I took Good A from City B to Dist Cent C, dropped it off and went back to City B to get another load. A different train was to take Good A to City D. Dist Cent C had nothing to take back to City B.
...say Titusville is making cheese into food. You take eight cars of Food to Lake City dist. center. The city of Lake City isn't ready for food quite yet as it still needs time to grow. So...at the dist. centers...they accept food...and...give food back. You must dump the cars off or you will be taking food back to where you came, and to boot, Titusville may not be big enough to use their own food yet, hence the train will be just going back and forth with full food cars. Drop the things off. The time it takes for the trains to drop the cars, turn around and take their sweet little time...is part of the maps time scale. It is suposed to make you slow down....smell the roses type stuff. This is not a speedy guns alis type map, it takes forever to complete. It was planned that way.
When you normally take a Good to a City or Industry, to save time you just go there, stop, it empties the cars, and it returns with the empty cars.
Normal industries don't give the same goods back.
the train just went back and forth, without unloading any cars. Most of the Goods work the correct way. A few do not for some reason. Unloading a train, deleting the cars, going to the City, adding the cars and then loading the cars is time consuming.
Again...the centers take and give the same items. You must dump off the cars.
This has to be because of the map since there is nothing else with it and it cannot be because of the computer running it. And there has been more than one of us with the same thing.
Well I would say it would react the same way...it will do that to me if I don't drop off the paper cars. They empty, then fill right back up...same with food.
Most other industries are always set for accept the raw goods to make finished goods, but at the food plant it accepts milk but only gives food out. The centers accept almost everything and...give it right back. That goes for food, orange juice, keylime pies, paper, and so on. You must drop the cars. I know you aren't used to doing that, but after the towns start growing...you will need to drop them and let them take back what goods their city may want from the centers.
No food or any other good should be sent from city to city...all cities must recieve whatever they need from the centers. They take what they make to the centers and drop that off, then as they grow mix mail and passenger cars with whatever goods that city may wish, on that trains return trip.
<Input>Double Stack Containers</Input>
<Output>Manufactured Goods</Output>
<Input>Manufactured Goods</Input>
<Output>Manufactured Goods</Output>
<Input>Fresh Shrimp</Input>
<Output>Fresh Shrimp</Output>
<Input>Orange Juice</Input>
<Output>Orange Juice</Output>
<Input>KeyLime Pies</Input>
<Output>KeyLime Pies</Output>
...not to mention that if you use the centers, the flow of goods is boosted just by flowing them through the centers...
So there is nothing wrong...the game is doing just what it is being told to do...you just need to wrap the idea around in your mind as you play...that many of the finished goods on the map flow in and out of those centers. RRT3 ran somewhat the same. Mixed cars would come in, then drop cars, then fillup with whatever is needed as they move on.
In this game, the centers work fine, you must drop the goods cars as you go however...unless you just like seeing the full cars going back and forth.