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Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 5:47 pm
by PaF-Daddy
You can create any car variation you want. The default game variations are _v1 and _v2 (and the _tgv for passenger cars). I created a version of almost every train car for _bnsf. I did not add a few that we didn't use in our map, but that would cause crashes in your maps. For example, if you tried shipping Fish, Wool, Textiles, or Medicine, your map would crash if you were using a _bnsf car because I didn't include _bnsf versions of these cars. I will fix this for the BasinAndRange v1.1 version I will soon upload.
Does that happend? Can we use the new cars now?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 9:08 pm
by choobacca
PaF-Daddy wrote:
You can create any car variation you want. The default game variations are _v1 and _v2 (and the _tgv for passenger cars). I created a version of almost every train car for _bnsf. I did not add a few that we didn't use in our map, but that would cause crashes in your maps. For example, if you tried shipping Fish, Wool, Textiles, or Medicine, your map would crash if you were using a _bnsf car because I didn't include _bnsf versions of these cars. I will fix this for the BasinAndRange v1.1 version I will soon upload.
Does that happend? Can we use the new cars now?
I haven't uploaded v1.1 yet. If you want to ship Fish, Wool, Textiles, or Medicine (support for the cars that are currently missing), I will need to upload v1.1 for this to work. Sorry for the delay, but I was investigating the save game loading problems (to no avail).

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 8:15 am
by PaF-Daddy
If you want to ship Fish, Wool, Textiles, or Medicine (support for the cars that are currently missing), I will need to upload v1.1 for this to work.
That are the cars im waiting for.
Very nice work Choobacca.

City lot build screen

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 11:42 pm
by Jaycephus
Maybe this has been brought up in other threads, since it would be a problem with any map that has new industries, but...

Is there any way to limit or specify the industries allowed to be built on empty lots in a city? In Basin & Range, when trying to build on an empty lot, the choices run off the right side of the interface, and some of the choices that should be available are not visible.


Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 1:57 pm
by PaF-Daddy
I have difficulties at your traincars choobacca!
I added all codes to my xml´s but i have the problem that the models are showing the wrong / false animation. Hard to explain. The picture will show that better.

Normally empty cars will show empty:


Do not know what im doin wrong :(

Re: City lot build screen

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 3:24 pm
by snoopy55
Jaycephus wrote:Is there any way to limit or specify the industries allowed to be built on empty lots in a city? In Basin & Range, when trying to build on an empty lot, the choices run off the right side of the interface, and some of the choices that should be available are not visible.
What is happening is that the game is limited to showing 12 Industries to be built. I don't believe anyone has figured out how that is decided yet. It's really something that a map builder needs to watch out for. If you are going to allow Industries to be placed, you must limit the number to 12. If you want more than 12, you must place all the Industries or, if someone can figure it out, place the ones you want limited and put them in RRT_Industries.xml so they over run the limit and can't be placed. (I hope that made sense :? )


Re: City lot build screen

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 9:47 pm
by Dr Frag
Jaycephus wrote:Is there any way to limit or specify the industries allowed to be built on empty lots in a city?
Yes, it's all about what is listed in the RRT_Indutries_<scenarioname>.xml file. As snoopy said the game is limited to 12 displayed on the screen. Some research has been done as to how and in what order the list is built but I don't think any conclusion was come to. So you pretty much have to limit the number of industries in your RRT_Indutries_<scenarioname>.xml file to 12 if you want to be able to access all of them from the 'build on an empty lot' screen.


Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 3:36 pm
by Jaycephus
Thanks for the answers!

I ask this in particular due to the fact that some of the B&R industries produce stuff that none of the cities currently demand. In other cases, rather than spending as much as $1.5 million just to lay track, building an industry on a lot of a city you already have on your track will bring profits much more quickly (much better ROI).

So, by editing this file, the number of buildable industries could be limited to 12? Would that have negative consequences on the map if one of the existing industries were not included in the 12? I.E. induce a CTD or something. I would certainly try to include all existing industries, but I'm thinking that may already exceed 12, so something might have to be left out.


BTW, what is the highest difficulty with which anyone has gotten both golds? At Baron, it looks like it could only be remotely possible by starting in a city from which you could build a passenger line first for less than about $750,000 (the total available capitalization if you sell all stocks at the start). This means it has to be one of the three towns to the north-north-west.

Regarding Industries

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 7:23 pm
by Jaycephus
OK, with regards to my previous post, I understand this map better after looking through the industries XML. I didn't realize that the grain farm requires nitrates, and that there is no other industry that requires them.

Also, the only two industries of the fourteen that are buildable, but not selectable through the interface, are the Fromagerie and the Newpaper industries. So unless one of those two are needed, then there is no need to mess with the industries XML.

Again, good job on this map.

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 7:31 pm
by Jaycephus
What is the highest difficulty with which anyone has gotten both golds? At Baron, it looks like it could only be remotely possible by starting in a city from which you could build a passenger line first for less than about $750,000 (the total available capitalization if you sell all stocks at the start). This means it has to be one of the three towns to the north-north-west.
My assumption that you must build a passenger service first is due to the requirement for the first gold of transporting 150 passengers, AND the fact that a passenger line has the best ROI in the earliest timeframe due to the locomotives that are available (and NOT available) early on (and the much higher returns passengers can bring). And the fact that you don't have enough total money to build a rail line across more than about a third or less of the map at Baron level, so many options and alternate starting points are ruled out.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:55 am
by Daniel D.
Hmm, I played the map, couldn't reach all goals and made some thoughts about it.

The map is too big for the few cities, goods and things you've to reach. It "looks/feels" quite strange if you've to transport the tanks from the lower corner to the top edge of the map.

Another thing which is very annoying in the beginning are the deep canyons. Of course it should be challenging, but it should make sense why objects are placed where they're. I can't say place the oil rig there or the "harbor" at another place, but some things don't fit in this map in my opinion.

This is just my view of it - after all I was happy to have some new goods with new icons and it was still fun to play! I'll try it again - of course. Great work!

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:23 am
by CobraDriver
Well I'm a little late arriving to this party, as I can see from the last entry. But after reading all pages, saves being a big problem, my issue is that I can put 2 trains on 1 track and they will go through eachother.

Is that a new issue or just something you have to work around as a player?

Anyhow, like everyone else has said, what a great map and excellent details.


Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:50 am
by snoopy55
Your answer is in the manual, Chapter 2, Setting Up a Game, last half of page 17 if yours is the same as mine.

I could type it out, but I'd probably make mistakes in typing...... :wink:

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 6:13 am
by CobraDriver
Under Routing difficulty...Thank You Much.

BTW I did have this map setup on easy and I don't like that so I'll go to medium.

Thx again


Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 6:23 am
by snoopy55
I've always left mine at Hard as it requires more thought since they cannot pass thru each other, except for track crossings 8)

Enjoy yourself....and when can we expect 5 or 6 maps from you? :wink: tomasvicente38 holds the lead with 9....... :P .