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My javascript project

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 8:59 am
by Warll
So as of late I have been practicing some programing. Now javascript might be a bit of a regression I never used it before. I can really see why google loves AJAX so much, there is so much power behind it.

Anyway to practice with I did something simple, a whole bunch of APIs and css.

I've also been fancying myself an amateur designer, so I spent at least half the time trying to make it presentable.

So what do you guys think?
PS: Don't forget to check out some foreign railroads, I'm still searching for a shinkansen(Bullet train).

Re: My javascript project

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:39 pm
by Pureon
Ok, 6 month old topic, but... that's a nice experimental site you have there! Interesting how you did the flip button, such a simple piece of code.

I like programming too, but haven't experimented with AJAX before myself (trying to go from AS2 to AS3 is hard enough).

Re: My javascript project

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:22 pm
by Warll

If I were to do it now I would use CSS spirites to avoid the image load delay.

There actually is no AJAX, just a ton of APIs iFrames and some jquery.

Funny you should mention AS3, thats what I had been playing with before this project. My latest thing is C++ and the QT framework, working on a simple program to replace the old and buggy map manager.