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Help me to stop winning the game!

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 5:15 pm
by Suspect
Hi. Sorry if this is answered elsewhere in the forums but for some reason I cant get the search to work...

My preference for play is a mixture between normal game and train table, in that, I want to make the tracks look good/realistic but also get bored with the simplicity of the train table mode...

So I make loads of money in the normal game and then design/re-design the track etc as I like...

The problem is - For some reason I keep winning the game (becoming President of the USA) and I dont have the choice to "play on" - hence I cannot continue on the map that I have spent so much time on.

Is there a way around this? and what is it that prompts this winning screen? e.g. net worth? or another score?


Re: Help me to stop winning the game!

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:38 pm
by Suspect
Seems like it might be as the year turns to 2070, is that the limit?

Re: Help me to stop winning the game!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 12:22 am
by snoopy55
Since you want to play with a map, there is a way to slow the speed of time without slowing down the action.....

Open the Scenario XML and look for a line <iTurnsPerMonth>---</iTurnsPerMonth>
(the dashes are numbers) If there isn't one, which is very possible, you can add it. The best place is before or right after the MapSize line. The numbers must be a multiple of 2. (2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024, etc) The larger the number, the longer it takes to play the map.