Multiple stations

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Multiple stations

Post by sjekazoo » Thu Jan 24, 2008 9:55 pm

I did not see this idea here, but I did not go through every page of threads, so I hope I am not being redundant.
There are different ways this idea could be used, but I will just tell you how I did it. I Built into one of my competitor's railroads with my own station. Then when I bought him out I did not liquidate but merged and then I had two stations in that city. Each can serve a dedicated type of cargo.
Theoretically, if all competitors have built into a single city before you buy them out, you could have 4 stations in one city. That is 12 to 16 independent lines coming into one city. What I don´t know is if you can build a competing station at all difficulty levels, and how upgrading a city´s stations will work (will it upgrade all, or only the original).
The downside is merging with a messy track system, but you can always manually liquidate, and I have not tested it but it seems to give you more money than hitting the liquidate button. You get money on scrap for the rails, stations and trains you delete.

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Post by CalmDragon » Thu Jan 24, 2008 11:49 pm

Yes, Yes, and Yes it is messy.
If there are more than two, and I've bought them both out, I usually start deleting track to one of them then the individual tracks at the station until it disappears.
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Re: Multiple stations

Post by darthdroid » Wed Oct 29, 2008 9:20 am

I would simply point out that I hope you decreased the size of some of the engines :)

Also, You can route 16 trains into ONE station (yours before you buy anyone out), you can route 100, who cares. Yes on hard routing. With 12 trains into one station, some of them will have up to 15% waiting. If it's more than that, you're doing it wrong. If it's a lot more than that, you're really doing it wrong.

I see the concept as interesting but must suggest that it is flawed. I don't want excess, I want efficiency. I don't usually keep my competitors trains or tracks, usually I don't like how they are routed and generally they are giving me less money than the more I would make with my own given the competitor is deleted. I also immediately check all trains (train button at top left) of competitor after buying them and find the average person has 4 or more trains losing $... Further revealing the truth of my point.

Also, once you buy out the first person....frankly #3 and #4 should fall within 2 minutes or something is fluky or wrong here. Point being... there's really no value to trying to do anything with their stations....the game is now over.

Lastly: Somewhere in my posts I've gone into detail about routing say 16 trains into ONE station with minimal waiting on hard my posts and you'll find excellent detail with pictures of it and after trying it out you'll understand why a 2nd station is worthless.
-Bob the Lunatic

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