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Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 6:29 pm
by Taggart
The green coloring of the locos and the industries is not of my doing. I'm trying to find out if anyone has an idea of what I need to do or try to make the game stop switching the colors from normal to green.

I updated my graphics driver but that didn't make a difference for this problem. What version Nvidia drivers are people using where they are happy with the performance?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:36 pm
by Big Papa
I have searched google for: "Geforce 7600GS color problems"
The following link describes that the problem may be your power supply is unstable or too small for the new grapics card or that it is overheating. ... 15504.html
I don't know to much about this but I hope this helps.

Big Papa



I do like the video you created.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 3:51 am
by Warll[/youtube]

For all those who've said to themselves "Why oh why did Sid have to make SMR look like a cartoon" Theres hope on the horizon. The new map by Choobacca & Big Papa(Or at least the demo) shows us what Railroads! may very well look like in a month or two. The demo features two locos with the option of dual heading them. Both engines have new skins without the "cartoon" feel. The map also has two new industries and one new good. This map can be downloaded in an installer from here:

PS: Please up vote this please! That way more people will start downloading user made maps.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 4:09 am
by snoopy55
choobacca and Paf-Daddy - Dr Frankenstien here. I'm playing around with some things and need to know something. Can the containers have numbers added to the name, 01, 02 etc, to make new Goods / Cars?

It's something I'm looking into, but I have NO intention of posting anything with Container content till after you guys put out your fully functional map. I don't even know if I can pull this off.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 6:39 am
by gforce
you're right the added events-file doesn't work, it crashes at the first event, that's clear
BUT i did some testing:
- firstly i deleted all the goods (europe_) that were stated twice fe US_COAL so i deleted EUROPE_COAL
=> This didn't helped
- i deleted later the event with name GLOBAL_ (shares)
=> didn't help
- So i went back to my event-list and this works just fine
the events listed overthere are:

What can we learn from this?
I don't know, is there maybe 1 particularry event that causes the error?
Is the amount of events important?
The goods listed important?
I could maybe test more, but it's pretty boring, 'adding an event, fast forward and wait for a crash or event' and so on...
if you wanna give it a try?
I still believe this is very important to know, there that as you also notice, there are alot of people having crashes, and if the events-file is correct there will never be anyone with any problems, imlagine :)
Start off then with my list of events that works, in the local events-file i just reference to the event-name, no code. if you've got a global events-file or not, won't make a difference (i think)(still there could be a moment that i keep me busy with stupid testing, i've got the habitute since modelling with SMR)

ps: the containers are pretty cool... there could be some possibilities because those containers are like black-boxes (content could be different) :wink:

ps2: also my remark about free-camera-view, it's for me this case: it only crashes when you look up in the sky, if you want to zoom out move backwards :)
does anyone think it could be because of the sky.nif, or so you know it's because of another problem???

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 3:25 am
by Big Papa
To add variety, the container cars (a new car type for each good) could have different types of manufactured good. The port & distribution center would both have to accept these new container car types, each car then having a new skin. Also all the mfg’s in the game would have to be separated in to specific mfg’s, each with there own new car (box car). Another way is to have the containers stay generic and the different mfg’s be accepted by the distribution center, converted to generic mfg’s. We have it in the works for ports to accept corn & grain for export. Autos would work this way too. Choo has run into a problem with setting objectives for # of car loads to the Distribution Center (an annex) and this will probably pertain to the port as well. That is why the objective is set to deliver goods to the cities. The limit seems to be 1 port & 1 distribution center per map, otherwise goods numbers will continue to grow with no limit. Another use for the container cars model is to use them to haul Garbage (new good) out of cities (waste management – new industry), (10 passengers = 1 garbage or something) to a Landfill (new annex). We have also had problems with the game CTD when loading our new car types later in the game, if that car hasn’t been used yet. Save the game before adding the new car to train, then if the game crashes you can restart from there.

Snoopy55, wish we did have a little switcher engine. More engines would be nice. Choo has contacted eilelwen, the GE AC4400CW’s will be out soon via Choo.

For those of you who are railfans, this is a nice web site for train pictures:

Big Papa

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 2:39 pm
by snoopy55
snoopy55 wrote:choobacca and Paf-Daddy - Dr Frankenstien here.
Sorry bout that Big Papa, to mush coffee to late at night.

I was thinking along these lines:

<szName>Double Stack Container01 Car</szName>

<szName>Double Stack Container02 Car</szName>

<szName>Double Stack Container03 Car</szName>

Each Container could have an Icon that would be nothing more that say, the Beer car with a black 'C' at each end. Just what could be haulled would be kept realistic. You don't want to ship a container of Autos accross the map. (import Mercedes Benz I suppose, 1 per container :P ). Grain and Corn wouldn't really get it either. Livestock would get messy :? .

Anyway, you get what I mean. Now you said only 1 port & 1 distribution center per map. Can you have 2 distribution centers per map? Gather goods and trans them across the map, unload them to the normal cars and on to their destination?

Enough of that. I'll expect a 20 page double-spaced paper written up by noon Monday :D

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 3:38 pm
by Big Papa

My comment on Grain, Corn & Autos would be direct shipment to the port, not involving well (container) cars.

2 Distribution Centers (DC) would allow the following to occur:
Port(1) - DC(1) - DC(2) - Port(1)
So you could get away with running your imported good around the map and then ship them back out. This would not very realistic. The model we developed is a copy of Intermodal freight transport except we removed the trucks at the DC and used box cars in there place. No room for trucks in a train game.
Also: Port(1) - DC(1) - DC(2) - DC(1) - DC(2)....forever. or Port(1) - Port(2)

Big Papa

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:46 am
by choobacca
Nice videos. Our v1.0 release will have much more for you to film.

In the mean time, if anyone wants to start putting the trains, cars, or any of the other elements from this demo into their maps, please feel free.
Snoopy55, I know you asked because you had more ideas for the well cars, so go right ahead.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:34 am
by snoopy55
Big Papa - I go 2 Distribution Centers going on your map. The second is at X -132 and Y -20. I ran a connecting track thru Poison Mesa and worked it up so I could build a Manufactured Goods Plant there. My route went from Poisin Mesa with MGs to the Distribution Center I added, unloaded the MGs and loaded the Containers. Then over to the original Distribution Center to unload and load up MGs which were then taken to Poisin Mesa.

Yes, alot of running for nothing, but I was doing a preliminary test. Now, can more than 1 type of Container be loaded and unloaded from those Distribution Centers?

More fun... :D

Can't wait for the final of your map.....

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:07 pm
by Dr Frag
Yeah, I actually enlarged the map so I could navigate easier. :P

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:12 pm
by snoopy55
Hey, it's a Demo, theres still some blasting to do. Those Labor Unoins are tough to get moving :?

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 5:15 am
by stormfather
I really like the open ended victory conditions present on the map, it allows the player to really focus on his starting area without having to run too many lines all over the map just to connect a corner city that's detailed in a victory condition. Not that I mind tricky victory conditions, but it is interesting to have a less linear set of victory conditions like those in this demo. The map design and the custom content are top notch. I'm eager to see what you guys cook up for the final release.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:25 pm
by Dr Frag
dwax wrote:
Dr Frag wrote:Yeah, I actually enlarged the map so I could navigate easier. :P
How do you do that Dr Frag??
I opened the .tga file in Paint Shop Pro and ran my layering script on it to collapse it. Then I changed the Canvas Size to 841x841 and filled in the border of each layer with the proper color. Next I ran my tiling script to put the image back into the proper format for the game and saved it as an uncompressed .tga file. And then I edited the RRT_Scenario_User_BasinAndRange.xml file and changed <MapSize>13</MapSize> to <MapSize>14</MapSize>


Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 2:27 am
by Dr Frag
No, we don't want to change any of the city positions, just give the map more area around the edges.