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Re: Toran War Map

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 3:42 am
by Bunit
Rodea2007 wrote:
Bunit wrote:
HEAH I used the same one YOU USED
not the one in the 1st post the one in the 7th post.
and there is no need to yell at me I am not deaf or blind I can read everything that is written and understand what is being said but you just push in and push YOUR silly way of doing things onto people who are trying to make their very 1st maps.
Help is appreciated, but please do consider that every one has their own way of doing things and learning things. So out of respect to them you should not add your own stuff to their maps or even make them. They will never learn how to make it if people like you keep hijacking their maps and and posting their maps files changed to your way doing them.

Let them make their maps and Learn and Ask questions and get answers that help and not totally confuse them with your SO called Expert help as I can see that you are still learning thing from others yourself.

I am new to this forum as well and have seen others here post files that just totally confuse any new map maker. So Cut it Out please as its bad enought trying to learn with out having someone else shoving their own files onto others.
And Rodea practise what you preach before you insult others.

LoneBoy I do apologise for posting this in your thread as well but its been happening to often to us new people who are trying to make maps.
Could you Read the PM below
my map

Sent at: Wed Mar 18, 2009 6:09 pm
From: LoneBoy
To: Rodea2007
hello.i uploaded my map again in my thread(ultrapolis).i repaired everything but now game is crashing after a few minutes.could you check it.thkx.


Sent at: Thu Mar 19, 2009 2:51 am
From: LoneBoy
To: Rodea2007
Heeelllo. I fixed everything you told me, but again, it is crashing after two or three min, no matter what i do. Or not do. i am gonna get craze. Is Vista guilty. I just did 3gb, and i got that game is runnin through runtime. now it is just crashing.pliiiz heeeelp. btw sumatera is great map.

To be honest I want to not make any comment, because, I have much work with my map, but LoneBoy was PM me and ask me to help his map, That I must do to help him,
So don't overacting here if didn't know what someone to do here.
Yes you right this map can run fine BUT UNTIL I repeated BUT UNTIL you press any key on the City wich have textile Mill. this is as like if you have an Industry in Out City but you don't have an annex for them so, if you make a track to that industry this game will be CTD.
One Big Question for you:
Did you ever make a map and posting in this forum or other forum :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
I'm sure 100% again you never did.

Of Course he needs help now as you totally helped him mess everything up by giving him all the wrong sort of help. He was doing fine until you got him totally confused.

What he needs to learn 1st is how to make a standard map with no mods, and then when thats done and working and he understand how that process works then he can progress onto adding Modifications.

Like i said before stop trying to give your so called expert help and remember its His 1st map let him get throught making that one work without trying to add modifications and getting totally confused.

So LoneBoy Just Start Over Again and try making the Map with all the standard games items and forget adding modifications to it until you understand the basic map making processes.

And yes I have made maps and had problems. I read this forum and have asked for help but not as posts in this forum but as PM's, As the help you get here is totally usless to us new people as people like you tell US to make the map this way and that way and add this modification and that to this xml and do this and do that to which it totally useless and confusing to any new person who is just starting out making maps.

So see if you had not posted at all he would not have had any problems. And may have got the right sort of help he needed.

And I aslo see you have gotten into the bad habbit of going back and editing your posts and adding things to it do not do that that just maske a new post as most people only read the post one time then wait for the next new posts they dont re-read whats allready there.

And Again I apologise to LoneBoy but this sort of help has goto stop.

Re: Toran War Map

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:00 am
by Rodea2007
Bunit wrote:
Like i said before stop trying to give your so called expert help and remember its His 1st map let him get throught making that one work without trying to add modifications and getting totally confused.
A big Question For you: Who are you....... :?: :?: :?: :?:
ordered the people at your course..... 8)
If you can blame the person you have to have a solution to fix it if not I must say you Must NATO that means Not Actions Talk Only.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Toran War Map

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:19 am
by Bunit
Rodea2007 wrote:
Bunit wrote:
Like i said before stop trying to give your so called expert help and remember its His 1st map let him get throught making that one work without trying to add modifications and getting totally confused.
A big Question For you: Who are you....... :?: :?: :?: :?:
ordered the people at your course..... 8)
If you can blame the person you have to have a solution to fix it if not I must say you Must NATO that means Not Actions Talk Only
I am A concerned new member to this forum who is just voicing what i see as a major concern for us new people trying to make maps. I am just stating the facts as I see them that are causing a major problem to new map makers and want it to stop.

And I am Sure If i posted my maps here people like you would tell me all the so called Experts way of you did this wrong and that wrong do it this way and or that way to which is not want i want to hear or need to read about.

Help us learn the basics and not all these confusing do it rodeas way or Lowells way ETC as these just help make our maps crash even more than they would doing it the basic way. Its Like being a baby you have to crawl before you learnt to walk. Tell Us the problem and the right way to fix the map as the map is made and not the way you or others would do it as thats not what is needed.

And NATO (no actions talk only) what the hell does that mean Nuts At The Office if no action is taken then nothing gets done at all talk is cheap and quite often useless.

PS: Also read My Previous post again as i did a BAD thing and edited it as you were posting this post. As I seen that you had editied your post while i was posting that post.

Re: Toran War Map

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:23 am
by Rodea2007
snoopy55 wrote:But yours won't work right either because a Megapolis and above is looking to get Textiles. Without a Textile Mill, no Textiles. It would have been better to add wool and remove the Nitrates production set from the Sheep Farm so it produced both.
Did you noticed this Snoopy
rodea2007 wrote:
You must to delete Textile Mill from RRT_Industries, and you still have Rodea Cargo Port can be produce Textiles by input Double Stack Container.

Re: Toran War Map

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:42 am
by Rodea2007
Bunit wrote:
Rodea2007 wrote:
Bunit wrote:
Like i said before stop trying to give your so called expert help and remember its His 1st map let him get throught making that one work without trying to add modifications and getting totally confused.
A big Question For you: Who are you....... :?: :?: :?: :?:
ordered the people at your course..... 8)
If you can blame the person you have to have a solution to fix it if not I must say you Must NATO that means Not Actions Talk Only
I am A concerned new member to this forum who is just voicing what i see as a major concern for us new people trying to make maps. I am just stating the facts as I see them that are causing a major problem to new map makers and want it to stop.

And I am Sure If i posted my maps here people like you would tell me all the so called Experts way of you did this wrong and that wrong do it this way and or that way to which is not want i want to hear or need to read about.

Help us learn the basics and not all these confusing do it rodeas way or Lowells way ETC as these just help make our maps crash even more than they would doing it the basic way. Its Like being a baby you have to crawl before you learnt to walk. Tell Us the problem and the right way to fix the map as the map is made and not the way you or others would do it as thats not what is needed.

And NATO (no actions talk only) what the hell does that mean Nuts At The Office if no action is taken then nothing gets done at all talk is cheap and quite often useless.

PS: Also read My Previous post again as i did a BAD thing and edited it as you were posting this post. As I seen that you had editied your post while i was posting that post.
I told to the forum that problem does not reduce with my respect to the Loneboy in order to all peoples in here who is want to make a map will be Understand what's wrong and they will be learn about it. So if you want to make a map you will not make a mistake for the second time, just it, No I'm not advertising as Expert, I'm still learn too in here, and almost 2 years with experince by tis game, I want to share my knowledges to the peoples who is needed, as my map I not need advertising for them, just say If you like get it on your hand and vica versa if you don't like it leave it........ 8)

Re: Toran War Map

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 5:18 am
by Bunit
Rodea2007 wrote: BY="snoopy55":But yours won't work right either because a Megapolis and above is looking to get Textiles. Without a Textile Mill, no Textiles. It would have been better to add wool and remove the Nitrates production set from the Sheep Farm so it produced both.

Did you noticed this Snoopy
Well Here is another great example of your help:
rodea2007 wrote:
You must to delete Textile Mill from RRT_Industries, and you still have Rodea Cargo Port can be produce Textiles by input Double Stack Container.
why must he whats the reason for deleting this.

This is what I mean no explinations or nothing just delete this add that and it should work. May have been he wanted Textiles and wool in his map.

And in the same quote above you have: you can still have Rodea Cargo Port Can be Produce Textiles by input Double Stack Container. Whats all this mean where does it go is he using the port in the 1st place etc.

As he said in his very first post this is my 1st Map. So do not assume that he/them/us know what you are talking about. And then Think he/them/us is new and he/them/us need the right sort of help. Not an EXPERTS Map type of but Beginner type Help.
Also I am not this Snoopy as I see he also can make mistakes at times like in the above part where he says=
It would have been better to add wool and remove the Nitrates production set from the Sheep Farm so it produced both. Sheep farm produce both what?
The way i read that part mean it could produce both wool and textiles.

Any way I see that you Just do not understand what I am trying to get through to you. So It Is no point trying to explain it to you anymore.
My advice to you is to read things the way they are posted, Think about whats written there and understand that its either some one new to making maps and give the right sort of help for them or if its a more experienced person give them your more experienced help.

Any Help is appreciated as long as it makes sense to the person otherwise its all garbage to them.
I am not trying to abuse you but just trying to get you to give the right sorts of help in the right situations.

And I have made 4 maps now that I play on my computer as thats where i want them to stay until i get better at making maps worthy of others using them.
I have played your maps and love them as well.

PS seeing you posted as I was here is my Answer to that as well.
rodea2007 wrote: I told to the forum that problem does not reduce with my respect to the Loneboy in order to all peoples in here who is want to make a map will be Understand what's wrong and they will be learn about it. So if you want to make a map you will not make a mistake for the second time, just it, No I'm not advertising as Expert, I'm still learn too in here, and almost 2 years with experince by tis game, I want to share my knowledges to the peoples who is needed, as my map I not need advertising for them, just say If you like get it on your hand and vica versa if you don't like it leave it........
Well I am not talking about your maps and you advertising them.
Your knowledge is appreciated where it is useful but in some cases its more confusing than helpful to new people.

And the Other problem could be also as you are from Indonesia and I dont know if you are using a translator to convert your language to english but at times it very confusing trying to read what you are saying. Either your English Is not very good or the translator is converting your language very badly I dont know. But it really at times makes your posts very hard to follow.

Any way thats all I have to say now and will go back to my game as i am testing Lowells map. Then might venture into making another larger map with some small modifcations added.

Re: Toran War Map

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 6:39 am
by Rodea2007
Bunit wrote: Well Here is another great example of your help:
rodea2007 wrote:
You must to delete Textile Mill from RRT_Industries, and you still have Rodea Cargo Port can be produce Textiles by input Double Stack Container.
Bunit wrote: why must he whats the reason for deleting this.
This is what I mean no explinations or nothing just delete this add that and it should work. May have been he wanted Textiles and wool in his map.
I do understand know more less about this game I think from the previous
Why I suggested to delete Textile Mill??? because he was not have Wool as Good in his map, din't you know the Textile Mill need a wool to produce Textiles, while he has Textiles but no problem with it because he still have Rodea Cargo Port that can be produce textiles when input Double Stack Container.....are you still understand....???? if yes you could PM me and ask about it....... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Bunit wrote: Also I am not this Snoopy as I see he also can make mistakes at times like in the above part where he says=
It would have been better to add wool and remove the Nitrates production set from the Sheep Farm so it produced both. Sheep farm produce both what?
The way i read that part mean it could produce both wool and textiles.
You must read what snoppy posted to clearly, as I know he want to make standar procedural that is make Sheep Farm produce both Wool and Nitrates, if remove the nitrates so must be remove Chemical Plant and Medicine include hospital, because without Nitrates that industries can't be used
Bunit wrote: And the Other problem could be also as you are from Indonesia and I dont know if you are using a translator to convert your language to english but at times it very confusing trying to read what you are saying. Either your English Is not very good or the translator is converting your language very badly I dont know. But it really at times makes your posts very hard to follow.
I guess you correct....But I will glad if you prepared as my translator in order to all the peoples here know what I means.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Toran War Map

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 6:44 am
by LoneBoy
wou what a publicity xd.well if any1 started this map he would see that i dont need text mill because i have port converting dsc to text.and i did that because i needed nitrates full production.and if u dont believe me im learning very quickly and i understand those xmls but i get confused sometimes of course.thkx rodea 4 help and this addon 4 ai really works.btw i am holdin text mill in indust xml as a template 4 adding another industries.xd

Re: Toran War Map

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 7:13 am
by Rodea2007
Bunit wrote: Any way thats all I have to say now and will go back to my game as i am testing Lowells map. Then might venture into making another larger map with some small modifcations added.
I just remember now.....As tester Lowell map you want to Overacting in here that can attract attention Lowell by attack me, Don't do it I REPEAT don't do it, because I know Lowell so long before you know him.
And you need to know, I have plan to post my The Island Of Sodor Map Today but due to you stupid questions , I will think again for a while until I have mod to post them....
I'm sorry for all peoples here..... :(

Re: Toran War Map

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:35 am
by Bunit
Rodea2007 wrote:
Bunit wrote: Any way thats all I have to say now and will go back to my game as i am testing Lowells map. Then might venture into making another larger map with some small modifcations added.
I just remember now.....As tester Lowell map you want to Overacting in here that can attract attention Lowell by attack me, Don't do it I REPEAT don't do it, because I know Lowell so long before you know him.
And you need to know, I have plan to post my The Island Of Sodor Map Today but due to you stupid questions , I will think again for a while until I have mod to post them....
I'm sorry for all peoples here..... :(
For your information I am not one of Lowells testers he PMed me offering help when i asked other questions in other topics and offered one of his maps for me to use and see how it was made. I can not stop lowell from reading posts to which he probably allready has and if it was him doing what you are I would have posted the exact same things. I am not attacking you or anyone just asking that when you offer help make sure its the right kind of help and dont fly of the handle because someone can not understand what the hell you are talking about and asks you to recitify this type of help that has been offered.
I have read heaps of posts by you and everyone else who has been offering help with map makers and I see a pattern
of everyone helping not actually give the right sort of help thats actually needed at the time instead they are grabbing the persons files modifying them then re-posting the files with out telling the person what was wrong and how to fix it LoneBoy maybe a fast learner as I am but there are others who are reading all these post who are totally confused as I was and I bet at 1st LOneBoy was also.
I am sorry I Do not see my posts as stupid and if you do well you should go read them all again, they are genuine posts and are very relevant for new folks wishing to learn.

As for me stopping you posting your map I had nothing at all to do with that as you decided to carry on the topic, Where as you could have posted your map, And then came back to this topic. This is all i have to say now so change your Mod (which i think you meant to say mood) be happy and be safe.

Re: Toran War Map

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:12 am
by Rodea2007
Bunit wrote: As for me stopping you posting your map I had nothing at all to do with that as you decided to carry on the topic, Where as you could have posted your map, And then came back to this topic. This is all i have to say now so change your Mod (which i think you meant to say mood) be happy and be safe.
Ya...I means mood, I've lost a lot of energy and thought to reply your question, so I need time to rest to restore the energy and my mind...

Re: Toran War Map

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 3:21 pm
by Jancsika
If anybody has private issues with anybody else's post, please keep it off this forum. It does not help anybody especially LoneBoy, who, by the way, produced a splendid map in spite of the conflicting instructions given.
There is a “PM” feature here. Just use it, please!

LoneBoy: Keep up the good work!!!

Re: Toran War Map

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:35 pm
by mikeyc
Bunit, I take exception to your comments about the help offered and delivered by members of the forum and particularly Rodea. The basis of your posts seem to revolve around the method used to teach new modders. That is to evolve them step by step rather than giving them the final result. Consider. Teaching, being a evolutionary process in that your knowledge evolves from its present state to a state somewhere higher, involving steps that can be small or large depending on who's teaching.
When Loneboy aproached Rodea and got a responce taking him to the next knowledge level and still didn't solve the issue meaning Loneboy then had to go back to Rodea with more questions repeating the process and slowly learning untill Loneboy attains the level of Rodea. Or. Rodea has gone straight to the top level and presented the information and even suggested his own mods to fix the problem (mods that he knows will work). Which is right? One method is slow and the other is fast.
If Loneboy or anyone else for that matter, doesnt understand the information they are given then the onus is on them to seek clarification from the person supplying the information. Its not up to you to criticise the way the information is delivered.
Lowell,Snoopy,Bn,Jancsika and Rodea have my full support for the information and content they deliver to this forum..... you dont. Bunit butt Out!!!

Re: Toran War Map

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 10:33 pm
by snoopy55
mikeyc - I think what this is mainly about is something that was started a few months ago. Back in the first quarter of 2007 it was found that we needed to go to GLOBALS, which consists of master XMLs in CustomAssets/XML. This worked fine until the amount of materials got to be to much and systems could not handle it. Originally it was not unstable, as has been stated, it worked, and worked fine. To alleviate the problem, a new system was needed. I mentioned something about it on the forum somewhere and Tijer contacted me. Together we eliminated the GLOBAL system and simply put into a map what was needed. Lowell came up with a similar system. STEP Inc is now working on a newer version of SAM called SAM2. It will cut back even more on memory usage. Rodea2007 is now stating at times that the only way to go is to have the FPKs or material folders in CustomAssets and a RRT_Goods.xml in CustomAssets/XML. He is also requiring the loading of certain maps of his in order to run newer maps. This is going right back to the GLOBAL system. SAM maps have been written and working for over a year now. I do not understand what the problem is. Lowell's CICs have even more Global type XMLs in them, but this does not seem to be a problem with Rodea2007, at least not that he has mentioned.

As to the PMs, if a person is asking for help thru PM, that discussion should stay in PMs. Replies or solutions should not be posted, just like the repair map Rodea2007 did should not have been posted. If you download it, it has no FPK or Material folders. It has 3-line custom Goods, but no GLOBAL XML is included. Yes, Rodea2007 knew how it was to be used, and I did, and several others could have figured it out, but not everybody reads the forums, especially when it has posts such as this one does, so they would not know.

If LoneBoy wants to learn from Rodea2007, it should be done PM or Email style. People reading the thread are being left out of part of the conversation and do not know what is going on. Otherwise the teaching will be from all those who choose to join in, preferably without all the attacks.

And I apologize for not catching the DSCs hauling Textiles, but we all overlook things, and double-high red lettering is not needed to push the error down someones throat. a simple 'you must have missed this part of my post' would have done. and going back and editing posts long after they were made is a bit uncalled for also as it tends to make the posts following it a bit ridiculous. And no Rodea2007, the finger is not being specifically at you.

To LoneBoy - you might want to start a new thread and call it Toran War Map V2, or something to that effect, so you can start a clean thread, and hopefully, a clean discussion that sticks to the subject....your map.

As to me, I'm taking on a new way of replying to posts - EODOMP. Simple put, End Of Discussion On My Part if I feel it is getting to hot. The only way I will re-enter the discussion is if the person starting the thread requests it. I'm not going to continue to argue and defend what I and those who have assisted me have done that is working fine.

So, as for me at this time - EODOMP

Re: Toran War Map

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 1:34 am
by Bunit
mikeyc wrote:Bunit, I take exception to your comments about the help offered and delivered by members of the forum and particularly Rodea. The basis of your posts seem to revolve around the method used to teach new modders. That is to evolve them step by step rather than giving them the final result. Consider. Teaching, being a evolutionary process in that your knowledge evolves from its present state to a state somewhere higher, involving steps that can be small or large depending on who's teaching.
When Loneboy aproached Rodea and got a responce taking him to the next knowledge level and still didn't solve the issue meaning Loneboy then had to go back to Rodea with more questions repeating the process and slowly learning untill Loneboy attains the level of Rodea. Or. Rodea has gone straight to the top level and presented the information and even suggested his own mods to fix the problem (mods that he knows will work). Which is right? One method is slow and the other is fast.
If Loneboy or anyone else for that matter, doesnt understand the information they are given then the onus is on them to seek clarification from the person supplying the information. Its not up to you to criticise the way the information is delivered.
Lowell,Snoopy,Bn,Jancsika and Rodea have my full support for the information and content they deliver to this forum..... you dont. Bunit butt Out!!!
Well if the information delivered is not acurate I will criticise it. Would you jump off a cliff if the information delivered to you told you too. Wouldn't you question the reasoning why you had to jump off. I dont care if you can not see the facts as I stated them throught out this topic that what I pointed out is true.
You don't goto school and get taught colledge stuff in kindergarden you don't jump grades unless you are a genius, but thats what you are saying here maybe you are forgetting what it is like to be new to things.
The point is that the whole process should be shown so that all people can learn where they made their mistakes and not have some one fix them without explaining what went wrong and how to fix the problem so they wont do it again and not jump grades.
Did you ever question your school teach on things you never understood or did they explain it enough so you didn't have to. Most teachers explain things fully and you sit down and do the work. You dont read a books 1st page then jump to the last page that is whats basically happening here jumping grades or pages which may miss the important parts. I know when i went to school and wasnt sure of what was happening I asked questions the teacher then explained what hasppened and how to solve it, they did not give me the answer and then jump to the end. It helped by fully explaining the situation and I learned by my mistakes with their explainations. But thats not the case here jumping steps may seem ok to you but then I dont know if you make or have made maps. You have to remember there are other new people who come to these forums and try to understand whats written here and with all the missed explainations and steps it gets very confusing as to what is right and whats wrong, or how to do this and that. I person says do it this way while others say do it that way. It is like playing a game you dont start beginning then jump to the end and miss all the fun bits in the middle do you.
Any way you stick to your way of seeing things and I will with mine. If you cant see what I am saying thats just too bad for you. EOS