Factory demands? Is there a list?

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Factory demands? Is there a list?

Post by ljw70 » Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:32 pm

Let's say I have a ton of oil being produced in Beumont, but no demand for it anywhere. How do I know what factory demands oil for its production so I can build it somewhere? Is there a list somewhere of what each factory needs and produces?

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Star Ranger4
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Post by Star Ranger4 » Wed Apr 23, 2008 3:17 pm

Powerplants and Refineries both demand oil. If you're going to build, build a refinery, as they produce finished goods that most cities demand. Powerplants just purchase the oil and produce nothing unless you own them, in which case you get cash per load, which represents the electricity you sol to your customers I assume...

As to the other, its kinda hard to say as it depends on the map. quite a few map makers, as they developed their maps, dinked with what demands what as a way of increasing the challenge level.

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Post by snoopy55 » Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:04 pm

If the icons are done correctly, when you click to build a factory, the icons should show the item or items that are needed and what is produced for each one.
I'm correct 97% of the time..... who cares about the other 4%....

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