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Extra Signal Towers?

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:53 am
by gunhawk
When I start a track connection to an existing track and change my mind about where to start it I am left with an unwanted signal tower where I started but aborted. How can I prevent that? And how do I get rid of the ones that I have but don't need or want?

What is the significance of signal tower placement? Do the towers perform some function?



Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:32 am
by Warll
The towers are basically just eye candy don't worry about them.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:42 pm
by Kroguys
I agree with Warll, but only 1/3. If the game is set on Easy routing, then yes, they don't mean much. But on Hard, it can mean a lot.

It doesn't hurt to have the towers. So don't worry if its there. On a Hard setting. The towers divide the tracks like traffic lights. If a train is on the other side of a tower, the tower will prevent another train from going pass the tower. Keep that in mind and I'm sure you will find a use for it sometime. :wink:

PS- To add a tower just start a track at the point where you need the tower, then click on that same point again. this little trick has saved me so many headaches.

Signal Towers

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:56 pm
by naugagamer
The same thing happens with me. I lay down some track and end up with 10 signal towers in a row. I delete all the little sections of track and then replace with 1 new section.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 6:10 pm
by snoopy55
To add on to Kroguys a bit. If you are in hard and run a long section of track, a train can be held up there if another is in front of it. This can cause delays if you are trying to get Goods to a certain town by a certain time. The adding of one or more towers can get the train further down the track and allow you to start another shipment to be started.


Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 7:30 pm
by CeeBee51
snoopy55 wrote:To add on to Kroguys a bit. If you are in hard and run a long section of track, a train can be held up there if another is in front of it. This can cause delays if you are trying to get Goods to a certain town by a certain time. The adding of one or more towers can get the train further down the track and allow you to start another shipment to be started.

And it would work even better if we could make track directional :)

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 11:18 pm
by snoopy55
Well, you can, in a way. Run a track from A to B, with a station of either a town or Annex in between. Then run a second track along side of it, with a slight curve to avoid the extra station. Call it X. Start a train with a route of A - B - X - A. It will run down one side of the double going one way, and down the other side going the other way. You can even bring the two tracks together at each end into a single station track.
