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Dear skinmakers!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 5:45 am
by PaF-Daddy
I need a skin for the TGV! Please can anybody do it for me?

The skin should look like the locos in these 2 pictures:

I have no clue in Skinning and i do not have the software too.
So please dear trainbuilder could you do that favor for me :?

Kindest Regards
PaF Daddy


Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 1:02 pm
by OzoB
I can do that,if you can send me the all the files for it.
I have the digital version and I can not extract the fpk. files
With out the niff,kmf files i cant view the model in niff scope
Making it very hard to get it right. I can still do the skin without
but it wont be as good as i can get it with the model files.

ICE Trian

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 6:13 pm
by OzoB
well this is what i got so far. Iam playing your map now.When the tgv
releases ingame. I will work on it a lil more.

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 7:33 pm
by PaF-Daddy
Oh Ozob thank you very much for doin that for me.
With out the niff,kmf files i cant view the model in niff scope
I cant extract them. Because i dont know how to do that.
Maybe somebody is out there with a tip for us? Big Arrow to Eilelwen

I will now download your file ozob but i dont know how to open it :roll:

Edit: I just viewed the dds files and i have to say they look awesome. What are the next steps to get them into the game Ozob? Cant wait :shock:

Kindest regards

PaF Daddy

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 8:02 pm
by OzoB
You Have to rename them. Just drop the ICE and add _v#.
Were the # should be 2. example (TGV_DIFF_v2)
The first two versions are firaxis (.diff-.diff_v1)
Unless there is three versions ingame already,
then you would need _v3

Its kool about the files , E is on vacation when he gets back.
I plan on getting the files from him,

Hopefuly I got enough time tonight to see it in game
So I know were to go with the skin. Once I have the >kmf,niff files
It will make it alot easier
( Iam into the Early 1900 century on you map
When the tgv releases ingame ill save it then work on makking it better!!)

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 9:43 am
by PaF-Daddy
Ok Ozob...firsta big thank you to you for your help! The next target are the traincars :twisted: coz the tgv uses familiar lookin traincars as the Intercity it should be more easy but how to do that ... no idea

The colours of the traincars can be seen in my first post in the 2 links too

Ok i will test the skins ingame and i need to edit the xml´s for a new train. A TGV dummy that uses the Intercity skin as default. Any Ideas Ozob or somebody else?

EDIT: Here is an Ingame screen. It looks so sweet. Cant imagine how it looks if the cars have the same colour which the Loco has :P


Kindest Regards

PaF Daddy

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 11:53 am
by PaF-Daddy
Here is the listing of the tgv train:


I searched all the xml´s but could not find it. I think its the key to the traincar problem. If we can modify that maybe we simply make copy of the Traincar models; rename them to ICE or whatever and just "tell" them to use Our ICE coloursheme. :wink:

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 12:24 pm
by OzoB
Ok Now I see how the skin is applied to the model ill do some detailing on it. Then for the cars Iam gonna need to get to the .fpk to even start.
When E returns from his vacation not only will ill get the fpk's from him,
Also he has remodeled some passenger cars(longer ones i beleave) and will be sending them to be skinned.So whut Iam thinking is maybe I can do Some to match the Ice trians for you.
I am not sure if we can make them Ice trian specific.
Every Tgv will use them. if you packed them,then you could just drop the pak file in your custom assest folder when you wanted them.Then remove the pak file when you wanted to play lets say the france map.
But first Iam not happy wit the loco,so let me fix it up some.
Yes Iam some whut the perfectionist.But I do see somethings that need redone. LOL ive still never seen it release on your map.Iam only to the 1950's (Way kool map),So it wont be long now.
I know i could have played in table top mode,Butt All work and no play
Just sux...LOL

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 2:12 pm
by PaF-Daddy
Hehe dont mind i just "cheated". Its quite easy to get all trains at start.

The idea with the the longer traincars will be really nice. I hope we can get them into the game for the ICE.
But maybe you dont understand. I Want a tgv Model clone that uses his own traincars in "ICE Style". The thing of changing the content of my Custom Assets Folder annoys me but if it doesnt work we havbe to do it that way.

Thats my Idea:

<szManufacturerName>Deutsche Bahn AG</szManufacturerName>


Cant wait that eilelwen finishs his vacation :twisted:
Maybe he is interested in doin a new Model for the ICE Loco :roll:

Finally i have to thank you very much Ozob. Reply soon with your ICE Update 8)

Kindest Regards

PaF Daddy

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 4:21 pm
by eilelwen
we will see won't we what I am willing to do. It will be a few more days before I start work company is now down where I live as well.

and BTW paf, the email you used for my site din't go though, so why don't you PM me with the correct email and I will fix it.

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 4:45 pm
by PaF-Daddy
Roger that 8)

Btw where is Ozob with the new skins? :shock:

nono just very excited atm

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 5:23 pm
by OzoB
Once I have the model files I plan on removing the Ice,because its Backwards on one side. And redoing the red pinstripe.And maybe just a few details.Other than that this is it..

As for the Loco it would have to be a new Loco
I beleave E wrote a tut for that ???

I understand you want the railcars to have the black&red stripe.
But every TGV on every map will use them not just that Particular TGV(ICE)..Unless you have a new loco (ICE)

I can make the skin if I had something to work with..

Unless Mr E would like to grace us with a new loco,Or someone else can tell you how.
The only way I know is to put them in you custom assest folder when
you want to see them.
I have three fpk files for differnt tender color combos that I use on different maps.

SORRY I lost the screenshot and
Mr. E if I offended you in anyway it was non intensional...

Updated ......................................
Updated TGV Ice has been moved to the trians

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 6:30 pm
by OzoB
PaF-Daddy wrote:Hehe dont mind i just "cheated". Its quite easy to get all trains at start.

The idea with the the longer traincars will be really nice. I hope we can get them into the game for the ICE.
But maybe you dont understand. I Want a tgv Model clone that uses his own traincars in "ICE Style". The thing of changing the content of my Custom Assets Folder annoys me but if it doesnt work we havbe to do it that way.

Thats my Idea:

<szManufacturerName>Deutsche Bahn AG</szManufacturerName>


Cant wait that eilelwen finishs his vacation :twisted:
Maybe he is interested in doin a new Model for the ICE Loco :roll:

Finally i have to thank you very much Ozob. Reply soon with your ICE Update 8)

Kindest Regards

PaF Daddy

After getting my first look at the triancars.fpk (thx D????????)
I beleave we mite could do somthing like that.
It could be as easy as duplicating the tgv files
Renameing them to (Ice) assign a v3 passenger car ,edit a few .xml's
And wollaaa ...Well we will see But first I waiting on the other .fpk's

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 6:55 pm
by PaF-Daddy
After getting my first look at the triancars.fpk (thx D????????)
I beleave we mite could do somthing like that.
It could be as easy as duplicating the tgv files
Renameing them to (Ice) assign a v3 passenger car ,edit a few .xml's
And wollaaa ...Well we will see But first I waiting on the other .fpk's
That sounds awesome. Hope we finish that as soon as possible. Cant wait to get that nice loco + traincars finished :twisted:

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 7:26 pm
by OzoB
LOL you aint askin for much LOL

Ive got to match up the red pinstripe,then its into the game.
If they match up and the car color is right ill post a matching railcar.
That you can use for now..
then I can look for the mail car,and reskinn
then I can experament with the loco,car thing..