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How to enter Debug mode?

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:28 am
by RedKnight
Can we players get into Debug mode, or was this restricted by the developers?

There are some interesting keys as seen in this shortcut key list (see the last bullet). But I don't know how to turn it on. Anyone know?

P.S. Is there a problem with the Search function for the HG forums? I can't get it to find anything.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:58 am
by Dr Frag
Sometimes Debug mode requires Debug code and on final releases the developers take out the debug code. And sometimes Debug mode only means 'verbose' mode which can still be of use but not as much a real debug.

Debug mode is usually entered by adding a command line switch. It might be possible to search the railoads.exe file for available command line switches. You can always try entering the command prompt and type railroads.exe /? but that is not likely to get you much since those switches were meant for the programmers and they rarely add command line help.

I just used the Search function for 'industries' and it worked fine.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 2:54 am
by RedKnight
Some good ideas Doc, I'll take a look.

Now I see - I was setting Search to only look in Railroads! forums. It doesn't work then, for me. But it does work, if I just let it look at all forums. Does it work for you if you set it to look in Railroads forums?

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:03 am
by snoopy55
After checking I remembered that it didn't work for me too. You either have to search all the forums or choose a sub-forum. :roll:

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 4:18 am
by RedKnight
Thanks Doc and Snoopy,

No biggie on the search function - just as long as something works, it's good enough. I'm sure they'll otherwise fix it.

Ok here's what I've tried for Debug, none of which worked:

In game: ^D, tilde ` and ~ (anybody know how to turn on Console even?)

Settings.ini: Debug = 1, DebugEnabled = 1

Command line: /? /help /debug

Also searched for text "debug" across all RR! folders (game and \my Games\); only halfway helpful text found in the main game root folder, including these entries for mscvcr71d.dll:
  • (Press Retry to debug the application - JIT must be enabled)
    MS Visual C++ Debug Library
    Debug %s!
    (Press Retry to debug the application)
Of course, this may be something general to MS C++ and not game debug, per se. I'm no C programmer.

Maybe they did take it out, shrug. Or maybe the keycode list will give folks more ideas. Plus I'm not even sure I'd know it if I was in Debug mode, besides trying some of the debug keystrokes.

Anyone have other ideas?

BTW if Firaxis would prefer that it not be known (assuming it's even possible), just say the word. No problem here.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 8:39 pm
by TheWizardKs
I searched the main exe with a hex editor and noticed a place where debug is listed with some other xml variables and in the same fashion...

Debug true false

so maybe the feature? is turned on via an xml entry <Debug>1</Debug>
or something similiar in the command line?