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Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 8:38 pm
by atani
dwax wrote:I don't see the gp7 in any maps,except on the new Basin & Range Demo map. what maps should it show up in?
By default none... The maps need to be updated to include this text in the RRT_Trains_XXX.xml files:

Code: Select all


Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 9:32 pm
by dwax

Code: Select all


That didn't work. I put snoopy's all trains XML in the Demo map then added that code and it never showed up. Do you have to reference it to somthing??

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 10:10 pm
by Dr Frag
Well, the FPK file has to be in the CustomAssets folder.
The Global RRT_Trains.xml file has to have the full GP7 description.
The local RRT_Trains_<mapname>.xml needs to have the aforementioned section.
And you have to wait for the start year for that engine to begin before it will show up unless you modify the entry in the Global RRT_Trains.xml file.

As with all things in SMR . . . YMMV

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 10:39 pm
by atani
Dr Frag wrote: And you have to wait for the start year for that engine to begin before it will show up unless you modify the entry in the Global RRT_Trains.xml file.
If you want to get the trains earlier than their default start year and you dont want it to effect all maps, you can use this syntax:

Code: Select all

That will in effect move the GP7 to the far left of the roundhouse.


Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 11:04 pm
by dwax
Sweet!! That did it atani!! Thanks :) Been trying to get this to show up for months. And they are even doubled!! wooohooo! :lol: :D

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 9:29 am
by K-class
And they are even doubled!! wooohooo!
GP7 double.JPG

So you added or copied the double heading into a global file - how you do that please.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 10:08 am
by K-class
Ok I had a sort of a duh moment and remembered what caused this.

I will repeat this for my own peace of mind and other's.

The globals have been updated with double headed trains (thanks atani) and why I couldnt see the double headed GP7 was because the map I was playing (Europe) still had tender cars in it. I removed all those so the map used the global file.

Also as a side note I did note need to change the Europe RRT_Trains_Europe.xml to see double trains as it had these two tags already - TAG_NAME_GP7 TAG_NAME_GP_SERIES

Thanks Dr Frag the 1800 fix worked as I sometimes get annoyed with those early trains.


Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:00 pm
by dwax
I don't know how they got doubled on that map. on the others it's not doubled, can someone tell me how to double them on any map I want??

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:18 pm
by snoopy55
dwax wrote:I don't know how they got doubled on that map. on the others it's not doubled, can someone tell me how to double them on any map I want??
This has to be added to the maps you want them on:

Code: Select all

Change the year to 1800 if you want them all the time.

It would be really neat if someone could get steam engines double headed :D .

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:43 pm
by dwax
thanks snoopy :) I was playing with it trying to see what I did and it kept reverting back to only the 5 old little trains. :) All i tried to add was this


And that reverted it back to the original trains?? :shock:

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:55 pm
by dwax

That didn't double them up, it brought out the super chief 2 times and the GP38 twice but none of them were doubled. :D


Code: Select all

Anyone else know how to do this?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 5:39 pm
by atani

Code: Select all

Anyone else know how to do this?
Make sure the map you are playing does *NOT* have the TenderCars entries in the RRT_TrainCars_XXX.xml file. If these are present then the double headed locos will not work unless they are also listed in this section.


Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:10 pm
by dwax
atani wrote:
Make sure the map you are playing does *NOT* have the TenderCars entries in the RRT_TrainCars_XXX.xml file. If these are present then the double headed locos will not work unless they are also listed in this section.
they aren't listed in the RRT_TrainCars_XXX.xml the train are in the round house, they just aren't doubled. :(

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:10 pm
by K-class
There is one added step

in RRT_TrainCars.xml thats the global one.

make sure you have this

This is the double train bit. The second train is the G38Dummy

Code: Select all

             <szName>Super Chief B Unit Red</szName>



In you local maps remove all tender cars so the map refers to the global RRT_TrainCars.xml xml file

And as above you must have the train added to the map. snoopy55 post


Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:25 pm
by dwax
K-class wrote:There is one added step

in RRT_TrainCars.xml thats the global one.

make sure you have this

This is the double train bit. The second train is the G38Dummy
OK, put that in the RRT_TrainCars.xml global. And still don't see them in the map I try. The one I'm trying is, snoopy55's El Mexicano. I put the "All trains RRT trains XML in it and wanted to have the doubles in it too. :)