Florida Gold 400 problem

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Re: Florida Gold 400 problem

Post by Rodea2007 » Thu May 08, 2008 3:50 am

Tijer wrote:Sorry you do not like to deal with details, but they are important. When you build a specific railroad map you are giving the impression of historical fact. This map has none. Since I have been waiting 12+ months for this map, all the hoopla has produced a bomb. No new concepts where developed in this map, and no new territory was created.

The art work is sloppy. The cargo ship has no texture, just color, the same can be said for the Key West resort. The sign on the Key Lime Pie Factory is messed up. The Sugar Cane Farm has flickering shadows as does the jail that was taken from SMPirates. The distribution centers are out of scale as are the both ships. My point is that compared to Utah, this thing is a disgrace. You all are passing out praise like you are being paid to advertise. Not to mention 13 months of advertising, all over the forum on everyone’s thread. Then we have the fact that the map was running “Super Fast”, but when the thing was released for Beta testing it was missing files. How could this be when the touted claim was that everything was in one folder?

As for my own map, who's to say that I am not building one. Nothing states that I must advertise it all over the forum. Currently, I am attempting to create a KFM. I do not know about you, but I do know that we are going to run out of things to steal from Civ IV and Pirates. Anyway the KFM is new turf, the folks at Nif Tools have not entered that area, specifically in relation to SMR. But then the area only gets opened when someone volunteers to work there. What this means is that I am on my own with little or no support. Building the structure in Blender is the easy part, adding needed animation (KF) is not, then creating the KFM compounds the problem. The NIF files used in SMR are different then the ones used in other NIF games created by Fireaxis and 2K. So if you are offering to help, please do not hide your hand. The intentions of my map is to have content that is actually new and not just a colored version of something stolen from another game.

Also other projects that I am involved in are SAM and the BBs. Currently, I am testing the SAMs that Snoopy has completed. It is my understanding that Snoopy had some people beta testing them, but I have found that the testing was not done properly, thus the work has to be redone. I guess it is like everything else, if you want a job done right, you have to do it yourself. Since this was already outsourced once, it will stay with me until I am ready to release it. For some reason some members are hell bent to see SAM fail. The fact is it will not. The process of converting the existing maps to SAM is a long and tedious process. Pouring thru pages of files to assemble the content. For the most part Snoopy has been on his own in this field. All with not so much as a thank you from the majority of the active members of the forum, but plenty of grief about the GLOBALS instead. While at the same time, those whiners have produced nothing of substance.

In closing on this topic, I have stated what I am doing. In general my strong suit is finding solutions to problems and making things work that don’t. I do not spend my day posting all over the forum my praises. Sorry if that makes it look like I do nothing, but complain. The fact is that the opposite is true. It takes at least twice as much work to create something new then it does to steal and assemble and post. As for this map, the thing is still loaded with unneeded files. All of which are loaded in to RAM thus wasting space. All of Calm Dragon’s maps create more of a challenge then this one map, so why all the hoopla. I will be playing Jansikia’s and Rodea’s maps shortly, so I can not comment on those as of yet. I will state that Rodea did some great work on Florida Gold, what I am sorry about is that when credit was finally given to him, it was given as an after thought and fell far short of what he deserved.

So since I have been challenged to create a map, I will. Judging by the time frame I will have 12 months to complete it. Do NOT expect updates and advertising all over the forum. The map will have never before seen content. When I say seen content, I am stating that I will be creating the content from scratch, and not stealing it from any other NIF games. Unlike Florida Gold it will not have a set of GLOBALS placed in the User Map files, instead it will be built as a SAM, where only the game side globals are used, and all custom content is on the scenario side. The Map will be historically accurate as far as major events. Is their anything else that you require? In reference to yourself, just what have you been up to? I see that you like to play maps, but what else do you do? I have read your posts, but I must have missed the items that you have created? Please enlighten me, Master.
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Lowell Post subject: Map editing question
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:55 pm
Joined: Sat Mar 24, 2007 2:14 am
Posts: 504
Location: Atlanta,Georgia I enlarged the Florida map to a size 20 map (runs great.) What do I need to do to cleanup the edges?

I can have some luck at editing and enlarging the bank all the way around, but some dark edges still show.


SMRailroads!0146.jpg [ 58.71 KiB | Viewed 14 times ]
Just in case there is any question as to the 12 month time frame. Go view the post before it gets edited. It is defiantly the Florida Gold 400 Map.
hello Tijer,
What happen with you...., This is only game not real world.
You can make a map with everything do you like not depend history or what ever. If this map have defect and imperfection should be you must give your knowledge to repair that not to inveigh to this mapper. You can't do it, not all people at here can make a map you shoud be to respect what the mapper made.
Rodea2007 ( http://rodea2007.yolasite.com )
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Re: Florida Gold 400 problem

Post by Rodea2007 » Fri May 09, 2008 4:38 am

Tijer wrote:Sorry you do not like to deal with details, but they are important. When you build a specific railroad map you are giving the impression of historical fact. This map has none. Since I have been waiting 12+ months for this map, all the hoopla has produced a bomb. No new concepts where developed in this map, and no new territory was created.

The art work is sloppy. The cargo ship has no texture, just color, the same can be said for the Key West resort. The sign on the Key Lime Pie Factory is messed up. The Sugar Cane Farm has flickering shadows as does the jail that was taken from SMPirates. The distribution centers are out of scale as are the both ships. My point is that compared to Utah, this thing is a disgrace. You all are passing out praise like you are being paid to advertise. Not to mention 13 months of advertising, all over the forum on everyone’s thread. Then we have the fact that the map was running “Super Fast”, but when the thing was released for Beta testing it was missing files. How could this be when the touted claim was that everything was in one folder?

As for my own map, who's to say that I am not building one. Nothing states that I must advertise it all over the forum. Currently, I am attempting to create a KFM. I do not know about you, but I do know that we are going to run out of things to steal from Civ IV and Pirates. Anyway the KFM is new turf, the folks at Nif Tools have not entered that area, specifically in relation to SMR. But then the area only gets opened when someone volunteers to work there. What this means is that I am on my own with little or no support. Building the structure in Blender is the easy part, adding needed animation (KF) is not, then creating the KFM compounds the problem. The NIF files used in SMR are different then the ones used in other NIF games created by Fireaxis and 2K. So if you are offering to help, please do not hide your hand. The intentions of my map is to have content that is actually new and not just a colored version of something stolen from another game.

Also other projects that I am involved in are SAM and the BBs. Currently, I am testing the SAMs that Snoopy has completed. It is my understanding that Snoopy had some people beta testing them, but I have found that the testing was not done properly, thus the work has to be redone. I guess it is like everything else, if you want a job done right, you have to do it yourself. Since this was already outsourced once, it will stay with me until I am ready to release it. For some reason some members are hell bent to see SAM fail. The fact is it will not. The process of converting the existing maps to SAM is a long and tedious process. Pouring thru pages of files to assemble the content. For the most part Snoopy has been on his own in this field. All with not so much as a thank you from the majority of the active members of the forum, but plenty of grief about the GLOBALS instead. While at the same time, those whiners have produced nothing of substance.

In closing on this topic, I have stated what I am doing. In general my strong suit is finding solutions to problems and making things work that don’t. I do not spend my day posting all over the forum my praises. Sorry if that makes it look like I do nothing, but complain. The fact is that the opposite is true. It takes at least twice as much work to create something new then it does to steal and assemble and post. As for this map, the thing is still loaded with unneeded files. All of which are loaded in to RAM thus wasting space. All of Calm Dragon’s maps create more of a challenge then this one map, so why all the hoopla. I will be playing Jansikia’s and Rodea’s maps shortly, so I can not comment on those as of yet. I will state that Rodea did some great work on Florida Gold, what I am sorry about is that when credit was finally given to him, it was given as an after thought and fell far short of what he deserved.

So since I have been challenged to create a map, I will. Judging by the time frame I will have 12 months to complete it. Do NOT expect updates and advertising all over the forum. The map will have never before seen content. When I say seen content, I am stating that I will be creating the content from scratch, and not stealing it from any other NIF games. Unlike Florida Gold it will not have a set of GLOBALS placed in the User Map files, instead it will be built as a SAM, where only the game side globals are used, and all custom content is on the scenario side. The Map will be historically accurate as far as major events. Is their anything else that you require? In reference to yourself, just what have you been up to? I see that you like to play maps, but what else do you do? I have read your posts, but I must have missed the items that you have created? Please enlighten me, Master.
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Lowell Post subject: Map editing question
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:55 pm
Joined: Sat Mar 24, 2007 2:14 am
Posts: 504
Location: Atlanta,Georgia I enlarged the Florida map to a size 20 map (runs great.) What do I need to do to cleanup the edges?

I can have some luck at editing and enlarging the bank all the way around, but some dark edges still show.


SMRailroads!0146.jpg [ 58.71 KiB | Viewed 14 times ]
Just in case there is any question as to the 12 month time frame. Go view the post before it gets edited. It is defiantly the Florida Gold 400 Map.
Hello Tijer...
Salute for your idealism, but I guess that's not need in here
you can't judged Lowell map like American Idol judger, here is Forum not competition, if I thought like you thinking West Sumatera Map not available in here, if you not like to this map or another map please don't download or isntall to your computer. No one to pay to use maps in here that's free, you should be respect for that. What you are talking about stolen, steal...that is not correct, I'm member in Civic Fantastic's Forum, I never seen comment like your comment, in that forum rich by mod not like here, if you ever browsing in that forum looking for thread "how to add Building From Sid Meier's Railroad to Civiv IV" from another member, What do you think???. If the building you used for commercial that is illegal you can talked stolen. but if not commercial used that is legal, such as open source software. Keep in your mind if this game not add building from another game, that's imposibble to modding this game, please read my old thread "How to make KFM File from Nif File" no one can give me answer, because I know no one in here can do that, so you must positif thinking about what mapper made in here. I'm sorry if my thread make you disappointed. But I mean you must support the mapper to develov their map in order to this game riches by mod...
Rodea2007 ( http://rodea2007.yolasite.com )
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Re: Florida Gold 400 problem

Post by snoopy55 » Fri May 09, 2008 5:31 am

Rodea - while you may have a point here, look at the whole post, and all of the posts that were made by Lowell through out the forum.
Lowell wrote: Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 12:02 am

What about those who like to leave alot of maps in their files and don't have an issue with say keeping a few or many maps in their inventory. Then they end up with double files inside FPKs? Like say two or three maps that have a port and they all put the same model in their FPK.

I like flipping through the maps in the load screen. Sometimes you don't know which map you want to play, and they may pick one they haven't played in awhile or at all. People will forget maps they take out of their files. After all the months of work it takes to build new models and files...it seems a shame to have it tosed and forgotten so fast.

Anyway I think the only thing about the content is it has to scan it all when you load a new map. After it enters what it finds in the players Saved game scenario file, it just runs off that and doesn't scan every time. So I only think it affects the first load. Upon reload of a saved map it doesn't scan everything only what was on the list at the time of save. So I am not sure if you are going to save anyone any system resources by this, take the Florida Gold 20x20 map...play for a day and a half...get it real full on a new blank RailRoads file set (clean game load)...and it still wants 2gig of memory. But I don't mind, I'm trying that file system now...just can't get it to kick-in. Global stuff runs fine though.

Sorry been buried in maps and stuff haven't seen these construction posts till now.
Lowell wrote:
Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:18 pm

In responce to your question about making the map files. It seems there is some confusion about the new style of self contained map building.

I have come across something that fixs maps large or small from ever crashing again. I've taken large maps...not just mine...and built a set of files that runs in a "Clean Game." Meaning that if you just buy the game, load it onto your machine, then take the "single map folder" and place it inside usermaps. All new items for the map get placed inside the folder with the maps files "uncompressed" meaning no FPKs. The game reads through everything super fast that way.

Next the map files need made simular to what Fraxis did on day one...add global industries and goods files as needed to your maps files. No other files can be loaded into the game...no global files inside MyGames and/or smri...which has a set of globals. These maps crash out inside smri or the old global files. I've tried for three months and the game uses too much system resources and crashes out, so the game has to be like a fresh install with no added stuff..."Clean."

The largest map I have built now runs complete without a single crash or any kind of trouble...plus I added several new engines on top of what was built so far. The map screams and saves perfect.

I'm sure which ever "style" you use it will help, but I've found that when all the old global files and content are removed...then you take a single map and not load anything into a default game, leaving everything to the single map folder...it works perfect. The game has nothing wrong with it except the decorations don't get saved for some reason...otherwise I haven't had a crash in this game for months now. All gone.

My new largest map will get posted in a few as I have a couple more edits to a FEC engine and one other thing.

For some reason way back...the decision was made to copy some of the global files out of Program Files/2K Games...and placed inside the My Games section of the game. This makes the game unstable as things are added to those xml lists. All of it gets loaded each and every map. With the files made this "old" way from Fraxis...the game only loads what models and resources the map needs...hence my map doesn't use coal so the coal building model and xml info doesn't get loaded. So my new maps with Tons of new content runs resources less than the oraginal game now.
So the 20x20 sized map runs like a 10x10. Because I turned off half of the game in lue of turnning on my stuff.

Simple...and...it works a 100% of the time...game fixed.

EDIT// So Fraxis had given an example of "how" mod maps are to be made for the game all along. Funny.
During the month of January Lowell talked back and forth with me thru Email about how to make SAMs. This was posted during that time:

Lowell wrote: Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 12:55 am

Oh yes you need that. Don't forget to pick the Florida Funds on the Difficulty drop down list before you enter and start the scenario.

You will just have enough money to start your wood/paper at first. Watch your money real close. Soon enough you will be rolling in money but at first you will be poor off and on.

Watch the objectives...they lead you to what's next. Work your way to Miami, then Bele Glade. Connect the distribution centers and as soon as passengers are ready get them rolling. Your distribution rail line will be one of the most costly rail lines you will lay...until you lay the dual rail for it that you will need. Plus the bridges through to Key West. :twisted:

That's all the hints for now, I'll wait till someone hits a brick wall then give out more.

:arrow: Big Note:
1-3-2008 7:06pm
Okay, I have tried this new file system and it is messing up the game...not to mention the threads are trashed by now anyway. The RRT_Goods.xml file must have the new goods listed in the global file. I have tried many times to get this new file system to kick-in but it only lets you install one map in your game at a time...period, you would have to yank out even the default maps and load one map at a time everytime you want a map. Not good...I like to scroll through and pick one from the pictures. However, The files are going to be re-loaded and you must update the RRT_Goods.xml file for the game to be Happy...and we want the game to be Happy. So, sorry for all the file changes, but it was worth the try. Below you will find the files as I posted them the first time...please change to the set that requires you to update the Goods file...I will work on getting an installer for the map, but the goods are going to be entered as globals...even with the installer...the new file system just doesn't work the way you guys think it will...thanks.
This has been the main thing about this map. Also, if you are going to advertise about a map for 14 months, on your threads AND on almost everybody else's, It had better be VERY good. I could remove half the XML files and it would still run the same and use less memory. A lot of the content of the Assets folder can be edited out also.

He gave instructions about what had to be done to run it, then when it was pointed out that all of that was not needed, he edited his post. He also told people they did not have to load the two Patches from 2K, which was wrong.

Basically he was in a hurry to get this map out before the SAMs came out, and even went so far as to post that the SAMs were OK for beginners, but not for good mappers.

He walked in areas where he knew nothing about what was being done or how to do it, and spoke of how SMRI and GLOBALS were bad and should not be used. He speak of having 15 maps done as CIC maps, but has never given names or posted them. For this reason, SAMs are on hold until we know what is going on.

That is where we stand.
I'm correct 97% of the time..... who cares about the other 4%....

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Re: Florida Gold 400 problem

Post by Rodea2007 » Fri May 09, 2008 9:15 am

snoopy55 wrote:Rodea - while you may have a point here, look at the whole post, and all of the posts that were made by Lowell through out the forum.
Lowell wrote: Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 12:02 am

What about those who like to leave alot of maps in their files and don't have an issue with say keeping a few or many maps in their inventory. Then they end up with double files inside FPKs? Like say two or three maps that have a port and they all put the same model in their FPK.

I like flipping through the maps in the load screen. Sometimes you don't know which map you want to play, and they may pick one they haven't played in awhile or at all. People will forget maps they take out of their files. After all the months of work it takes to build new models and files...it seems a shame to have it tosed and forgotten so fast.

Anyway I think the only thing about the content is it has to scan it all when you load a new map. After it enters what it finds in the players Saved game scenario file, it just runs off that and doesn't scan every time. So I only think it affects the first load. Upon reload of a saved map it doesn't scan everything only what was on the list at the time of save. So I am not sure if you are going to save anyone any system resources by this, take the Florida Gold 20x20 map...play for a day and a half...get it real full on a new blank RailRoads file set (clean game load)...and it still wants 2gig of memory. But I don't mind, I'm trying that file system now...just can't get it to kick-in. Global stuff runs fine though.

Sorry been buried in maps and stuff haven't seen these construction posts till now.
Lowell wrote:
Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:18 pm

In responce to your question about making the map files. It seems there is some confusion about the new style of self contained map building.

I have come across something that fixs maps large or small from ever crashing again. I've taken large maps...not just mine...and built a set of files that runs in a "Clean Game." Meaning that if you just buy the game, load it onto your machine, then take the "single map folder" and place it inside usermaps. All new items for the map get placed inside the folder with the maps files "uncompressed" meaning no FPKs. The game reads through everything super fast that way.

Next the map files need made simular to what Fraxis did on day one...add global industries and goods files as needed to your maps files. No other files can be loaded into the game...no global files inside MyGames and/or smri...which has a set of globals. These maps crash out inside smri or the old global files. I've tried for three months and the game uses too much system resources and crashes out, so the game has to be like a fresh install with no added stuff..."Clean."

The largest map I have built now runs complete without a single crash or any kind of trouble...plus I added several new engines on top of what was built so far. The map screams and saves perfect.

I'm sure which ever "style" you use it will help, but I've found that when all the old global files and content are removed...then you take a single map and not load anything into a default game, leaving everything to the single map folder...it works perfect. The game has nothing wrong with it except the decorations don't get saved for some reason...otherwise I haven't had a crash in this game for months now. All gone.

My new largest map will get posted in a few as I have a couple more edits to a FEC engine and one other thing.

For some reason way back...the decision was made to copy some of the global files out of Program Files/2K Games...and placed inside the My Games section of the game. This makes the game unstable as things are added to those xml lists. All of it gets loaded each and every map. With the files made this "old" way from Fraxis...the game only loads what models and resources the map needs...hence my map doesn't use coal so the coal building model and xml info doesn't get loaded. So my new maps with Tons of new content runs resources less than the oraginal game now.
So the 20x20 sized map runs like a 10x10. Because I turned off half of the game in lue of turnning on my stuff.

Simple...and...it works a 100% of the time...game fixed.

EDIT// So Fraxis had given an example of "how" mod maps are to be made for the game all along. Funny.
During the month of January Lowell talked back and forth with me thru Email about how to make SAMs. This was posted during that time:

Lowell wrote: Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 12:55 am

Oh yes you need that. Don't forget to pick the Florida Funds on the Difficulty drop down list before you enter and start the scenario.

You will just have enough money to start your wood/paper at first. Watch your money real close. Soon enough you will be rolling in money but at first you will be poor off and on.

Watch the objectives...they lead you to what's next. Work your way to Miami, then Bele Glade. Connect the distribution centers and as soon as passengers are ready get them rolling. Your distribution rail line will be one of the most costly rail lines you will lay...until you lay the dual rail for it that you will need. Plus the bridges through to Key West. :twisted:

That's all the hints for now, I'll wait till someone hits a brick wall then give out more.

:arrow: Big Note:
1-3-2008 7:06pm
Okay, I have tried this new file system and it is messing up the game...not to mention the threads are trashed by now anyway. The RRT_Goods.xml file must have the new goods listed in the global file. I have tried many times to get this new file system to kick-in but it only lets you install one map in your game at a time...period, you would have to yank out even the default maps and load one map at a time everytime you want a map. Not good...I like to scroll through and pick one from the pictures. However, The files are going to be re-loaded and you must update the RRT_Goods.xml file for the game to be Happy...and we want the game to be Happy. So, sorry for all the file changes, but it was worth the try. Below you will find the files as I posted them the first time...please change to the set that requires you to update the Goods file...I will work on getting an installer for the map, but the goods are going to be entered as globals...even with the installer...the new file system just doesn't work the way you guys think it will...thanks.
This has been the main thing about this map. Also, if you are going to advertise about a map for 14 months, on your threads AND on almost everybody else's, It had better be VERY good. I could remove half the XML files and it would still run the same and use less memory. A lot of the content of the Assets folder can be edited out also.

He gave instructions about what had to be done to run it, then when it was pointed out that all of that was not needed, he edited his post. He also told people they did not have to load the two Patches from 2K, which was wrong.

Basically he was in a hurry to get this map out before the SAMs came out, and even went so far as to post that the SAMs were OK for beginners, but not for good mappers.

He walked in areas where he knew nothing about what was being done or how to do it, and spoke of how SMRI and GLOBALS were bad and should not be used. He speak of having 15 maps done as CIC maps, but has never given names or posted them. For this reason, SAMs are on hold until we know what is going on.

That is where we stand.
I'm understanding what you are talking about. just I don't understand why Lowell told to the people they did not have to load the two Patches from 2K ???, that's big mistake. Without patch 1.1.0 Station and Terminal can't build up to 4 tracks and Tijer talking about steal building or nif from another games that's big mistake too. Anyway Florida Map 20x not must to clean Intall, I'm putting this map with another maps in UserMaps but I must to copy new Goods, Trains and TrainCars from Florida Map to RRT.xml in Global CustomAssets, so far running perfectly. I will support for your SAM Project, don't hesitate if you want to help from me What can I do for your SAM Projects
Rodea2007 ( http://rodea2007.yolasite.com )
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Re: Florida Gold 400 problem

Post by mikeyc » Fri May 09, 2008 9:45 am

There seems to me that there is something wrong with the logic of the last two posts by Snoopy but I cant quite get it. So what if Lowell advertised his project for 12 months, so what if he contradicted himself. Maybe his thinking evolved when developing this map.So what if he has 'too much' in his assets folder. So what! So what!
Time to move on, this thread is starting to smell like some sort of vendetta.
Rodea is right. You dont like his maps you dont load them. I like the map( historically correct or not). Also I might ad that the other SAM maps load easily and run well. No crashes which is better than what used to happen.
Whats the pointof all this.

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Re: Florida Gold 400 problem

Post by snoopy55 » Fri May 09, 2008 7:25 pm

Well mickyc, I'll let you and a friend put 3 or 4 months work into a project you call BigRunner. I'll say I don't like the idea because things don't look right. I'll say I tried it and it CAN'T work and should be left alone. Then in the middle of the same thread, one of your threads, I'll state that I have discovered a NEW way of posting maps that makes them look GREAT! When you mention that it sounds like what you are doing, I'll say it's nothing like it, and I wasn't talking to you anyway.

A month or so later I'll come out with Great Zoomer! Things look Great and run "smooth as glass!". "No, I thought this up all by myself". Heck, I'll even put your way down and say it's for new people, not for great maps. I'll state that I have rewritten a lot of the maps this way, but I don't have time to post them.

But hey, you're right, what's the point of all this, it's not important, and since he's already got the whole thing worked out, incorrectly I might add, I should just let it go and find something else to do. Keeping it off the forum of course.... :roll:

EDIT: Oh ya, while I'm at it I'll also inform you that there will be men in black suits coming to your door to take you away......no, not white suits, been there, done that......
I'm correct 97% of the time..... who cares about the other 4%....

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Re: Florida Gold 400 problem

Post by snoopy55 » Fri May 09, 2008 8:02 pm

Rodea2007 - I'm glad you do support the SAM project, BUT, You don't realize the time that goes into doing these. To start on a map around 7:00 in the evening, then look up at the clock and see it's 4 or 5 in the morning, and you still have more to do, or there is some problem with something and you have a headache from staring at 3 monitors, digging thru 5 drives to find answers, running a map dozens of times to see if that was the problem... :shock: . No, not the simple maps, the larger more Modded ones. And I have a Doctor that would tell me I shouldn't be doing this in the first place.

But I had a BIG hand in creating the GLOBALS, and people with low end systems cannot handle all of that data that has been created. And not everyone can just go out and buy a bigger system. So Tijer and I came up with SAMs. And we've been at them for 7 months now. We want them posted on the forum, not on some private site, so we have to work them down. And a Tannery that looks like a Chemical Plant is OK if you only use one of them in your map, but we don't want that, so we are working on editing the buildings that were just copied, creating new Auction and Report shots, and new icons. Repair to graphics is another thing we work on. Things like the shot below just need work done on them.

But to do all of that work only to find that someone else has already done it makes me want to just cry. And believe me, I'm an emotional person, and I've been close.

So, with what we have done, we're doing other things that need doing, partly out of frustration, but mostly because we have to do those things to continue with the rest.

And just so you know, we did not plan on talking everyone into just posting maps as SAMs. It has to go both ways. And if I decide to, I'll rewrite that map to be posted on the forum, in sections to be assembled, loaded, and zipped for later installation if need be. Not under that name of course.

But now I have to get back to my eye strain and headache. The internet was down last night for 6 hours.....felt like part of my brain had been shut off :shock: :( :cry:
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Re: Florida Gold 400 problem

Post by Tijer » Sat May 10, 2008 8:57 am

Rodea – I guess you do not remember, but this thing was promoted as being historical, below is one such post. I myself was curious about the historical claim, since I already knew that the Southern never really operated in the state. My complaint on this is that the history of Florida has constantly been altered by whom ever was trying to steal something next. In my generation, only about 1% of the citizens of the state are born here, and this fact still rings true today. Now remember, this game is played by little kids as well as adults. Since the Southern was a true railroad, one would expect some relevance to history. If history is not important, why mention the FEC at all? Then again why mention Southern? Just have green engines and be done with the matter.

As for making my own map, I cut one over a year ago. I put the project on hold until I could get the proper trees and buildings. To do that I needed to learn Blender, to which I can say that I have become competent at. However, as you know, creating a KFM is not possible. This still needs more research. Any advancement in NIF and KFM’s to work in SMR will have to be gone by the people who play the game. The work that has been done in NIFs so far, has been done by people that mod Civ IV and Oblivion. Since they do not play SMR, KFMs have no importance. This fact leaves us (me) on our own.

Considering that we have had to withstand 12 months of advertising about how great this map is going to be, yes I can judge it. When you hype something as much as this was and it fails to meet expectations, yes you are going to get comments, good bad and ugly. Sorry if you disagree, but those are the facts of life. I suspect a lot of ridicule when my map is published, so what? But at least the map will create something new, not just take things from other games and publish them as my own creation. That in my opinion is stealing. Changing the color of a building is not creating it, nor is it right to leave the impression that it is. As for your reference to the Civ Fanatics Forum, those models where made for Civ IV not for SMR. To use models that where created by someone not on the payroll of Fireaxis or 2K is stealing. You mention having respect for the mapper, but at the same time you feel that it is OK to disrespect the models creator, sorry, but that is a double standard I do not agree with nor do I agree with placing your name on their work and even implying that it is yours. You have to remember that people using this forum will not automatically know that the models came from Civ Fanatics, Civ IV or SMPirates. Also when you publish something or use it as part of a portfolio of your work, you are claiming that work as you own. That is stealing when you fail to mention the relative sources.

In reference to respect, you where completely forgotten in this map. One only has to read the map thread to realize that the reason the map ever got published was because of the work that you did. However, when the map was posted, you did not receive credit for almost 2 days, and then as an after thought. Now all of that is on top of the way he treated you while you where helping him. Honestly, I thought you where going to need a labor union to get fair treatment from the slave master.

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Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 5:36 am

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Rodea2007 wrote:
Star Ranger4 wrote:
no normals. Needs to go back into blender or whatever and make sure the vertix normals are pointing OUT, not in....

Yes...no Normals. It's I "Called" "Steath Oil Tanker Ship" because he haven't materials. You only needs edit in 3dsmax or blender and attach materials for them. If you can't be doing it I will do it for you. but...
be patiens Lowell... maybe at Friday I will sent back Oil Tanker Ship full Colour. In facts I was already done it but my Flash disk get error when I try to copying form myComputer in my House to FD. I can't sending from my computer in My House because haven't internet connection and I usually sending from my Computer in my Office. Tommorow I'm getting Holiday's. friday maybe OK.

I posted the materials...did you not get them? Can you please email me so we can talk about this model instead of talking about it here at the forum? Any time you have free would be great if you can fix it...thanks. Also I have sent you an email...did you recieve it okay?

Looks like I need to fork over the bucks and just buy Max.

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Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 4:44 am

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Lowell wrote:
Great work...

Okay but do not attach the boat to anything...it is to be by itself and not next to the oil rigs. I'll get the materials...they should have been in there. Brb.

The Oil Tanker model is to sit by itself...no oil rigs will be around. The Tanker ship will be parked next to a dock where the oil will be offloaded. The off shore Oil Rigs that you have the ship parked next to will be out to sea...and for show.

Here are the textures...sorry forgot about them.

Please email me the finished model as I would like to have it on my map first. Then everyone can use the model. Thanks...Also it looks like it needs to be scaled a bit larger. As soon as the model is ready I can get the update ready...the engines are done.

P.S. any luck with the lighthouse? I was reading through the hospital kf files last night trying to see how they attached it and the animation files were in the effects files. That would be a great project to figure out, because it is like learning how to attach animations to cars and buildings.

Ok...Lowell I will do.

I'm not lucky yet with lighthouse, because I must more learning about KF, and KFM files

These are just a few examples of what I am talking about. I am sure once this is brought to light, all the posts will be edited, as usual. You also do not have to worry about quoting my entire post. I do not edit my post once I have written them, that habit belongs to someone else.
FireShot capture #4 - 'Hooked on Railroads! - a Sid Meier's Railroads! fans community' - www_hookedgamers_com_forums_viewtopic_php_f=50&t=2228&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=15.zip
Here is the zip.
(2.83 MiB) Downloaded 406 times
This is the post that the comment was based on. I also included the whole page from the forum in a ZIP.
This is the post that the comment was based on. I also included the whole page from the forum in a ZIP.
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Re: Florida Gold 400 problem

Post by Tijer » Sat May 10, 2008 9:01 am

Hey Snoopy - That thing looks like a Tuberculosis X-Ray. A few more spots and it will be dead.
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Re: Florida Gold 400 problem

Post by Lowell » Sat May 10, 2008 10:11 am

I hope you realize that several people here at the forum were instrumental in the final outcome of this map. You are insulting allot of people here not just me.

Say whatever you guys feel makes you feel better. Others can really see what you are made of.

The map has an update almost complete. Many items as the map developed near the end had to be removed. Several items like the Atlantic Coast Line and Seaboard trains were not ready...the Southern engines are for Georgia and were stuck on this map as a test...and yes several needed more edit work for the name decal on the sides and some of the gold stripes were to large.

Nice display of leadership skills there...others at the forum can take note.

But seeing as you guys are just going to trash and Flame and Double post everywhere and need a Prozac...I am not going to post anymore work here at this site as long as Snoopy is Admin here. So steal the map and items, change it to your name and make yourselves happy for once.

For all those who like mt work and want to see more and the new trains I am about through with...you will have to go to my web site and/or Mod DB. There I can post work where others will have a little respect.

Just for everyone information the map was built after the Utah map's file structure and Karsten had a big hand in the maps development...we worked close and as I said many items had to be removed until they could get worked out. From Snoopy's and Tijers remarks, I think everyone can see you guys didn't help at all...as a matter of fact you are trying your best to trash the project. As to the twelve months, I run a company and have a day job. Then I also make mods for three other games right now. So yeah...lets see your maps that don't crash you have made yourself.

I don't know what you are editing with but you need to change...the dds for that engine is fine...you are the one that placed the holes on that thing. I think you need to fix your one thousand items you made that weren't tested and crash...then you can come comment on others work.
snoopy55 wrote:And if I decide to, I'll rewrite that map to be posted on the forum, in sections to be assembled, loaded, and zipped for later installation if need be
Pretty sad dude...on other mod forums that would get you kicked off. Oh I don't mind anyone taking the whole thing and re-creating their own version...it's the way you say it. I guess that goes for any map maker that makes something you don't agree with...you just censor it. Those old comments you keep quoting, and much is out of context... were from a time when I was transforming the whole concept of map files and building. From April 24th on...all that old stuff went right out the window...but you guys are welcome to stay stuck in the past if you wish. Also don't forget to get rid of whatever you are editing dds files with...

So others can email me and I will send the update information when complete.

Have fun

EDIT// I am using Paint Shop Pro I also have Gimp and others...none of them have specks throughout the image. None. And they display just fine in-game. Also many of those spec and emsk files were edited, for more or less metal shine and whatever. One industry has kf files for animations and more have been added to that models animation list. You need to test and do more digging on many of those models, you just can't start tearing through stuff and making comments without knowing. And yes...many of the scenario files can be slimmed down, also a few models can be pulled out like the old port model...but the map runs super fast as is. Those things are already edited as the update is almost complete. But no one even gave a thought to me still working on the maps as I also have said before.

When I started this mess, I thought it would only fix players from having to copy/paste anything to their games files...I never expected it to fix the game from crashing. It changed everything.

EDIT...EDIT On second thought...if you use jpg images to edit with, Jpgs strip down the images file...and strips out fine colors. I always edit in 32 or 64 bit and use png and or tga files as they retain much of the base images colors without stripping down the image file. That may be your trouble.
The correct way to edit...
The correct way to edit...
Last edited by Lowell on Sat May 10, 2008 11:42 am, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: Florida Gold 400 problem

Post by snoopy55 » Sat May 10, 2008 11:01 am

Lowell, what you see there is just what the games uses, a DDS. Anyone can open it in GIMP or probably any other program that reads DDS files and see it. Go thru your own stuff in your map and use a program like that.

And I do not plan on re-writing your program, just removing files like spec, nmrl and emsk that are not needed because they are in the original game. and kf files, along with combining some v1 and v2 nifs. And removing a few files you have that are not used, along with about half the XML files that are duplicated.

No, I'll not repost your map and call it mine, or yours. But you stated in several XMLs that anyone could use however much of your map they wanted, didn't you?
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Re: Florida Gold 400 problem

Post by snoopy55 » Sat May 10, 2008 2:12 pm

Lowell wrote:EDIT...EDIT On second thought...if you use jpg images to edit with, Jpgs strip down the images file...and strips out fine colors. I always edit in 32 or 64 bit and use png and or tga files as they retain much of the base images colors without stripping down the image file. That may be your trouble.
Lowell, here again is where you have a problem on this forum, you seem to fail to read things. Let me try it in steps...

1) open your 'Assets' folder.

2) find the file labeled '2_8_2_sou_mikado_diff.dds'

3) right-click on it and select 'Open With' and then select 'gimp-win-remote'

Simple, no JPG file. If I convert it to a JPG, TGA or BMP using DDS Converter 2, the spots are gone. If I open it in GIMP and save it as any of those, the spots stay.

And accusing me of putting spots on what you have made....they are in your files, check them out, I can't put them on your server.
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Re: Florida Gold 400 problem

Post by Jancsika » Sat May 10, 2008 2:18 pm

Hey guys! Can you all just stop it! :shock:
It is tiring to look at all this argument, and it will accomplish nothing but bruised feelings. :cry: :cry:

The game is interesting, the improvements that you all have brought to this game is great.
Different people have different ways to do things and the final judge should be the average (or below average gamer). :wink:

So what we like to see is an easily accessible structure where parts (the FPK files and the corresponding XLM) can be lifted and used by others.
That’s where the future of this game lies.(..and please no argument!)
Peace, Shalom, etc…..
:oops: :|

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Re: Florida Gold 400 problem

Post by dwax » Sun May 11, 2008 3:05 am

Me thinks it's time to leave this forum with all the trashing thats going on here. Dose not set a good example for new people coming to the forum.

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Re: Florida Gold 400 problem

Post by Warll » Sun May 11, 2008 3:19 am

dwax wrote:Me thinks it's time to leave this forum with all the trashing thats going on here. Dose not set a good example for new people coming to the forum.
No this is not flaming. When you see post with less then 40 words, swearing and name calling, that's flaming. What we have here is grown men in a dispute, one based on friction which has been around for at least six months. In fact this would have been a lot more visible and easier to solve had it been conducted in the forums instead of by PMs.
