Trains don't run at all

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trains wont run

Post by Mulligan22 » Wed May 30, 2007 3:03 pm

I dont have the "wait until full checked" for goods. I have toggled it just to see if it made any difference.

Yesterday I tried a couple of single player games and in one I could get a cattle train to slaughter house one working ok. At the same time I had a passenger train that sat after one run.

The other game the goods wouldn't work but the passenger would, for one run though.

I've removed this game, reloaded it and repatched it. I have no add ons. I went with the game recommended settings as well.

I'm about to toss this game this game out.

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Post by CeeBee51 » Thu May 31, 2007 12:29 am

did you try gczobel's suggestion a few posts up?

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Post by biscy5 » Thu May 31, 2007 12:59 am

snoopy55 wrote:biscy5 - I'm just going to toss this one out there as it is a aren't checking that box that says 'Wait until full' are you? That train will sit there till full. Are the nimbers that show the quanity at the annex or station more than zero?
True enough snoopy, should of mentioned before. Any industry I used all had plenty of supply. I dont tick that box normally during play and when I do, its when a industry isnt quite (for example) large, but provides enough to almost fill say 8 carriages after waiting for a few more seconds after filling 6/7. Such instances are rare though and is done after I follow how a particular train/route is doing. In this case I haven't even got the chance to check since the trains freeze on the first or second loads.
snoopy55 wrote:On number 4, if there isn't enough track behind the train there cars will not show. The stations tracks only go back to the end marker or the signal post.
As far as I can remember on any times I've tried, you could fit 4 carriages behind the train - they still never appeared :(

Appears logging doesnt help it. Same problems happened again last night. I did try gczobel's suggestions of playing it in windowed mode and it ran fine when I started a quick game before work. Tried to reload it just there now and the game CTD with a memory referance error ('instance' couldn't be 'read') Its becoming very weird this issue! I'll add it here for others to try.
Basin and Range map on v1.10 of game.
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Post by biscy5 » Fri Jun 01, 2007 12:21 am

Can anyone try that savegame to see if it works? :(

I cant load any game I save from this map at all now...any other map seems to load/save ok and the OP's issue hasnt come back since.

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Post by atani » Fri Jun 01, 2007 2:44 am

biscy5 wrote:Can anyone try that savegame to see if it works? :(

I cant load any game I save from this map at all now...any other map seems to load/save ok and the OP's issue hasnt come back since.
Unfortunately your save game wont load on my machine :(


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Post by dwax » Fri Jun 01, 2007 3:33 am

biscy5 wrote:Can anyone try that savegame to see if it works? :(

I cant load any game I save from this map at all now...any other map seems to load/save ok and the OP's issue hasnt come back since.
I got it to load, I had to start like I was going to start a new game, then once I was in the game I selected "Load Saved Game" I selected your save. I couldn't see any problems. All the trains were arriving unloading and leaving alright.None were stopping. I have some stop on my tracks,when trains meet, then they just continue. :)

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Post by biscy5 » Fri Jun 01, 2007 4:38 pm

Well its good to know it does work - just my install/system that doesnt. Every map so far works fine except that basin and range map. Such a shame, I like that map!

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Post by dwax » Sat Jun 02, 2007 1:43 am

biscy5 wrote:Well its good to know it does work - just my install/system that doesnt. Every map so far works fine except that basin and range map. Such a shame, I like that map!

The only way I can load a saved game is like I explained in previous post. "Open up in start a new game, once your game starts go and select load saved game and select your basin and range saved game." Any other way will CTD. :? :)

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Post by biscy5 » Sat Jun 02, 2007 2:56 pm

dwax wrote: The only way I can load a saved game is like I explained in previous post. "Open up in start a new game, once your game starts go and select load saved game and select your basin and range saved game." Any other way will CTD. :? :)
I tried that way too, no luck :(

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Post by snoopy55 » Fri Jun 15, 2007 2:08 am

As to the 'stuck engine', looking over A 'new patch request' I found this:
Evenstar wrote:I have found a workaround for this problem. Apparently my ad blocker software, AdSubtract, was causing a problem. I disabled it and the game runs fine. The ad blocker is basically an HTTP proxy that sits between Internet Explorer and the internet. It listens on port 4444. I'm wondering if there is a port conflict that may be causing a problem later in the game. For instance, I also noticed that with the ad blocker enabled any new speed records or other news flash items do not appear.

Anyway, just thought I'd let everyone know that there is a workable workaround for this problem. Anyone else with train sticking bugs might want to try disabling ad blockers (or any programs that open listening sockets - i.e. server applications), to see if that resolves your problem.
Something else that needs to be in Wiki :twisted:
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Post by Dr Frag » Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:52 pm

Wow, that's interesting. Never would have thought about that since we're not dealing with multiplayer. I hope this will fix it for these guys.
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fix for stuck trains

Post by sjekazoo » Thu Jan 17, 2008 9:04 pm

I sent similar info on a similar thread, but copying it here just in case. I just got the game and had the same problem you did. My computer is definitely not up to specs, but that was obviously not the problem.

I found that the trains would unstick if I went to the options menu, graphics tab, and unchecked the Full Screen option (which puts you in windowed mode). Same thing happened when I started the program in windowed mode and toggling back to Full Screen fixed it.

Now I just toggle to windowed mode and then back to Full Screen every time it happens. For me it only happens when I first load the program and start a new map, does not affect loading saved games.

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