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Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 3:25 am
by Jancsika
These are Japanese emoticons from the National Geographic magazine

Happy (^_^)
Sad (;_;)
Surprised (*o*)
Winking (^_~)
Laughing (^o^)
Blushing (#^.^#)
Embarrassed (^^;)
Apologizing m(__)m


Re: Emoticons

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:26 am
by Warll
Hoped onto 2ch and found you some more:


Code: Select all

            /´  `フ
           /      ,!
           レ   _,  r ミ        ΛΛ
          /  `ミ __,xノ゙、      r(   ´n
.         /        i        >   ,/    ΛΛ
         ,'    .     ,'     ~'oー、_)     r(   n)
        ;     ',  l  l                `/  <_
        i       |  | |              ~'し -一┘
      ,.-‐!     ミ  i i                      ΛΛ
     //´``、    ミ  、 ー、                   ( ´・ω)
.    | l    `──-ハ、,,),)'''´                 ~、/  っっ
     ヽ.ー─'´)                    ΛΛ   └ー-、ぅ
        ̄ ̄                      r、´・ω・))
                   Λ Λ      >  _/´
        n__n        (´・ω・`)    ~'し-一┘
       ΛΛ)ノ         c'   っ
    c('・ω・`)っ      ~(_,'ーo'
Hhhm, our font breaks the picture, sad, original here:

Another random thread with a ton of ansci/unicode art:
No idea what the topic is, but it does have a ton of art.

( ^ω^)

Code: Select all

    _ _,,..,,,,_
  (:(     )
   |:| ・ω・ |
   |:|      |
2ch is where most emots like these originate from as it is the largest BBS(Like a forum only they don't bother keepig old threads) in Japan. They have nearly a billion sub-forums for everything imaginable. They have ~5++ boards named named anime. :lol: