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Re: Lost Cities SAM

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:51 am
by snoopy55
Darthdroid - you need to remember that even tho your opponent still had whatever map you were playing on his system. He does not download the files from your computer, but from his own.

Burlington_Northern - yes, they work differently because SAMs use less un-needed files than CICs. But, they play the same. Florida Gold has been re-writen into SAM style long ago, and it ran the same. (and if anyone wants to start a discussion on this subject, go for it...but count me out)

Re: Lost Cities SAM

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:08 am
by darthdroid
So let me get this straight, by files you mean like the new goods and whatnot? Because I have had maps work where I was the only one that had I played Alaska and the War Zone maps with other players who did not have them...

So to reiterate...if the maps have goods that aren't in the game (like eggnog or brown sugar and pickaroons) they will need the files on their computer too? But if it's just a map, like Alaska, Australia, etc. with no new resources, they don't need it? Thanks for the help folks.

Re: Lost Cities SAM

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:19 am
by Burlington_Northern_3140
Snoopy, I was meaning the map system we used before either Sam or CIC. Most of them seemed to work wonderfully online without the opponent having them. There can't be new goods or engines unless the other opponent has them, so yes Bob that is right. I think. :?

Re: Lost Cities SAM

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:03 pm
by karsten
Well, I made it ... just! Following the tips by darthdroid, I basically hauled stuff, bought out the AIs as funds rolled in and produced endless cheese, moccasins and rum!

For some reason, the numbers required for victorywere much higher in my version, 200 of each rather than 75 and 10 (see screenshot), so it was quite some time until the last waggon rolled into town. :D Very enjoyable map, Jancsika, thanks!

Re: Lost Cities SAM

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:42 pm
by darthdroid
That would be because you used the random map. At least that's what I noticed: The regular map, where you cannot really plant industries anywhere you like is the 75 map.
If you use random, where almost all the towns have 3 empty industries, the requirements move up to 200 because the random version is of course much easier; you can put industries MUCH closer together. But I did notice that regardless, Lyonesse seems to be the preferred location (central) for the distribution center.

Correct me if I'm wrong Jancsika.

Re: Lost Cities SAM

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:50 pm
by darthdroid
Jancsika wrote:
How can I get this to work on multiplayer? Tried the random one (obviously preferred for this purpose)...but crashed 5x in a row. Something I'm doing wrong? Plz help
Honestly I don't know.
So lets hear from the experts!

I was wondering about that,because my next map I am planning to make would be a Multiplayer 20 X 20 North America Map.
I would like to hear from the multiplayer ( on Line) folks myself.
I figured that they dont't need an elaborate scenario, only the starting date and finish date.
Probably will need several equally uniform starting location, so not to give too much adventage to one or the other player.

I need to know what is better; set industries or random industries. Keep in mind that for to randomise it, there can be no more than 12 in-city industry in the game.

The standard Firaxis game is only 10 X 10. A 20 x 20 map is 4X as big. Can it be handled on-line?
I like the idea Jancsika. I'd say I would like to see you set it up like Lost BOTH! But perhaps you were making the point that 12 industries would be hard to pull off on such a big're the expert, I want to see what you can give us again!

But as long as the starting points are "fair" it would be easy to entertain us. Looking forward to seeing what you have. I'd also like to see you do a version WITH your anti-bridge and anti-tunnel XML code and a version WITHOUT, just to mix it up a bit and I assume this is a minimal change on your side. But I did enjoy being forced to avoid the iron bridges and really had to be loaded to justify a tunnel. I like your scenarios but like on Lost Cities, it would be nice to have an advanced version where the clock was a little nastier. As you saw, I could almost do both sets of objectives in the first bracket and that's just too easy for me. Changing it to robber didn't really make much difference except that to start with I really could not afford ANY flat tracks, had to just move along landscape but soon enough it made no further difference. As a result to make an "advanced" version of these, I think you need to tighten up time requirements.

Those are the thoughts of a lunatic though... so take it all with a grain of salt.

Re: Lost Cities SAM

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 5:03 am
by Jancsika
I like the idea Jancsika.
It will take couple week to complete it. I like that part of the game!.
Meanwhile, if you are looking for a really chellenging game, I suggest the Utah SAM Scenario. I had a lot fun with it. Or try Side to Side SAM, that's is also one of the eary good ones. ... =42&t=2810
Jancsika :mrgreen:

This reference does not exist any more, it was removed by poster.

Re: Lost Cities SAM

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:28 pm
by DerekDiamond
Help! I can't get this map to work at all. It's the first time I've tried to use a SAM. I've followed the instructions to the letter: created a new SMR folder and copied ONE of the map folders and the .FPK file into UserMaps (which was otherwise empty). When I ran the game, the scenario did not show up in the menu, and the game then crashed when I tried to play a different scenario.

What am I doing wrong????

PS My version of SMR is fully patched.

Re: Lost Cities SAM

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 9:50 pm
by DerekDiamond
Thanks, but I'm still confused. The zip file contained two map folders and one .FPK file. And I put one of the maps and the .FPK file into UserMaps. Am I still missing something? And if so, where do I find it?

Re: Lost Cities SAM

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:20 pm
by karsten
Actually, I have to say that I could get only one of the two maps to show up in the SMR selection. So why not try the second folder, with the .fpk in usermaps. Worked for me (see above). :D

Re: Lost Cities SAM

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 11:01 pm
by snoopy55
DerekDiamond - download BOTH zips. Place the contents of BOTH of them in UserMaps, then remove the Randon version OR the non Random version. You HAVE to have BOTH ZIPs.

Re: Lost Cities SAM

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 2:12 am
by Jancsika
Quoting darthroid!
But as long as the starting points are "fair" it would be easy to entertain us. Looking forward to seeing what you have. I'd also like to see you do a version WITH your anti-bridge and anti-tunnel XML code and a version WITHOUT, just to mix it up a bit and I assume this is a minimal change on your side. But I did enjoy being forced to avoid the iron bridges and really had to be loaded to justify a tunnel. I like your scenarios but like on Lost Cities, it would be nice to have an advanced version where the clock was a little nastier. As you saw, I could almost do both sets of objectives in the first bracket and that's just too easy for me. Changing it to robber didn't really make much difference except that to start with I really could not afford ANY flat tracks, had to just move along landscape but soon enough it made no further difference. As a result to make an "advanced" version of these, I think you need to tighten up time requirements.
I have just uploaded a new map with you in mind. There are not too many industries but many new goods. It's random, it's 20X20, and it's difficult terrain.
You can dowload it here on the Map thread. It's called NAFTA Phase I. Its the whole North American continent, every city can be a starting location and the AI seems to favor putting all the resources in the Rocky Mountains.
Jancsika :mrgreen:

Re: Lost Cities SAM

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 9:35 pm
by darthdroid
Jancsika wrote:Quoting darthroid!
But as long as the starting points are "fair" it would be easy to entertain us. Looking forward to seeing what you have. I'd also like to see you do a version WITH your anti-bridge and anti-tunnel XML code and a version WITHOUT, just to mix it up a bit and I assume this is a minimal change on your side. But I did enjoy being forced to avoid the iron bridges and really had to be loaded to justify a tunnel. I like your scenarios but like on Lost Cities, it would be nice to have an advanced version where the clock was a little nastier. As you saw, I could almost do both sets of objectives in the first bracket and that's just too easy for me. Changing it to robber didn't really make much difference except that to start with I really could not afford ANY flat tracks, had to just move along landscape but soon enough it made no further difference. As a result to make an "advanced" version of these, I think you need to tighten up time requirements.
I have just uploaded a new map with you in mind. There are not too many industries but many new goods. It's random, it's 20X20, and it's difficult terrain.
You can dowload it here on the Map thread. It's called NAFTA Phase I. Its the whole North American continent, every city can be a starting location and the AI seems to favor putting all the resources in the Rocky Mountains.
Jancsika :mrgreen:
Just now saw this... must have missed the email a few months ago. I'll check it out (maybe even today) and let you know what I think Jancsika.

Re: Lost Cities SAM

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:36 pm
by Bushdoctor
snoopy55 wrote:DerekDiamond - download BOTH zips. Place the contents of BOTH of them in UserMaps, then remove the Randon version OR the non Random version. You HAVE to have BOTH ZIPs.
Hi Snoopy,

The link in the first topic no longer exists. I assume that's where the two zips were placed?
The link in the second topic ('final') refers to a website where there's only 1 zip linked.
I tried searching the Wiki but that link seems to be dead.

Please re-link to this map or tell me what I'm doing wrong.

Re: Lost Cities SAM

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 2:13 pm
by Jancsika
Try this link for Lost cities:

The Wiki link is permanently broken. (Technical difficulties)
WarII is hosting the Wiki at this address:

Let me know if there are more problems.