Mange's tender mod

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Mange's tender mod

Post by Jancsika » Mon Jul 12, 2010 11:10 am
(3.84 MiB) Downloaded 6395 times
Sid Meier's Railroads! Tender Car Mod V3
By Mange

***A HUGE thanks to Dan from Firaxis who provided the extra tenders that were not included in the original game.***

Description: This mod adds tender cars to all the steam engines. It also includes the extra tender cars that Firaxis had excluded from the game. I also re-scaled the engines to look more in-scale with the cars and re-scaled the cars and engines to make them a little more in-scale with the world.

Installation: Copy the XML folder and the NewTenders.FPK file to your c:\My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Railroads!\CustomAssets\ folder. To remove the files just delete them.

Warning: I am not sure if this works in multi-player since I have only tested it in single-player. You also have to start a new game for the mod to work. Not supported by Firaxis and I won't take responsibility if your computer messes up. Use at your own risk.


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Re: Mange's tender mod

Post by Jancsika » Mon Jul 12, 2010 11:29 am

Please note:
The FPK file can be located C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Railroads!\UserMaps folder
The XML file can be placed in
C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Railroads!\UserMaps\MAPNAME\RRT_TrainCars\MAPNAME.xml folder

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Re: Mange's tender mod

Post by Warll » Mon Jul 12, 2010 9:04 pm

Some History behind the mod:
Mange was one of SMR's beta testers and "Mange's tender mod" was released nearing instantly after SMR's release.

What it does is re-add a feature that existed during beta but was re-moved for some odd reason. Why Fraxis removed the tenders is anyone's guess, they must have been drinking :lol:

Dual engines are based off of the tender mod, created by replacing the tender's model with an engine's one.

Another beta tester and member of this forum "d53642" was the first to release a custom map. This map has since been lost, which is not that bad since the map was only barely playable.

It was only some time later that Fraxis released the map tool.

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Re: Mange's tender mod

Post by jayo » Wed Feb 09, 2011 10:27 pm

Warll wrote:Some History behind the mod:
Mange was one of SMR's beta testers and "Mange's tender mod" was released nearing instantly after SMR's release.

What it does is re-add a feature that existed during beta but was re-moved for some odd reason. Why Fraxis removed the tenders is anyone's guess, they must have been drinking :lol:

It was only some time later that Fraxis released the map tool.
It may have been to leave more room for the consists... You don't need to keep refueling them like in RRT3, so they just seemed like filling. Notice the smaller engines have tenders so...

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Re: Mange's tender mod

Post by BandOFan » Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:21 am

The tender is an integral part of a steam locomotive. Not having it is just dumb. It makes an already toy trainish game look even more so. I believe that one decision to eliminate the tenders seriously hurt this games appeal to a lot of people.

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Re: Mange's tender mod

Post by bl4882 » Fri May 27, 2011 2:25 am

Hello all,

I decided to give Railroads! a whirl after a long absence and am having trouble making Mange's tender mod work. I have installed the mod exactly as described in the first two posts on this thread and the tenders do not appear.

I am using Win7 and the game is installing in the x86 directory.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Mange's tender mod

Post by Rodea2007 » Fri May 27, 2011 10:54 am

bl4882 wrote:Hello all,

I decided to give Railroads! a whirl after a long absence and am having trouble making Mange's tender mod work. I have installed the mod exactly as described in the first two posts on this thread and the tenders do not appear.

I am using Win7 and the game is installing in the x86 directory.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

For your case these 2 xml files that you have to check, namely RRT_Trains_XX.xml and RRT_TrainCars_XX.xml ("XX" means that you run the map name)
below is a sample listing of the Tender Car xml
1. RRT_Trains.xml
<szManufacturerName>Ilsya Engineering Company</szManufacturerName>
<szTenderCar>Rodea ATSF_229L Tender Car</szTenderCar>

2. RRT_TrainCars.xml
<szName>Rodea ATSF_229L Tender Car</szName>

The words in red must be the same in both XML files
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Re: Mange's tender mod

Post by bl4882 » Fri May 27, 2011 8:19 pm

Thank you very much, Rodea, for the try, but that's doesn't seem to be the problem.

Anybody have any other suggestions? I am using the files exactly as they downloaded from this thread; no modifications, but the tenders just will not show up.


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Re: Mange's tender mod

Post by Matt3985 » Thu Nov 24, 2011 6:40 pm

Hey I downloaded the tenders but they are still not yet showing up? Help please? :?: :(

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Re: Mange's tender mod

Post by Segraves1 » Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:38 pm

Hi, I had the tender mod working just find until I installed the patch (V1.1) from sid meiers. Now the tenders are not working anymore. The xml files are still in the custom assets folder.


P.S. I can't believe they dropped the tender in this game. All the previous "Railroad Tycoon" games had the tender and as others stated, a tender is a MUST HAVE for steamers. Personally it is what made me NOT buy the game for so many years (no tender = me no play).

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Re: Mange's tender mod

Post by Segraves1 » Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:39 pm

Hi, I had the tender mod working just find until I installed the patch (V1.1) from sid meiers. Now the tenders are not working anymore. The xml files are still in the custom assets folder.


P.S. I can't believe they dropped the tender in this game. All the previous "Railroad Tycoon" games had the tender and as others stated, a tender is a MUST HAVE for steamers. Personally it is what made me NOT buy the game for so many years (no tender = me no play).

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