Epic History of Railroad in Utah (updated)

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Post by jplinux3 » Fri Jun 29, 2007 4:02 pm

Hi, i have installed a the maps they tell me to install in the post install this to make work alll maps (this frase is tarzan but i dont practice english a lot, sorry),. so now i try the maps, a lot crash whit no reason, ej side to side, basin demo works, i this to but all my locomotors are blue, there is a way a can put normal??


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Post by snoopy55 » Fri Jun 29, 2007 11:49 pm

Hi and welcome..... :D
Go to Railroads! Mods Talk and post this question with a list of the maps that you have installed and the ones that won't work. This way I think a better answer can be given.
I'm correct 97% of the time..... who cares about the other 4%....

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Post by henkhugo » Sun Aug 05, 2007 7:14 pm

hey guys!

i cant seem to find the install file... any tips on where to find it? :oops:

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Post by Warll » Sun Aug 05, 2007 8:02 pm

henkhugo wrote:hey guys!

i cant seem to find the install file... any tips on where to find it? :oops:
Try looking again. You have to be logged-in to see the files.

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Post by henkhugo » Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:37 pm

got it! thanks :D

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Post by btvsrcks » Sun Aug 19, 2007 5:39 pm

I just started playing this today. Oh wow is this a fun one. And it has something that the maps that come with the game don't have. Longevity! I would play them again and again and get them done quicker and quicker. This one is great!!!!

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Post by Daniel D. » Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:44 am

I'm currently playing this map for some days since I can't play very often. It's challenging but doable. I'm about to solve the feed problem - darn, how much the people want to eat in Salt Lake! Instead of building the tracks, I sometimes just watch the trains go by forgetting to reach the goals... :oops:

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Post by Lowell » Mon Dec 03, 2007 6:30 am

This is an Excellent Scenario. I wish I had played this before I had begun construction of my first map set (almost complete.) I took a break and played this through...very well thought out. I really liked the era setup, great challenge...very good landscape map. The reduction of good outputs slowed down city growth which I liked as well.
Thanks for all the hard work...

//EDIT// I rebuilt the Visitors Car. The windows would always stay highlighted as if the cars were full even if empty. Also I added all the other car animations as well. Here are the files...
Visitors Car.rar
Visitors Car...animations added
(242.08 KiB) Downloaded 421 times

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Re: OK

Post by Lowell » Fri Jan 04, 2008 9:56 pm

Slappy Da Clown wrote:Hi universum

Thanx for trying to help, but. When I 1st started playing this game, you almost had to be a modder to get any custom map to work. Im not interested in that kind of play. I want to put a map in & be able to play & not have that effect the rest of my game or previously installed maps. In an effort ot make this game playable by ALL level of player atani came up with the setup installer & it works gr8. Sometimes not on the 1st try ( like this one ) but so far he always manages to get them working. I now have over 40 working maps installed in my game. I just have to start the game & select a map & play. IMHO if modders want their maps played by more than a few of their friends they have to be made more user friendly, the installer is a way for that to happen. Having only 14 working brain cells left I dont wanna have to remember that I have to run a batch file to make my game revert to normal play if my wife calls me to dinner or I pass out drunk. So, please dont be offended but I will wait for atani to edit the installer & I dont mind. And I hope nothing in this post offends you as that was not what I was trying to do. Although Im not a map modder I am willing to crash my game multiple times to help perfect a modders map, I cant wait to try this one. Hopefully we can all get to a point where it wll be too easy for a new player & we wont see them one time at the forum & then never again because they got disgusted. Keep up the good work.
I know mods are tuff for those who draw a blank when I start talking about this file goes here and paste that there. But...after the last eight years of building game mods...guess what. All of them have to have files and folders placed in a number of places. This game is simple compaired to some. The Bat files work super great and it was a good choice. I tried the RRT_Difficulty.xml with RRT_Difficulty_Florida_Gold.xml lists in my Florida map. It works, and I can even restrict you to only Florida Funds and wipe out all other settings. But...you must remove the map from your game completly when done, because it takes the whole game over. You Only get Florida funds and Only Florida Goods...so try to load any other map other then Florida and the Game crashes...it only wants you to play Florida and that's it period crash.

I think we need to look deeper into using Bat files. Difficulty money can stay in the list without any trouble...I still have my Utah money...because I put it on my list globaly. The maps can be made to where the Only thing that gets loaded in the players system/game is the RRT_Goods.xml list for any "new" goods that are added...all other global info except the money/Difficulty can be in the maps folder. We just need a simple little installer to load only those two things...Difficulty money and new goods brought into the game. That isn't much to add to a persons game and the game can stay built as is.

"I will E-mail my buds at Fraxis Monday and see what they wip-up...they may say the Bat file is our answer."

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Post by karsten » Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:12 pm

Great idea, Lowell! I really like the simplicity and transparency of Universum's .bat file switcher. So I hope you get some good feedback. :P

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Post by Lowell » Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:22 pm

I want to use the Bat files to load the new goods I have and the money settings.

It seems that everyone is freaking out about how much is getting loaded into their globals. I just fixed my maps files to only need any new goods loaded into the global goods file along with new money of course. If we place the RRT_Goods list in the map...you have to delete many of the maps files for the gamer to play a different map.

This way, by only adding new goods to the global list, his map doesn't need to be deleted or parts of it removed. It stays in the game where I can scroll through and play it or anouther if I wish. The Utah map can be in the game all the time and fire it up at any time. Visitors I think was his only new good if I remember off hand...if that single entry was made global and the money that would fix the map forever to be in the game.

The game will allow us to place all new industries and everything else even trains...in the maps files as new, but goods and money must be global.

That's it...I don't think we need to rebuild the game or wipe out everyone's maps...the game will not have a problem with two lists being updated and the player won't have to think we just loaded the History Of The World on their PC.

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Post by Piggy » Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:47 pm

Is the Utah map that comes with SMRI the latest version?

Great map BTW, it makes SMRR so much better when things are spread out like this. I love building my track to follow the contours of the land instead of building a 30 mile tunnel.

Again, thanks for the hard work, wonderful map.

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Post by karsten » Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:49 pm

You may then want to try Arizona Gold next, Universum and I collaborated on that one as well, and the "wide open spaces" concept was developed in Arizona Gold. Cheers :P

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Post by Ian » Mon Feb 25, 2008 3:44 am

This Utah map was very nice. Usually when you see white, it means snow so I loved the twist where here it is salt - that added nicely to the atmosphere in the game. Also liked the old photos in the newspaper popups - gives the whole thing that extra touch of authenticity.

I'm pretty much 2/3 of the way through (just playing on Investor). I found a point in the game where I suddenly started getting constant CTDs. Was it because I was trying to lay a very long track at the time? Or maybe because one track was off-screen for some of its length? Well no, it turned out to be because I tried to buy the trading centre(?) industry at that Grand Junction place in the southeast. As soon as I tried NOT buying that, all CTDs ceased and I played a couple of hours more before having to turn in, with no more crashes.

So something along that line might be something to try if you're getting CTDs in this scenario (ie maybe avoid buying existing industries).

But, overall, very enjoyable - thanks for a great map with great scenary. Personally I liked having the large number of objectives in this one - gives more freedom to the order you do things in - less linear. Also, I found it more fun at the easy level as harder levels make for a lot more tedious micromanagement which is less fun in my opinion. With such a large number of objectives, focussing on the bigger picture with basically long straight tracks straight through mountains from A to B and lots of moola to splash around was the way to go for me!!

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Post by Lowell » Mon Mar 03, 2008 11:21 pm

The map runs great and crash free in a clean game without SMRI and all that extra content loaded into the game. Somehow the SMRI version starts to crash-out about three quarters the way through...it will run crash free on a clean game with the zipped files he provided in the beginning. It is all that custom content you loaded with SMRI that is causing your crash-outs.

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