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Re: Holidays_In_Ohio-ToyTrains CIC v2.0

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:40 pm
by Tijer
K-Class - You are the one spreading misinformation. First of all, the installers do not install junk in files all over the SMR .EXE. They install only to the My Games directory in assets and user maps. Second, there are roughly 100 maps that where made prior to SAM. I do not believe that the makers of those maps would take to kindly to you referring to there maps as junk. Third, SMRI was produced in a period of about 3 months. Due to time constrictions for the anniversary, the compilation was not fully beta tested. Add to that that some maps had errors that the original mappers where never told about. If you want to help then state what the problem are and they can be addressed. However, if all you are going to do is say that it is junk then please keep your comments to yourself. Those of us that are working on the old maps are getting to them. Or for that matter you can fix them and repost them yourself. In case you have not noticed, gamers are a dime a dozen on this forum compared to mappers. We could use the help, but we do not need the criticism.

On the subject of providing help, other data must be requested other then system specs and operating system. Background programs also need to be shut down since SMR is a memory hog. In the case of XP, the lowest I have ever been able to strip it too was 15 operations, I am sure that you could say what Vista can be striped to. The point is that is also a factor.

Lowell - What in the world are you talking about? Utah is not a Stand Alone Map in any form. First of all, Utah had custom content as well as a BAT file. Plus the original files have errors that need to be fixed.
I think the idea of "self contained" maps has been around for quite some time. I made my file set off of many older maps that were already in the forum. Utah and several others can be played as self contained maps right now (old version) and run fast and crash free.
As far as I know the only SAM Version of Utah that exist is the one that Snoopy created. Any thing else will crash unless you alter the XML. So stop rewriting history. As a matter of fact, Snoopy described SAMs on the Utah Thread in May of 2007and he and I developed SAM the following November. You also state other maps, which ones? Before you stated that you got the idea from Fireaxis Holiday scenario, but that map was full of errors and crashed out all the time. Prior to SAM, all maps with mods where global including the holiday scenario. SMRI was the first attempt to assemble a compilation of maps to form a standard. I would like to remind everyone that SMRI contained all of the mods that existed at the time, in one block, so that not every mod needed to be added to the globals or to have prerequisite maps installed.
Self contained maps allows map makers to make new game content and even larger game maps...and still let the game run faster/better.
On this point you are stretching the truth. SAMs allow for new content to be added with out effecting the content of other maps. As for speed the game still runs at the same speed that it always had, but by reducing content loaded into RAM, the chances of crashing have greatly been reduced, but not eliminated.
Karsten and several others can speak of the discovery process while beta testing several maps. So actually many were involved in the file construction...if it weren't for Dwax playing the map in TrainTable mode...and finding that self contained maps need a global rrt trains file for train table mode to work.
I guess the discovery process was for you since Snoopy and I had already described to you what a SAM was and how they where to work, only to be rebuffed as SAMs being to inconvenient, since you would have to stop the program to delete one set of files and unzip another. ( Yes - I keep all my files zipped in the My Games directory. I unzip a file and play the map. when I want to change maps I delete the folder and unzip another.) Anyway, had it not been for Rodea, Dwax would still be wondering if he would live to see Florida Gold. Then come to think of it, it was Rodea that also proved that the trees could be snowed in your Ohio map, so that makes two maps that Rodea has completed for you. GREAT JOB RODEA ! ! ! Since it will most likely be the only compliment that he will get on the subject. And is that also his train stations that you are using? Just more of the guy's GREAT WORK.

I am sure that Karsten can talk about the discovery process, since he had already received copies of SAMs from Snoopy prior to your great revelation. As a matter of fact Karsten and Mikeyc both received 5 SAMs each to beta test roughly one week prior. Both told Snoopy that the maps where OK. All of those SAM maps failed and needed to be corrected by me.
So, CIC maps have a set of rules, mostly being the biggie of totally crash free as well.
Interesting that CICs have a set of rules. Maybe you would like to share those rules with the rest of the forum since of the two CIC maps that you have posted, both are done differently. The only thing that they have in common is that they both contain tons of renamed KF files that are not needed.

So CICs can not crash. Then if that is the case then why the beta test? The fact is that any file system can crash. If all the data is not added correctly then the map will crash. Remember the the missing Orange Juice file in Florida Gold that you forgot to add? Also long runs in late game will cause crashes of any file system on any map, regardless of PC specs. No one on this forum can deny that they do not know that the game as delivered from Fireaxis was not close to being a clean game, even after the two patches, game is still buggy.

As for the discussion of FPK verses a file folder called Assets or anything else, that is hog wash. The game only reads the data once on loading the map. With todays PCs you are not going to convince me that one type loads noticeably faster then the other. After that the FPK and or the folder can be removed and the game played to completion (this has been test on several maps including Florida Gold 400?) . The data is stored in RAM on the PC. If the RAM gets overloaded, the game will CTD.

Re: Holidays_In_Ohio-ToyTrains CIC v2.0

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:56 pm
by karsten
Great Lowell, looking forward to your enhanced map! I think Rodea had a green tint only because the snow texture is designed not to fully cover the texture (ie normally rocks, green grass in his case) underneath.

This is how I found the best routes for Ohio.
As you say, if one could change the colour of the focus indicator on the minimap, that would be a great help. Hope it turns up soon. :P

Re: Holidays_In_Ohio-ToyTrains CIC v2.0

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 3:09 am
by Rodea2007
karsten wrote:I think Rodea had a green tint only because the snow texture is designed not to fully cover the texture (ie normally rocks, green grass in his case) underneath.
You're right karsten,...those map I edited less of 2 hours, just I only to answer my question that's possible to changed/add snow effect to the trees ( not full edited )

Re: Holidays_In_Ohio-ToyTrains CIC v2.0

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:04 am
by Lowell
At first I thought it would be too white. The map looks fantastic with the snow covered trees added...Rodea thanks so much. That also showed the way to get snow on the industry buildings real quick also, without making a whole new game model. The time stamp and dds image files did the trick. As this is a self contained map it won't change the games default, as the map folder is pulled out of usermaps before map change.

It seems this map is getting a big update made for it. Is there anything else that may need changed or added? You know...many of my maps are fine tuned by a group effort. Everyone takes part, beta testers give ideas and more other map makers offer ideas and more. It is greatly appreciated and enjoyed by only makes maps better. So I do thank everyone and especially Rodea...even the players offer ideas and thought in map development. So thanks to everyone. A lot of time and effort goes into the image editing, so thanks to Burlington_Northern for his hard work on the game models and train engines. know...this "Foe List" the forum has is blocks out all the unwanted noise and don't even know it's there... :D

Re: Holidays_In_Ohio-ToyTrains CIC v2.0

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:17 am
by dwax
Can't wait to test this with the new engines. :mrgreen: Make sure I get the test link Lowell. :lol:

Re: Holidays_In_Ohio-ToyTrains CIC v2.0

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:22 am
by Burlington_Northern_3140
You could look into the signals0 FPK and try to get the signal at the lower part of the page to work in game :D

Re: Holidays_In_Ohio-ToyTrains CIC v2.0

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:55 am
by Lowell
Burlington_Northern_3140 wrote:You could look into the signals0 FPK and try to get the signal at the lower part of the page to work in game :D
...okay...I'll look into that right now...good idea.

EDIT...think this is the signal lamp you are refering to. I'm going to start digging and see how they are assigned.

Re: Holidays_In_Ohio-ToyTrains CIC v2.0

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:17 am
by K-class
been playing Rodea2007 South West USA In Winter Season and with the snow Rodea2007 has lightened it up a bit.

Lighter dusting of snow, looks great. (check out the new animations.)

To me looks a better affect than a blanket white look.

Perhaps this could be a way to do it till we find the white quadwrangle etc.

Re: Holidays_In_Ohio-ToyTrains CIC v2.0

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:39 am
by Lowell
On that winter SWest map, what you are seeing is the mountain rock texture showing through. The Ohio map is flat for the most part. I have added some blue tones to the snow that will help break-up the white areas.

I am working on this Chesapeake and Ohio passenger and mail train...image below...

Re: Holidays_In_Ohio-ToyTrains CIC v2.0

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 3:32 pm
by Burlington_Northern_3140
That train looks great! Yes that is the signal lamp.

Re: Holidays_In_Ohio-ToyTrains CIC v2.0

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 3:38 pm
by Burlington_Northern_3140
I was looking for an XML that would tell the game to look for the Gantry so that I could send it after the Signal instead. Since I never found a XML that would tell the game to look for the Signal, I think you should be able to rename the Signal after the two Gantries and the game would open the Signal files.

Re: Holidays_In_Ohio-ToyTrains CIC v2.0

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:56 pm
by karsten
So THAT is where Victoria Railways (Australia) got the idea for their paint scheme! :P

Re: Holidays_In_Ohio-ToyTrains CIC v2.0

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:27 pm
by Burlington_Northern_3140
Most EMD F units were based on one paint scheme. the paint on the Victoria Railways Unit is using one based on one that is seen on many other railways like Wabash: ... 53&nseq=51, and other F units used something more like this: ... 056&nseq=3. They just changed the colors of the paint and modified the scheme a bit.

Re: Holidays_In_Ohio-ToyTrains CIC v2.0

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:36 am
by Lowell
I have the mail car complete for the C&O passenger and mail train. Should be done with the passenger car and the F A&B units tonight. I think the new Ohio Central trains would be great as I like their new color schemes. GP7's, 38's, 4400's any others?

I am not sure which steam engine to use in making the steam passenger train pictured below...any thoughts? I was thinking of the Mikado...not sure.

We will have to let Jowie10 know in case he wants to use these Ohio trains for his Ohio Large map. I will let him know.

...EDIT... almost forgot...on the subject of the track signal lamps. I believe the game has the instructions for them inside the game's exe. There is no way to edit them except as you noted replace the named items and have the substitute pop-in their place. The only thought I had was the tower spans across the tracks...not at their sides where the one on a stand would sit. The game may render the lamp post in the middle of the track thinking it is a tower. I am still going to give it a try, but logic says it might not work correctly.


I have attached a couple screenshots with the new cars in action. I am still working on the F units. Here seen being pulled by the gp38s. The version 1 cars will be smaller for the steam engines and have the older colors.
The landscape has been edited. I used the tint map to give the snow some light blues and greens, this highlights areas and will stop the snow blindness. The banks of the river and lakes also have new textures added. This should help...but I still need that triangle.

Re: Holidays_In_Ohio-ToyTrains CIC v2.0

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:40 am
by karsten
Wow. Breathtaking screenshots! Sid may not recognize his game ... :wink: