Flagler's Florida

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Re: Flagler's Florida

Post by stevedaytona » Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:03 pm

Downloaded this map yesterday (as a Floridian :) ) and unfortunately, it crashed both times I ran it. Both occasions it was just a few years into the game. I'll doublecheck tonight that I don't have any spyware/adware but I'm fairly sure there isn't.

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Re: Flagler's Florida

Post by Jancsika » Thu Mar 04, 2010 6:15 pm

Clean up your UserMaps folder. Follow these instructions.
I have just checked it and the game loads fine.
PS. you might also want to try Lowell's Florida Gold 400 map.
How to empty the Game Folder
In order to play most of the custom maps you must have a completely empty C:\user\users\“My Games\Sid Meier’s Railroads!” folder.
The simplest way is to delete or rename the folder and let the game create a new one.
Once you deleted the C:\user\users\“My Games\Sid Meier’s Railroads!” folder and start a new stock game, the program will look for this folder. If it can not find one, it will automatically create one.
Now you will have an empty and completely clean folder and you can install the new custom map as the map's creator directs.
If you still have problems replace the RRT_Scenario_User_FloridaTestBuild.xml file with this revised file and add RRT_Events_Added.xml to your map folder, that is C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Railroads!\UserMaps
Events Added.rar
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