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Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 2:42 am
by Jancsika
We are getting more and more posts from non-English speaking fans and to understand them will take a little imagination.
Some of them are using Web based translators, like Google's. It works most of the time, but not quite.
First of all the small nuances that makes a polite conversation are not there, for example the guy wants to say a polite “I would like” it might translate like “I want to”....
Also different language translators work differently. I did some exchanges with our Indonesian speaking friend. It worked quite well.
The Russian translator is a complete disaster. (this is where one has to use imagination), for example crash became accident, patch became crack..... (the guy wanted to talk about patch and was asking for crack)
In answering we should try to use very simple sentences, no American slang or colloquialism, no high technical jargon.
And if we see that he/she ( he/she is Americanism) is not using translator, give him a link.
EDIT:Tech jargon is OK as long as it's to the point. I'm talking about some tech-speak that is creeping into the user language. One has to use common sense. :mrgreen:

Re: Translators

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 8:20 am
by Warll
Actually proper tech jargon translates quite well since it is literal, ie a php function call or CSS selector does not change depending on the language.

The problem we run into is that our jargon is just that, our's. So I suppose this post has come 360 and I'm agreeing with you. 8)

PS: I think I know when we have more none native enligsh speakers.... but I'm not about to say. :lol: