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cant lay track

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 6:51 am
by lil_wilde
I know all the reasons I can't lay track, at least the reasons that are explained in the instructions and tutorial. However I cant seem to figure out why I cant lay track. I have the money and I cant even lay a tiny straight piece of track. I don't understand what the problem could be.

Any ideas?

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 10:39 am
by Bushdoctor
Hi Lil_Wilde,

Welcome to the game and forum.
When I started playing the game for the very first time, I wasn't aware
that you can only lay track if it's attached to existing track. For a short
while I was under the impression that I couldn't find the right option to do that.
Perhaps you overlooked the same thing.
(Then again, I didn't read anything but dove straight into the action).


Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 11:03 am
by lil_wilde
Hey, thanks for your reply.

I knew that I had to attach it to existing track. I read the instructions and did the tutorial. The problem was that I ddint have the money to lay the track. I thought I did but I was looking at my net worth, not the money I had.

Still, I can't get trains to run a route back and forth nicely. Some will some wont. Some deliver and then stay stuck, costing money. I have to scrap the train and start a new one.

All in all, Im very disappointed with the game. I LOVE Civilization and I expected to have a great game but it's just ridiculous trying to learn how to play it.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 1:25 pm
by Bushdoctor
Good thing that you found out about the money/networth.
The same thing will probably happen to your routing issues.
You'll find out what you did wrong and correct it.
Keep in mind this is not the last issue that you will run into.
There's other stuff that you want the game to do, but it won't.
It gets worse when the game does stuff you don't want it to. ;)
Still, I think it's a very enjoyable game.
It doesn't compare to tight controlled games like Locomotion
or maybe even Civ, but it has its own charm.
I'm tempted to suggest you should give it another chance,
but I know that won't be necessary. Once you got things under
control you won't be able to put the game down. ;)

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 2:34 pm
by Tijer
Yes it is an addiction and this the location of Railroaders Anonymous. Meeting are held on a continuous bases. We work hard to find new ways to distract ourselves, but we have become addicted to the game and the punishment that it provides. The more the merrier. Welcome.

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:18 pm
by lil_wilde
I did attempt to play it again and found that the trains would make one delivery then get stuck but not always. I connected 2 towns to bring passengers and mail and the train was runnig fine. Then I attached more track to bring ore to the city that makes gold but the train I placed there would make one trip and not keep going.

I wish the instructions were more explicit.

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:31 pm
by karsten
We work hard to find new ways to distract ourselves, but we have become addicted to the game and the punishment that it provides. The more the merrier. Welcome.
:P Hear, hear! Well put!

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:00 pm
by sjekazoo
I have posted this same thing on a couple of other related threads, but I´ll repeat it briefly here.
I had the same problem and found I could fix it by switching the game to windowed mode and then back to full screen (without closing the options window). If you prefer windowed mode, just toggle to full screen and back again. The minute I close the options window I hear the caching of the stuck loco dropping its load.

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 7:34 pm
by lil_wilde
Wow, thats the solution?

Thanks for the help but how is anyone supposed to figure out a glitch like that.

Is this game full of that kind of stuff?

Do the patches fix any of it?

alt enter

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 8:19 pm
by sjekazoo
Just found out the short cut for switching modes is {alt enter}. It apparently is a problem only encountered by a few users, so there is likely some incompatibility on our systems that causes it. Most lock-ups, crashes and glitches (likely mini-crashes) are caused by errors reading memory, which will happen a lot when your computer resorts to using the hard drive for extra ram. I think this game is an absolute memory hog.

Did you happen to look at the read-me file? It has new minimum-system-requirements that basically say my computer should not even be able to run the thing, so I figure one simple little screen swap is not so bad.
Lots of luck,

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 8:19 pm
by snoopy55
lil_wilde wrote:I did attempt to play it again and found that the trains would make one delivery then get stuck but not always. I connected 2 towns to bring passengers and mail and the train was runnig fine. Then I attached more track to bring ore to the city that makes gold but the train I placed there would make one trip and not keep going.
It could be that the Ore train was waiting for a signal. When you lay a track for the Ore, do a double track at the town, then run your rail from the one you just layed. If you don't want two tracks there, you can also start a track a short way from the station and then delete it. This will put a signal tower there and the train can go as far as that and wait for a clear station.