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Post by snoopy55 » Sat Sep 22, 2007 11:24 pm

Warll wrote:Ok I can see why we use the GOBALS because it saving mappers times, but 1.3mb saved space alone simply can't justify it.
Now, now, I said that was only for one type of file, the RRT_Goods. For every out-of-city Industry (Annex) you have there is an entry in RRT_Depots. For every Industry and Annex you have, there is another entry in RRT_Industries. For every Train Car you use there is an entry in RRT_TrainCars. Then there in Trains, 6 sets of Names, full Decorations.

With every map loaded I have ~ 1GB in Scenarios. There are 814KB in GLOBALS. Figuring ~500KB in data for each map, 66 maps, gives 33MB. And there are more to come.

On the Editer you can add all the Goods, Industries, Annexes and TrainCars to the NewMapBase.xml and you have the full load to choose from. The problem comes if you want an industry and it is in a map but not the GLOBALS, you can't place it with the Editer, you have to do it manually. Another benifit of using GLOBALS.

And, making changes in a map you like is easier, 3 lines for any of the above, including Engines. (of course Industries need 7 more for each location if you choose to go that way)

I do not see a down side to GLOBALS, but then I'm one of the founding fathers of them :wink: ....

I'm correct 97% of the time..... who cares about the other 4%....

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Post by Jancsika » Mon Sep 24, 2007 2:05 am

I am all for the Globals. An other nice thing about them, what Snoopy55 tuched on is that they are flexible.
What I mean is that you can modify it with a few additional lines in your scenario XML files. For example you have in your global "Food" for input and "None" for output, you can change the output to "Gold" or "Passengers" or whatever your heart desire. Same with the input.
Of course you do it in your scenario files, don't change the globals. :)

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Post by Bushdoctor » Mon Sep 24, 2007 9:02 pm

atani wrote:DrFrag is working on a new version of the installer macros which will enable auto-download of the "missing" parts.
That's very good to hear.
I believe it's very important to make maps available to a large audience,
otherwise all that hard work will only be enjoyed by the dozen orso map creators on this forum. ;)

Thanks a lot DrFrag!

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Post by Jancsika » Tue Feb 19, 2008 12:59 am

Here are some icons from Bushdoctor:
Thanks: Jancsika
Nice $ signs
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