Oh okay...that's cool. I don't mind that. They have my permission to post the map as long as they offer my link. If they wish to make a sam version they may, but I would make sure it has several tests for crashes first and I will be happy to offer any help I can...but like I mentioned, I've tried the all global file system and just gave up. Maybe whatever is the trouble with that, it doesn't happen till you get say a huge map...
It's just that I know sams use global files only in their construction and I had some major issues with my maps doing that. It took a ton of headaces to get everything just right...picky game for sure.
For member OnaDeathWish; I would say, if it seems like that dds image file is still missing on your file set...delete what mud skippers file you have all the way. Then re-download it and that should fix any corupted download files etc. Please feel free to keep me informed. The screenshot I took of that mogul tender, was in a new RailRoads game folder and I downloaded my own files to make that screenshot.
Thanks and sorry you had somesort of trouble. The red blob is a missing DDS image file, it won't cause a crash, but I would like you to redownload the files as I don't want you to have some corrupted file or something. I thought for a moment maybe you had downloaded a newly constructed sam version and I just wouldn't know how to fix their version if that is what was happenning...hey I had a couple strokes,

you have to give me some slack as I am running on half-speeed here...

I'm trying to fight it.