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CitiesXL 2011

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 1:27 pm
by Jancsika
Here is a link to the new Cities XL project.
The problem is that one has to own the old Cities Xl game to join the forum.
(they want your "Mayor's registration numeber")
What a :roll: bum

Re: CitiesXL 2011

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:25 pm
by Warll
Cities XL 2011 IMHO is a long shot. Cities XL visuallly was great but gameplay really dropped the ball. Unlike in Sim city where only a few special buildings are unlockable in Cities Xl EVERYTHING needs to be unlocked. Again unlike Sim City where you unlocked things based on a ton of statistics Cities XL cares only for one number: population.

The root of the problem is that the game never got the balancing it needed. If they were to just remove unlocking there nothing would stopping you from constructing a mega city right away.

It is quite a shame, if they had only copied Sim City 4's difficulties then the game would have been great. Instead they made the massive mistake of NOt throwing out everything about City Life. There are actually 12 types of zones for residential alone! You have the standard 3 densities and then in foolish City life tradition there are 4 "Wealths".

The original developers "sold" the game to their publisher, maybe that will mean we'll the gameplay the graphics engine deserves.