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Pirate Tactics Revisited.

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:53 pm
by your
Many people have been asking me "how did you learn to beat pirate strategy your, what strategy do you use?" "how did you learn to beat players like bob_the_lunitic in such a short amount of time"? The answer is "the art of war" strategy, or how some have dubbed it "the art of your" strategy.

The art of your strategy is more about finesse,
and is based largely Sun Tzu teachings.


Re: Pirate Tactics Revisited.

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 5:00 am
by darthdroid
I see you don't mature over time. And lying and claiming you beat me is beyond ridiculous. In dozens of matches you have beaten me ONE time on hill valley rush. And again you lie, all your tactics were learned from me and you know it. You play very similar to how I do but are still missing a few tricks which is why I would beat you 9/10 games if you had a little luck... as you did that one game on hill valley.

Care to put your money where your mouth is and play a few games and show me how great you really are? One would think you'd appreciate that you learned all you know from ME and are pretty good now thanks to ME, instead you insult your teacher and make up stories, you have no honor your.

Either you believe your delusions and you'll play me and learn the truth (you are not a jedi yet) or you'll make up an excuse to avoid proving your dishonorable statements. The former would be more fun as talk is cheap, and you sir are worth a penny at best.

Re: Pirate Tactics Revisited.

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 6:24 pm
by darthdroid
your wrote:Many people have been asking me "how did you learn to beat pirate strategy your, what strategy do you use?" "how did you learn to beat players like bob_the_lunitic in such a short amount of time"? The answer is "the art of war" strategy, or how some have dubbed it "the art of your" strategy.

The art of your strategy is more about finesse,
and is based largely Sun Tzu teachings.


While previously your said:
your wrote:4. This is a "business game" not a war game. I would like to see a principle of "good business" be adapted to the game. In a real word sense it is better to
develop you own market and then find other unexploited markets, then competing for unexploited markets as a last resort.

An example of this would be if someone has leisurely stacked up 8 foods because they cannot or have not sold them. Building a track to you station and delivering them would be "good business”, it would be a
Quick pay back for your investment. It wouldn’t be "hurting them" per say, just normal business competition.

Another example of this would the first gun effect or
or "implied competition". This is when another player has a resource and can only sell them in one of the cities you developed; it would be "good business" to build a track FIRST since they would also be taking resources from you in the route.

Note that you actually claim it is not a war at all (revealing your lack of understanding of business as I proved in the other thread) ... yet now you claim your ideas come from "The Art of War"... get your story straight your, is it a war or isn't it?

I would also point out that everything you've ever said contradicts Sun Tzu, including the quote above. Sun Tzu never says anything about being nice to your enemy or only capitalizing on his mistakes when absolutely necessary. Thus, you are a fraud and I doubt you've read much Sun Tzu at all or you'd have a clue and not just be all talk.

It is also clear to anyone with an IQ above 80 that nobody has ever asked you the questions you claim to have been asked (more than once no less). You also claim to be superior to Sun Tzu and that others talk about you and your amazing strategy which at it's heart is the strategy that has taken me nearly 4 years to develop. This of course makes you a thief, and THAT is the only thing that you do that Sun Tzu would agree with or give you credit for as in war, theft is not only okay, it is encouraged. I see nothing different or new or original in your strategy or tactics and again, they are inferior to mine and that is why you'd lose nearly every game, you still make some mistakes. You have progressed quickly yes, but only because you've played me a lot and paid close attention.
Now you claim you have some new strategy of your own and also that you're able to beat me. This is funny to me as anytime I host a game in the last couple months, you don't join, you avoid playing me. And again, I only recall one loss to you while I couldn't count the number of times you've lost to me. Only one of my students has ever surpassed me your, and that is crashdummy. He did so because he too had humility and that will always trump your blow hard mental masturbation and duplicitous stories.

You were smart enough to realize how superior my skills were and watch me close and copy everything you could see that I do (and you did so pretty well), but ultimately your arrogance will hinder your progress and keep you just a step below me until you realize that Sun Tzu teaches humility as a big part of the war strategy and as you never read Sun Tzu and only know how to steal ideas and have none of your own.... you are destined to be second best to anyone who does have humility.

You are a fool, but I'll make a point to your deaf ears anyway....

Do you know how the Greeks knew that Socrates was the wisest man alive? The answer is: Because he denied it and claimed he was NOT the wisest man alive as the Oracle of Delphi had claimed.

Re: Pirate Tactics Revisited.

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 7:10 pm
by Loncaros
Sun Tzu is mostly about deception and gathering knowledge about your enemy. Oh, and fighting. In RR, most information is available in the statistics and you don't fight.
Are you sure you understood the Art of War?

Re: Pirate Tactics Revisited.

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 8:43 pm
by darthdroid
Again, I thought you claimed it was a business and not a war game, so what is all this silly talk of war from your in the first place? As I showed above, you explicitly stated it was NOT a war and that I was confused. Now you have backpeddled and are babbling about war and Sun Tzu and making up stories about how people talk about you.

When you get to the point where nobody will have a game with you because they know they have no chance and you are that well known that even the noobs know who you are... then I'll take notice of you and your supposedly unique skills. I also notice you could not say what was unique about your strategy, with reason... the answer is nothing. It is nothing more than a dumbed down version of Bob the Lunatic Piracy with not enough stealing, which is why a real pirate would mop the floor with you.

As you had no rebuttals to anything else that was said, you confirm it all with your silence.

Since you did not take the challenge to back up your empty words, I also see that you have forfeited yet another opportunity to put all your bragging into provable action.

But that challenge remains open, if you get some backbone, drop me a line and I'll show you how much you know about war. And after your loud mouth bragging, I expect you to join any game I host while you are in the lobby. I expect you to seek out challenging games from the better players (you are not yet on that short list) instead of what you do: Stomping all over noobs and stroking your ego and mentally masturbating, all the while avoiding the real players like myself.

Re: Pirate Tactics Revisited.

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 9:12 pm
by Loncaros
"your" hasn't been to this forum since you replied, might want to wait a little with accusations like this:

As you had no rebuttals to anything else that was said, you confirm it all with your silence.

as a matter of fact, he hasn't read this forum since he posted this little gem almost a month ago.

Re: Pirate Tactics Revisited.

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 9:16 pm
by darthdroid
Ah yes, thought I didn't realize you jumped in. But that's okay Loncaros, you'll see what kind of crap he replies with, odds are your response was better anyway...

And yes I'm familiar with Sun Tzu, Hsun Tzu, Kong Fuzi, Mencius and other important figures from Chinese and Asian culture. That is all I studied for 3 years in college, but ultimately abandoned the international studies degree for economics as I'm a home body and didn't want to travel :)

Re: Pirate Tactics Revisited.

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:51 am
by Warll
SMR still has a online competitive community?

Re: Pirate Tactics Revisited.

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 1:20 am
by darthdroid
Warll wrote:SMR still has a online competitive community?

Not so much... the old school players rarely show up, I'm all that's left of the early days. Even the players from the last 2 years, like crashdummy, lordson and so forth don't make an appearance too often. Then you have a few cheaters running around, like magichero and then you have the typical loudmouths like "your" here and the rest of the online community is a bunch of noobs, but many are fun to play with. You can certainly get a game just about any time, but the quality is not as easy.

I've done what I can to keep the forum active for the online community, but only a couple were helping (BN3140 and crashdummy) and others like "your" here are actually working against me... so it's a bit pointless.

Re: Pirate Tactics Revisited.

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 6:35 pm
by Burlington_Northern_3140
I wouldn't call the game non-competetive. There are a few who are learning and trying to better their strategies so that they can at least lose to bob without looking like they have never touched a computer before and beat other noobs that have come along with ease, just not too many. Almost all of the players see reason to become the best, but they see no possibility of ever beating people like bob. They arn't compelled to keep losing for another hour all that often either. Their are a few fairly good players of the game too, like de_rail, that are still beating me. The noobs of the game can still beat me though, so that shouldn't anger me too much.

Re: Pirate Tactics Revisited.

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 10:36 pm
by Warll
Alright I'm going to try and play a game, I'm in the game room right now there are two others but i think they are afk.

Re: Pirate Tactics Revisited.

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 6:05 pm
by Burlington_Northern_3140
Have any luck getting in a game?