How to reverse a train

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How to reverse a train

Post by railage » Sun Nov 12, 2017 3:01 pm

This is my method for reversing trains. This can be useful to clear jams. This is supposed to be a practical tool to turn stuck trains. Using this method when a train is in a station may cause a crash or the teleporation cheat. Please don't use it that way. My hope is to encourage more freedom and experimentation with shared use tracks.

A train is running between New York and Washington DC. It's trip list is
1. New York
2. Washington DC

Situation #1 with this trip list --> Train is heading towards Washington DC
Delete the 1st destination, New York
Add it to the list again, result: destination order in the list has been switched
Upon exiting to game world, the train is now heading to New York

Situation #2 with this trip list --> Train is heading towards New York
Delete the 1st destination, New York
Add it to the list again: order has again been switched
Exit to the game, train route has been recalculated but . . . . it is still heading towards New York
Never fear, enter the routing window again
Again delete the 1st destination, which is now Washington DC thanks to the step above
Add Washington DC to the list again
Upon exiting to the game world, the train is now headed toward Washington DC

Turn train illustration.jpg
Turn train illustration.jpg (171.99 KiB) Viewed 63968 times
For your information
I have always used this method in conjunction with the game's option "Consist changes are copied to following stops". Also, I have the game paused during the process.

How is this useful to clear jams?
I will tend to run a train back past the last signal or two onto the last passing track, then repeat the process to turn it again to its original direction. The train will wait at a signal and therefore leave a clear path for one of the other of the trains involved in the jam.

What about trains with 3 or more destinations in their trip list?
These require more effort, and are also more likely to contain consist changes. At the moment I strip back to two stops, turn the train, wait till it gets clear of the blockage, turn it back, then re-do the trip list.
Note: Majority of my trains use 2 stops. Topic for another place. Key words: double+ moving occupancy period, unique routes, signal jumps at stations/annexes.

About jams
Sometimes trains randomly get tangled due to timing issues, even if the line isn't overloaded. More commonly a jam indicates a problem spot to fix, or risk a regular repeat. This could indicate an overloaded line or an infrastructure problem. One thing that gets me sometimes is that I haven't made my passing tracks long enough for new cars, v2, or especially some new custom v3 cars. An easy fix, possible future topic.

Feel free to comment with any questions, or if anything needs clarification.

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