Trains flipping out of control

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Trains flipping out of control

Post by sgtbean » Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:31 am


forgive if this has been asked before, but I've noticed on several occasions that several trains start to go wild.

On expansive networks, several trains get confused as to which route to take and instead of going from A --> B, they end up on a line between F --> G and start to flip around. They just can't get back and the only way to resolve it is to scrap the train and set it up again. Problem is, not two trips later the train is back on the wrong track.

This is killing my income: those trains only cost money since they never reach their destination, and all other traffic on the line segment is being delayed. In a recent game it got to a point where made a net loss of up to half a million on several trains, reducing my money pile by 2 million in about 2 years time.

In the meantime, the AI is preying on me since now I'm an easy target for take overs. It's just killing my game fun!

Is there a way to avoid having trains dabble back and forth on a piece of track in the middle of nowhere (patch, trick, hack) ???


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Re: Trains flipping out of control

Post by Jancsika » Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:10 am

Is there a way to avoid having trains dabble back and forth on a piece of track in the middle of nowhere (patch, trick, hack) ???
Yes there is. That is with proper track layout.
Let's say that you are sending a train from point A to point X, there are several junction points in between, call them B C etc.
If there is not much traffic the train #1,will have a clear and clean passage and will run true and direct.
The trouble will start when an other train #2 and #3, and #4 comes on the same line and blocks, even temporary, the route that #1 has.
If there is a temporary blockage #1 will stop and recalculate the route. If it can not find an other route it will wait until it clears.
BUT if it locates an other route, no matter how complicated, it will stop and start on that route.
The trouble is that the same thing will happen again, the line will be blocked....... etc.
This can go on and on and the train will end up in the opposite corner of the map.

This is where proper track planning comes in. It is simply there should be only one possible route between A and X. The simplest way is to have a dedicated route for each train. That is of course is only practical to a certain point.

The other way is to have a break if there is more than one way to get from A to X and have just one direct unbroken route.
Look at the enclosed sketches. There is only one way to get from A to X.

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Re: Trains flipping out of control

Post by karsten » Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:56 pm

Solid advice - makes all the difference! :D

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