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NewYork Washington Passenger

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 12:09 am
by stevydh
I am trying to ship 50 passenger cars from New York to Washington, but always short only upt to 35 cars. Any tips how to solve this?

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 1:13 am
by leo
I just bought trains , every time I had enough to fill 3 carloads ... then I sold the trains once they delivered.

Re: NewYork Washington Passenger

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 4:21 am
by CaptainPatch
stevydh wrote:I am trying to ship 50 passenger cars from New York to Washington, but always short only upt to 35 cars. Any tips how to solve this?
Randomize the cities and the terrain. Frequently, NYC and Washington end up not too far away from each other.

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 9:12 am
by roro
The only way is to connect the two connect the two cities as early as possible of course and to have a fully dedicated track to avoid any stops or waiting.
Also both cities must have a terminal to minimize loading time. Have a minimum of cars from Washington to New York to get max speed and upgrade your locs as faster ones become available.

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 4:50 pm
by TheGlobalizer
What Roro said.

It's pretty easy if you just make that your #1 priority (establish a profitable railroad first, of course).

If you want to deliver to intermediate cities, build parallel tracks and make sure the trains are on those tracks.

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 6:24 pm
by d53642
I did it pretty good have 3 trains run the route with a 2 track didication system the entire way. When one finished loading 4 cars in new york just as it was leaving a new one was arriving. Worked great for me on that but you have to start running that as soon as you can. Get a couple money lines near the start and use the funds to get that line up and running.

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 11:59 pm
by JoshPSU
I managed to get this to work last night:

Set up one direct track from NYC to DC. About halfway through, make it a double track, but have it go back to a single track near each of the cities


Next, start a train at each city at the exact same time. I typically take 6 cars of passengers from NYC to DC. You shouldn't have any problems with jams, but keep an eye on them anyway.

What causes me more trouble is when one of the competitors starts taking passengers from NYC. Usually you have to buy that guy out or else you'll never make your goal of 50 cars.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:53 pm
by davion76
What I did was to run a single track from NY to Was with a single signal between them. Then I set up a train with 4 passengers and set to wait till full. As soon as the first train was off I created a new one exactly like the first. Then soon after the 1st train unloaded its cargo, I deleted it and waited for the 2nd to leave the station. Rinse and repeat.

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 8:30 pm
by Harlock
I was able to do this without the very labor intensive 'deleting trains' thing.

I ran a single track with a number of passing sidings (eventually double when I had the money) and ran two trains each with four cars, so they ran at a decent clip. And more than that and there weren't enough people at the stations and the trains idled a lot and clogged up the line. I barely made it.

You have to start early on which means in addition to financing this operation with other income, I sold all of my stock and bought it back later. It is probably much harder on the top two difficulty levels. I was playing on the second easiest setting. I shall have to try it on Mogul next.

Also, early on the locomotives suck, so it's much harder until you get some fast locos in. So it's ok that you don't start right away.


Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 9:03 pm
by snoopy55
davion76 wrote:What I did was to run a single track from NY to Was with a single signal between them. Then I set up a train with 4 passengers and set to wait till full. As soon as the first train was off I created a new one exactly like the first. Then soon after the 1st train unloaded its cargo, I deleted it and waited for the 2nd to leave the station. Rinse and repeat.
That sounds like a one-way commuter. You might try putting a track from Was to a town between Was and NY then routing the trains from NY to Was to the 3rd town and back to NY. It probally couldn't be done right away, but later on it would help.

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 11:20 am
by bunnywabbit
the easiest way that i've found to do this is make a direct line between the two cities with no extra stops. make sure that no other train company is connected to new york; this allows you to get all the people in the quickest amount of time. once these caveats are met simply create a train with the maximum amount of carriages in new york and set it to only leave when full. as soon as it sets off, immediately create another new train with maximum carriages. when it unloads at washington simply delete the train. do this until you get the 50 passengers.

using this this method i did it with almost half the era to go. i've only done this way with two opponents on mogul difficulty level. it may not be possible with three opponents, it also helps if you start close to washington and the path to new york is clear of competitors' lines

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 11:40 am
by DePol Haulage
Having succeeded in delivering 50 passenger, I no longer bother with this particular goal as it gives only 2 objective points and thats way to few points for something that requires lot of work and outlay.
I still connect all the cities and make them terminals but dont bother with passenger goal. I just skip to next objective.
At the end it makes almost no difference to the final score. Yep I know its nice to get the medal but IMO this objective should be worth 6 or 8 points to make it worthwhile.
Same goes for the 100 cars of steel from New York.

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 10:14 pm
by snoopy55
bunnywabbit, that creates a big junkyard at Washington. And I thought the problem with this game was reality? Then there's cost of new trains and loss by junking them. We need a bigger penelty for junking trains, like a big fine or points removed. Or even better would be the AIs competing and if they do it first, you get a big red X!

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 6:03 pm
by scrapser
This assumes you have AI competition...I've done this many times at Tycoon level.

Connect Washington, Baltimore, Aberdeen, Wilmington, Philedelphia, Trenton, and New York as soon as possible. You can usually manage this within the first 5 years or so. Run a train between Washington and Baltimore, another between Aberdeen, Wilmington, and Philly, and a third between Trenton and New York. The Trenton/New York train should only pick up mail in New York.

Now, double track each station and add a crossover at the end of each double track so the next train (New York/Washington) you add can pass the other trains easily. You can begin the New York to Washington train while doing this if you like. Set it to "Load until Full" in New York with as many cars as it can handle and still travel at least 25 mph.

By the time you finish all the double tracking and crossovers at the stations, you can now start completing the double track between each city. Keep an eye on your first New York/Washington train. When it's at Baltimore, start a second New York/Washington train. About now, the Mogul should be available or soon will be...have it pull 6 cars and be sure to upgrade the first train as well. You should be able to complete the goal with lots of time to spare.

As all this is happening, you can upgrade the necessary stations to Terminals as you get the money. The whole thing builds up fairly quickly from there. The competition will give you a run for your money but it's not too difficult. You also need to be thinking about further expansion to other areas as soon as you get this part set up because the AI will be going after resources like crazy.



Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:12 am
by ux-3
I have been playing the northeast map, short scenario, three opponents. I have some difficulty seeing how to get 50 passengers from NY to Washington. I have done it when I start near the connection line. But when I start elsewhere, I don't manage to do it:

Just getting rails to NY somehow doesn't cut it. The local competition will take far to many passengers away from you.

I also tried to buy the guy who started in Trenton. Then the time was to short to deliver 50 passengers after takeover.

I tried to use kamikazi trains to speed up delivery, which were scrapped in washington, money being no object. This measure failed due to passenger production rate in NY.

How can it be done when you start, say in Harrisburg?