hello Tijer,Tijer wrote:Sorry you do not like to deal with details, but they are important. When you build a specific railroad map you are giving the impression of historical fact. This map has none. Since I have been waiting 12+ months for this map, all the hoopla has produced a bomb. No new concepts where developed in this map, and no new territory was created.
The art work is sloppy. The cargo ship has no texture, just color, the same can be said for the Key West resort. The sign on the Key Lime Pie Factory is messed up. The Sugar Cane Farm has flickering shadows as does the jail that was taken from SMPirates. The distribution centers are out of scale as are the both ships. My point is that compared to Utah, this thing is a disgrace. You all are passing out praise like you are being paid to advertise. Not to mention 13 months of advertising, all over the forum on everyone’s thread. Then we have the fact that the map was running “Super Fast”, but when the thing was released for Beta testing it was missing files. How could this be when the touted claim was that everything was in one folder?
As for my own map, who's to say that I am not building one. Nothing states that I must advertise it all over the forum. Currently, I am attempting to create a KFM. I do not know about you, but I do know that we are going to run out of things to steal from Civ IV and Pirates. Anyway the KFM is new turf, the folks at Nif Tools have not entered that area, specifically in relation to SMR. But then the area only gets opened when someone volunteers to work there. What this means is that I am on my own with little or no support. Building the structure in Blender is the easy part, adding needed animation (KF) is not, then creating the KFM compounds the problem. The NIF files used in SMR are different then the ones used in other NIF games created by Fireaxis and 2K. So if you are offering to help, please do not hide your hand. The intentions of my map is to have content that is actually new and not just a colored version of something stolen from another game.
Also other projects that I am involved in are SAM and the BBs. Currently, I am testing the SAMs that Snoopy has completed. It is my understanding that Snoopy had some people beta testing them, but I have found that the testing was not done properly, thus the work has to be redone. I guess it is like everything else, if you want a job done right, you have to do it yourself. Since this was already outsourced once, it will stay with me until I am ready to release it. For some reason some members are hell bent to see SAM fail. The fact is it will not. The process of converting the existing maps to SAM is a long and tedious process. Pouring thru pages of files to assemble the content. For the most part Snoopy has been on his own in this field. All with not so much as a thank you from the majority of the active members of the forum, but plenty of grief about the GLOBALS instead. While at the same time, those whiners have produced nothing of substance.
In closing on this topic, I have stated what I am doing. In general my strong suit is finding solutions to problems and making things work that don’t. I do not spend my day posting all over the forum my praises. Sorry if that makes it look like I do nothing, but complain. The fact is that the opposite is true. It takes at least twice as much work to create something new then it does to steal and assemble and post. As for this map, the thing is still loaded with unneeded files. All of which are loaded in to RAM thus wasting space. All of Calm Dragon’s maps create more of a challenge then this one map, so why all the hoopla. I will be playing Jansikia’s and Rodea’s maps shortly, so I can not comment on those as of yet. I will state that Rodea did some great work on Florida Gold, what I am sorry about is that when credit was finally given to him, it was given as an after thought and fell far short of what he deserved.
So since I have been challenged to create a map, I will. Judging by the time frame I will have 12 months to complete it. Do NOT expect updates and advertising all over the forum. The map will have never before seen content. When I say seen content, I am stating that I will be creating the content from scratch, and not stealing it from any other NIF games. Unlike Florida Gold it will not have a set of GLOBALS placed in the User Map files, instead it will be built as a SAM, where only the game side globals are used, and all custom content is on the scenario side. The Map will be historically accurate as far as major events. Is their anything else that you require? In reference to yourself, just what have you been up to? I see that you like to play maps, but what else do you do? I have read your posts, but I must have missed the items that you have created? Please enlighten me, Master.
Just in case there is any question as to the 12 month time frame. Go view the post before it gets edited. It is defiantly the Florida Gold 400 Map.Author Message
Lowell Post subject: Map editing question
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:55 pm
Joined: Sat Mar 24, 2007 2:14 am
Posts: 504
Location: Atlanta,Georgia I enlarged the Florida map to a size 20 map (runs great.) What do I need to do to cleanup the edges?
I can have some luck at editing and enlarging the bank all the way around, but some dark edges still show.
SMRailroads!0146.jpg [ 58.71 KiB | Viewed 14 times ]
What happen with you...., This is only game not real world.
You can make a map with everything do you like not depend history or what ever. If this map have defect and imperfection should be you must give your knowledge to repair that not to inveigh to this mapper. You can't do it, not all people at here can make a map you shoud be to respect what the mapper made.