Aaaaanyways, through the beginning of the game when funds are tight I'm always struggling to figure out the best way to spend my money so I thought i'd describe what I tend to do and also hope that we get some good replies to the thread with what you guys are doing.
Generally the questions I'm faced with are:
- How much of my stock to sell right off the bat?
- How many trains to try to run? Just one? Two?
- Whether the cost of upgrading the train is worth it immediately after a new enhine is available? Example: If your stations are having trouble producing enough mail and passengers, does paying for a faster engine really gain you any profit?
- When should you upgrade depots/stations/terminals?
- Is it better to start hauling freight immediately with a very weak engine or wait until there is something faster available?
- Do you use mixed cargo of passengers and freight or do you stick to one or the other on your engines?
- When do you start buying back your own stock or buying competitor's stock? Expanding versus Investing?
On the high difficulty level I almost always have to sell 20-30% of my stock in order to achieve this. If the route seems to making decent time and filling up each time, I'll usually upgrade my new depot to a station rather than upgrade the engine... My thinking being that the speedier loading/unloading AND the profit bonus is more useful, especially on these short tracks where my engines never really get up to speed anyways.
Does this mean I'll never upgrade my engines? Of course not, I'm just thinking about that early game time when you've got a route running and $100k in the bank: do you upgrade the engine, upgrade the station, build more track, or buy competitor's stock?
I'll write some more about my other bullets later, but I've got meetings to go to now... I wish MY job was playing Railroads! all day.
I hope this is a spark to an interesting thread, so please please contribute.