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Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 5:25 am
by snoopy55
Ya, I feel the same way about this gane. I go to bed, barely able to keep my eyes open, lay there almost asleep, and my mind lights a candle, pulls an idea off the shelf, thinks on it, then kicks me out of bed to go try it out. The next thing I know, the birds are singing and I'm on my 10th cup of coffee :shock:

I'll give you that it should work OK, but the Beer Cask Car was created so that we could make Beer and Wine on the same map. As long as you stay away from such maps until your GLOBALS get corrected by a Setup, your OK.

You see Pete, this is what I love to do, (no, not confuse you :twisted: ) help people out and find out what the problems are with this game and try to fix them. And come up with ideas of my own.

Since you'll be readingthis in the morning, I hope you had a great nights sleep, I know I didn't :shock: :lol:

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 5:29 am
by dwax
Your alright snoopy :) we are lucky to have you on the forum. :)

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 5:30 am
by Pete
I know I said go to bed.
I'm still sitting here doing dumb things.

Thanks again


Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 5:58 am
by snoopy55
Hey, of all the things I could be doing, (sleeping, sleeping ans sleeping) I'm sitting here antaganizing some dude up in British Columbia. Think I'll go watch a movie (Man of the House) and have a snack.

Thankx dwax, just keep finding things for me to do and I'll keep screwing things up :twisted: ......I mean working on things :evil: Right now I have things to watch on the forum, a job learning how to make that El Mexicano map work, figuring what to do on that Copper Canyon map and one map that's been giving me a headache for hours on end, and I've barely gotten started on it. I still have to cause myself brain damage trying to figure out how to do something evil on it :twisted: :twisted: 8)

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 6:05 am
by Pete
I'm used to being antagonized...........I'm married.

go to bed


Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 7:40 am
by Pete
You know.........we been fighting here to get beer working; and I think we solved it...........but I've been remiss in thanking d(bunch of mumbers) for creating the map in the first place.

Thanks Halifax..........


Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 8:05 am
by atani
snoopy55 wrote: atani - direct me to the instructions for the making of the Setups and I'll try to see if I can do it. I need to learn and you do have alot to do.
I have regenerated the installer (again) with hopefully the last patch required to get Beer Cask Car to show up properly!

Installer instructions are available from You will need to get the installer scripts which I have created so far, if you are interested I will email them to you (without map files, just NSIS files)


Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 10:45 pm
by snoopy55
YES, you did it again atani!!! I deleted my MATITIMES Scenario and took Beer Cask Car out of GLOBAL TrainCars. Installed the latest update and the Scenario and the GLOBAL check out. Way To Go :D

I'll look into the installer materials. I only asked cause I remember in the original thread you mentioned doing a tut on how to do it. Didn't know if you had completd it yet.

Pete wrote:I'm used to being antagonized...........I'm married.
I was married twice before...just took me till the third time to get it right! (took her 3 times also :wink: ) Having a wife's not bad, they make great leather knee pads with a manual called '101 Ways to Grovel and Beg'.

Re: Maritimes Canada

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 10:01 am
by Tazz
Added working map, Installer and SAM version to first post.