a bit, and put it into your map. THAT is 'steeling'.
Rodea is correct, the word is stealing. Rodea and I are friends and he and I ask each other for stuff and get permission. He has used the oil tanker and he is permitted to use any of my stuff as well. For your information Rodea has several credits for items used on a couple of my maps, and full credit is given for anyone's stuff.

What I was referring to was some maps that used only the games default items. Sams were made of them and a couple of them had crash troubles from that change. Left alone and placed in the usermaps folder as the map maker first built, they run great. Maps that use the games default stuff are self-contained maps as is. No conversion is necessary. Only maps that make new stuff need be converted. Understand this fact...default maps only need the games' scenario files as the scenarios were meant to be built. Then just place them in the usermaps folder, and better yet, they can remain in the game and will not interfere with any self-contained map that is placed in the usermaps folder as well. You only need remember that the self-contained ones can only have one of their kind in the usermaps folder at any given time...default ones can stay. So by making sams out of default game maps, only confuses people wanting to make maps as they will think they have to learn this sam or cic stuff.

You need to worry about your own stuff and stay out of any comments as you have no interest in the matter. All you are doing is creating a harassment situation again. Everyone here at this forum is tired of hearing about "opinions" that cause strife.

Peace-out dude...

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Re: Mud Skippers

Post by vzbob » Sat May 09, 2009 1:16 pm

Lowell wrote:Nope, those maps are done and have been done. That just goes to show you haven't kept up with everything about my mods. I pulled them when I was told my files had been changed from the way they were built, then re-posted at a different site. Then someone posing as me was making comments as well on those copied threads.

That is good news that I need not worry about a sam version which would be redundant.

I take my time to test my maps. I use testers before I release them. Ask any of the many beta testers if they don't run great as is. They are being expanded. So it will take several days/weeks to correct and then retest. Plus I have a life beyond games.

Allot more has happened from just what you read. That has had an impression on my attitude for sure. It makes no difference if you didn't understand what I was getting at in the last post.
Every time someone like Rodea2007 comes up with something new, you take it, color it a bit, and put it into your map. THAT is 'steeling'.
Rodea is correct, the word is stealing. Rodea and I are friends and he and I ask each other for stuff and get permission. He has used the oil tanker and he is permitted to use any of my stuff as well. For your information Rodea has several credits for items used on a couple of my maps, and full credit is given for anyone's stuff.

What I was referring to was some maps that used only the games default items. Sams were made of them and a couple of them had crash troubles from that change. Left alone and placed in the usermaps folder as the map maker first built, they run great. Maps that use the games default stuff are self-contained maps as is. No conversion is necessary. Only maps that make new stuff need be converted. Understand this fact...default maps only need the games' scenario files as the scenarios were meant to be built. Then just place them in the usermaps folder, and better yet, they can remain in the game and will not interfere with any self-contained map that is placed in the usermaps folder as well. You only need remember that the self-contained ones can only have one of their kind in the usermaps folder at any given time...default ones can stay. So by making sams out of default game maps, only confuses people wanting to make maps as they will think they have to learn this sam or cic stuff.

You need to worry about your own stuff and stay out of any comments as you have no interest in the matter. All you are doing is creating a harassment situation again. Everyone here at this forum is tired of hearing about "opinions" that cause strife.

Peace-out dude...
Tell me why rocky can not make any comments? That would be Like me telling you the same thing you just told him. Every one has an interest in this forum or they would not be here. So chill out Lowell and some of your own comments are not so hot either.
Tell me which SAMs Crashed? All of those have been fixed within a few days of anyone letting Snoopy know they had a problem. Which is more than can be said about yours.

Lowell said:

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I pulled them when I was told my files had been changed from the way they were built, then re-posted at a different site.
You Pulled your maps here because you could not get your own way and you claimed harassment from members. And now you say they were changed from the way you built them. Well I can definitely say they have not been changed in anyway or form. They are exactly the way you made them and posted them with nothing at all changed so you got your facts wrong there. Who ever told you that has told you a big fat untruth.
And as for the Lowell on my site he has made only 1 post which was in reference to the BB's an nothing about any of your stuff.
But then you wouldn't know that as you can be bothered even to read whats posted.
As for being confused I think it is you that still is, and as what i said still stands. Sending you our SAM Versions you could edit them so they have errors and then claim that we messed them up. But who knows what you have in mind once you got your hands on them I would not take your word on that you would not as you keep changing it all the time. And seeing you can't be bothered trying to work together I do not see any point in talking about it any more. You do what you want to do.

You say you want peace with everyone but then fly of the handle at anyone who answers you. Post have been made by others and you still can't be bothered to answer them either, but i can see that nothing has changed with you and it never will and you will never try. You just want to be able to post your so called mods and only have praise for your work but if its not good comments you throw a tantrum and try to blame everyone else for it.
Oh well I was hoping you would have changed but I guess all that was just a joke on us by you.

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