Texas map
Re: Texas 図
No, it is quite simple, the event file needs to refer either only to goods in the map, and/or to "safe" events like stock market crashes and booms. They are "safe" because the game can execute them whatever goods there are in the map.Warll wrote:Would adding a blank events file fix this? As if will the game accept an empty file with the proper name and then show no events?
Oh, and Snoopy (aka 19kenny56), could you leave people on this forum in peace? Thanks!

Re: Texas map
The default maps event lists should be fine...I was thinking of two things at once. What I should have said, we map makers here found our maps would have "random event" errors/crashes when we did not place an events list inside our maps files.19kenny56 wrote: You say "However...we have all found that the default game has a random Event game crash every blue moon or so.", but all of the games maps use custom event files, so why would they crash?
I would think that a "blank" events file will work fine.
It can be a "scenario events" list...it wouldn't have to be a global events list unless you make new events for the game.
Re: Texas map
Very enjoyable map, frizzank, well done!
When I ran through the scenario, there were only two crashes, both event-related, as evidenced by the log. It was easy to reload and continue play, since SMR provided a different, supported event after each reload. As Jancsika noted, frizzank is referencing the US_Southwest events, which have quite a large overlap with the goods in the "Texas map". But the events for Cornmeal, Gold and Ore will crash the map, once they come up, because those goods are not in the texas map.
I was able to pass this spot only by loading an even earlier save game, SMR then shuffeled the events and I was able to pass the 1918 trouble spot and go on to fulfill all goals.
I let the scenario run on, just to see whether there would be more trouble, and indeed, events for "Arms" and "Medicine" popped up! But instead of crashing, SMR just ignored these events. My only possible explanation for this is that once all scenario goals are fulfilled, SMR goes into a sort of "idle" mode, presumably ignoring the effects of all events, since they don't matter anymore.
What is the upshot of all this? Simple, I think. Have a Goods.xml file in the scenario, and have a mapname_events.xml file that refers only to goods actually used in the map, and/or to safe events. No more scenario-related crashes, more opportunity to enjoy the views!
When I ran through the scenario, there were only two crashes, both event-related, as evidenced by the log. It was easy to reload and continue play, since SMR provided a different, supported event after each reload. As Jancsika noted, frizzank is referencing the US_Southwest events, which have quite a large overlap with the goods in the "Texas map". But the events for Cornmeal, Gold and Ore will crash the map, once they come up, because those goods are not in the texas map.
With all the conjecture on the events, time to have a closer look. As Ronald Reagan, paraphrasing Lenin, used to say: "Trust, but verify". I set up a blank events file, like below, commenting out the safe events, leaving it essentially blank. It did "work", just as the game will "work" when there is no events file at all, because SMR then refers to the master list of events and randomly calls them. In 1918 I encountered a stubborn crash, always exactly at the same moment and event-related, as confirmed by the log.I would think that a "blank" events file will work fine.
I was able to pass this spot only by loading an even earlier save game, SMR then shuffeled the events and I was able to pass the 1918 trouble spot and go on to fulfill all goals.
I let the scenario run on, just to see whether there would be more trouble, and indeed, events for "Arms" and "Medicine" popped up! But instead of crashing, SMR just ignored these events. My only possible explanation for this is that once all scenario goals are fulfilled, SMR goes into a sort of "idle" mode, presumably ignoring the effects of all events, since they don't matter anymore.
What is the upshot of all this? Simple, I think. Have a Goods.xml file in the scenario, and have a mapname_events.xml file that refers only to goods actually used in the map, and/or to safe events. No more scenario-related crashes, more opportunity to enjoy the views!