Side to Side #3

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Side to Side #3

Post by Jancsika » Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:01 pm

This is new version of Side to Side.(SS3)
The map was created by Snoopy. To make it more interesting and challenging I’ve added a scenario. When the map was first published it was quite an innovation, and still is.
It is a difficult map to play but with a good planning, (which I know all of you are capable), it can be done.
There is no passenger or mail traffic, but we had to leave the mail icon in, otherwise the game would crash. (Firaxis)
The scenario requires moving goods from one side of the map to the other. This is a single player (no AI player) performance oriented map; there are a bunch of goals that you are given a time limit to accomplish.
And of course it is a SAM (Stand Alone Map).
When it was first published we were not aware of the crashes caused by the Events file. This has been corrected and an Events file was added.
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