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Re: Borneo Island Huge Map Pre Release

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:43 am
by Rodea2007
snoopy55 wrote:Rodea...I've been following this and if you'd like I can make a SAM version of your maps for people who want that type. I have plans on doing them at a later date, unless you prefer me not to. It's just that I have to do BBs before I can SAM the map that they came from, so I have much to do, along with the map I'm working on.

As I said, just like anyone elses maps, if you don't want them adapted to SAM versions, speak up and they will not be done.

Mind you, I only make changes to maps that crash and need repairs, or changes in the contents such as a Tannery that is nothing more than a Chemical Plant and need some DDS editing.
Be Glad ....Snoppy..... :P
Please you make that for this forum users and Lowell go ahead if you want to make my Map as CIC... :P

Re: Borneo Island Huge Map Pre Release

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:49 pm
by Lowell
Well I have even more global files in my maps, they are in the map folder in usermaps. Global files and fpks do not need to reside in the custom assets folder, if scripted correct, everything may be placed in the usermap folder. It's okay you may make your files as you wish, it's no biggie. :) I was confused because your stuff can all be placed in the one usermap folder is all. I think I was trying to say you didn't need an "installer" for your files, they could just be the Fpk and map folder. Many shy away from the installers because of what happened in the past before you got here.
It is just for the younger crowd, too many different ways to play maps and the game that can conflict with each other can cause crashes. It would be nice if all map makers were on the same page. In CIV4 all the mods are made the same.
Everything is fine...sorry I mentioned it. :)

Re: Borneo Island Huge Map Pre Release

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:24 pm
by karsten
Lowell wrote:different ways to play maps and the game that can conflict with each other can cause crashes. It would be nice if all map makers were on the same page. In CIV4 all the mods are made the same. :)
I have to agree with Lowell and Snoopy. Different ways of doing things can be creative and useful. But we have just succeeded in moving from a painful time of major instability and frustration in SMR to a new era of stable maps, which are self-contained CIC maps and standalone SAM maps. This is important progress, and we should not lose it. :D :) :D

Re: Borneo Island Huge Map Pre Release

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:04 am
by snoopy55
Rodea - seeing that this map is a pre-release, you might want to read the thread in Construction Set called SAM maps. In it I explain what you need to do to create a SAM. If you have any problems, or don't understand something, just ask in that thread and I'll answer you. It would make it simple for you to learn, and as you are going to be adding things to this map, you would be learning more as you went along.

Also, It has been suggested that I write a Wiki for making SAMs, and your questions and problems with any instructions would assist me in doing that. :mrgreen:

Re: Borneo Island Huge Map Pre Release

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 3:33 am
by Lowell
Lowell go ahead if you want to make my Map as CIC
...sure...when you have everything for your map ready, send me the files and I would be glad to work them out for you if you wish. It's easy really, you could look at the files from one of the latest maps, and see how the files would be made for yours.
By adding a global rrt_Industries.xml file inside your map, we can "turn-off" industries in the game that your map doesn't use, this allows you to add more new content while trimming down what the game loads on map start-up. Thus...more system resources to run the map with. A global goods file will add any "new" goods items you add to the map. If your large map needs more "start money" a difficulity.xml file can be added boosting the default money choices. You can make a global bridge file and set prices bridge styles etc.
Lastly, I will need all building models used for the map if they are different from the default ones. All new game models and content, will get placed inside the map folder in a folder called Assets. Any icons for goods will be edited to look in the assets folder etc.
Then that's it. No installer ever needed. Just one file folder, that can be draged and dropped into the usermap folder. Childs play...easy install. Plus the player can reuse their clean game folder, and continue swaping maps in and out as they play these self contained maps.

I am not sure if you need a sam and cic version. Pick one, they are both self contained, however the cic version has some strict rules as to their testing and file structure. Cic maps must have everything inside the one map exceptions. The custom assets folder must be empty, no Fpks left in there from past maps. I prefer the cic version, crash free and no fpks.

Re: Borneo Island Huge Map Pre Release

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 6:29 am
by Rodea2007
Rodea2007 wrote: wrote: Borneo Huge Map have more much sizes from WSM, I'm not sure if Borneo Huge Map can be donwloaded here.
Dwax wrote: Is Borneo the Demo still? Or do you have it at full version? Upload it to RapidShare, I want to play it.
Borneo Huge Map (full version) nearly finished, in middle working to make new variant car ( sz_rodea ), actually if I'm not used that new variant car for this map and only used v1 and v2 BHM has finished, I needs times to make all model cars for this variant.
Notice the pictures below

Re: Borneo Island Huge Map Pre Release

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:44 pm
by dwax
Getting any closer with this Rodea? Can't wait to see them new dual engines. :D

Re: Borneo Island Huge Map Pre Release

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 5:07 pm
by Rodea2007
dwax wrote:Getting any closer with this Rodea? Can't wait to see them new dual engines. :D
I guess after The Island of Sodor posted I will be completed This map..... :)

Re: Borneo Island Huge Map Pre Release

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:59 pm
by Burlington_Northern_3140
The passenger and mail cars ROCK! I have begun to try making a small map for myself and I will probably find a place for them on it. :D

Re: Borneo Island Huge Map Pre Release

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:10 pm
by dwax
Burlington_Northern_3140 wrote:The passenger and mail cars ROCK! I have begun to try making a small map for myself and I will probably find a place for them on it. :D
Hope you let me test your map Thomas. :D

Re: Borneo Island Huge Map Pre Release

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:03 pm
by Burlington_Northern_3140
Sure. Not to steel your thread Rodea. But, I have a few pics of the box cars I have been painting. I have 8 of 9 boxcars finished and still have 4 hoppers, 2 stock cars, and 3 passenger/mailcars to go.

Re: Borneo Island Huge Map Pre Release

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 12:04 am
by Rodea2007
Burlington_Northern_3140 wrote:The passenger and mail cars ROCK! I have begun to try making a small map for myself and I will probably find a place for them on it. :D
Sound Good..... :)
You can tell me if you have some trouble from your new map or need any assistance don't hesitate.....

Re: Borneo Island Huge Map Pre Release

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 3:09 am
by Jancsika
I am a latecomer to this map, there were 283 downloads before me. My comments are about the size of the map. And my question is about the size. :roll: “Is bigger, better?” :roll: I have a pretty decent system an Intel Core2 QUAD 2.4 Ghz processor 4 GB Ram and an GeForce GT8800 512Mb memory.

What I find when I have 20 + trains running on a 10,000 miles or less network the game comes to a crawl.
There are some 20 x 20 maps out there, which are very enjoyable at the beginning, but toward the end I just loose patience.

An other thing is the way the game places the random industries. They are almost always bunched up and the maximum number is 4. On a big map with a lot of towns, that means a many empty town and a lot of startup time trying to run trains between cities with mail and passengers, just to build up money and make a village grow.
Of course this is my private opinion, other people might like to play it differently.

Nevertheless I am looking forward to see the finished product. :wink: :lol:

Re: Borneo Island Huge Map Pre Release

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 1:57 pm
by Rodea2007
Jancsika wrote:My comments are about the size of the map. And my question is about the size. :roll: “Is bigger, better?” :roll: I have a pretty decent system an Intel Core2 QUAD 2.4 Ghz processor 4 GB Ram and an GeForce GT8800 512Mb memory.
I don't think so, the bigger is the better, because if you have computer with low specifications the bigger map is the worst....... :lol:

Re: Borneo Island Huge Map Pre Release

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 1:12 pm
by Rodea2007
BORNEO HUGE MAP is finished and ready to run with name Borneo Island Map (BIM), under normal conditions without compressed This file size 330 Mb, with installer the file reduce to 65 Mb, so any idea how to upload these file to this forum