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Train Delays At Depot

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:04 am
by mrgee
My trains often wait, and wait, and wait at depots, and I dont know why.
Also when 2 trains meet head-on on a single track they seem to wait for ever before one decides to move.. I have tried adjusting train priority, which is about the only control that would seem to have any effect. Also the wait until full option is NOT selected..
Any help..

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 1:17 pm
by Slappy Da Clown
Sounds like your playin the game on moderate setting. Try easy the trains will pass through each other based on priority.

Slappy Da Clown

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:56 pm
by snoopy55
Before you OK a map to load, look at the Routing Difficulty Level. If you go thru the three different levels and hold your pointer on each one it will explain how the trains will behave.

Still having problems

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:31 pm
by mrgee
I have selected the easy option for train routing, and all works well, but sometimes all my trains just stop at whatever depot they are at and do not move...! This happens at vary stages within a game... Whats is up...seems maybe like a bug..?

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:38 pm
by snoopy55
Is this right after you have layed track? That happens alot as the computer has to check out all thats going on. It gets longer as you own more trackage.

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 5:43 am
by Dr Frag
Don't forget that if you select Wait til full and the city is small you might have to wait for it to produce whatever you're hauling before the train can leave.

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 7:22 am
by mrgee
No that is not it..have made sure the wait till full option is not checked..
Strange ..if I alt+tab out of the game, then alt+tab back the trains progress..???

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 4:59 pm
by Dr Frag
Sorry, must have missed that in your first post.

The only times I see trains waiting are when they aren't full or when there is a train blocking the way somewhere down the line. I don't know how it determines when to leave when Wait Until Full is NOT checked though. :?

Are you patched to
Do you have any mods installed?
Shut down any extra processes or programs running in the background.
Latest drivers?

Ya know, the usual stuff.

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:17 am
by Steamer
I too have recently experienced a strange stoppage of all trains (including those of AI opponents) at stations - the trains simply stop in the middle of loading cars, usually after a new track has been laid, and refuse to move again. I am fully patched, have no mods, and have all the latest drivers.

I discovered that if I made a slight change to a graphics option, such as anti-aliasing, the trains move again. It doesn't seem to matter what change is made.

So perhaps ANY change made to the game corrects the situation, your exiting and re-entering it being a case in point.

This is a weird glitch, and has been happening to me so often lately that I am surprised no one else has reported it.

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 7:12 pm
by Dr Frag
I have a feeling that's not really a Railroads! 'bug' but an issue with your system since I haven't read anyone having that issue here. Did you look through the Technical Issues forum? I would really look into the other things running on your system. Also how much memory do you have? And a lot of people don't think about them but chipset drivers could be stalling video card communications.

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 1:55 am
by Steamer
I'm sure you're right, Dr Frag, which was why I avoided using the word "bug." I was mainly posting to let mrgee know that my problem seemed similar to his, and how I "fixed" it, at least temporarily.

Judging from experience, and from the postings in the Technical Issues forum, this game seems to be quite affected by system issues, certainly more so than the other games I own, and looking for the exact cause of strange "glitches" like this one can be like looking for a needle in a haystack, and often not worth the time and trouble to do so, especially if an easy, albeit temporary "fix" is found. As for memory, I have plenty - 3 gigs - and my problem occurs even when I shut down all other processes running on my system. So the cause is somewhere deeper in the bowels, where my limited patience will not take me.

But thank you for your response. This forum is one of the best I've ever encountered, and has been invaluable to me in learning the finer points of an extremely fun game.

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 2:52 am
by Dr Frag
I would be interesting to know the specs on both systems to see if they have something in common that might tip us off to a solution.

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 7:15 am
by Steamer
Here are my specs, if the following is what you meant:

ASUS A8N-SLI Premium mobo
Athlon 64 4000+ processor
Kingston ValuRam DDR400 PC3200 RAM (1gb x 2; 512mb x 2)
Seagate 250gb SATA-2 hard drive
EVGA 7800GT graphics card
Lite-On DVD R/RW, and Lite-On DVD ROM
XP Pro, SP2

Stuck trains topic again?

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:16 pm
by sjekazoo
I keep seeing and responding to that stuck train issue as I had figured out how to fix it, your answer simplifies it. I think on some systems the track checking gets stuck in a loop and bumping the graphics seems to break it out of the loop.
I have been telling people how to manually unstick there trains by toggling between Windowed and Full Screen under the options command. I have to do that every time I open the program the first time. Did not know there were shortcut keys for it, that helps a lot.
PS is there anyway to get this info to all the people who have the same issue posted on random threads scattered throughout the forum?