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The American Transcontinental Railroad by stormfather

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:38 am
by Jatbaron
I enjoyed this map very much. I had quit playing Sid Meier's RR till I saw this map on this site. This map is very nicely done, though there are some minor bugs which can be overlooked because of the quality of game play. for instance, the game starts out normal, but after a few saves, it will crash sometimes and you "always" have to exit to your desktop (windows) and you cannot bypass the start movies, without any prompting on your part. But those are only a few extra clicks of the mouse. My system is Windows 7,64 Bit, 4GB mem, Intel 6600, GeForce 9800GT 1 GB GDDR3 Card.

Re: The American Transcontinental Railroad by stormfather

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:07 am
by karsten
Those crashes sound to me like you have a troublesome event file for the map. :|