Ladder for Multiplayer
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 7:36 pm

BN3140, and

To use the ladder you must post a chalange to the lowest ranking user in this post. Then establish a time to play that person online in multiplayer. Users will play three games and the user with two wins is the winner of the challenge. After you have played the game, you must post a screen shot of the win showing that you now own your opponent or you must both confirm a win. Your position will then be recorded in this post by me.
Users will establish a basic Idea of how they want to play the online game and play the game themselves. Users play best two out of three. If one claims that someone was cheating. The games results will not be recorded on the ladder. The knowledge that someone was accused of cheating will be stored in a word document by me with the user name of the person who accused them of cheating. If I get a list of about three complaints about that person cheating, I or someone else will be a judge and play them myself to see if they are cheating or having lag or crashing problems. If the user claims to have lag or crahing problems they will be marked in red and any ladder user can just skip that person until the referee or I can play the game against him or her without any problems.
If a user is cheating, their name will be removed from the ladder. If they were found to be having problems with crashing and lag, their name will be red on the chart and any ladder user can just skip that person until the judge or I can play the game against him or her without any problems. That person's name will then be changed back to the original color when he/she has fixed any problems with crashing.
If someone doesn't arrive to a game at the set time, refuses to play the game, or respond to a challenge within a week, they will be marked in red and have to ask to be able to use their current position on the ladder. Then I will change the color back to the original color and they will be using their current position again on the ladder.
This was Brandon's Idea. Rules written by darthdroid.
I'm going to go ahead and list the various rule systems I believe occur in Multi-player:
This is how it works: with each set of rules, only the things you cannot do are listed, so if something is NOT on the list, then it is LEGAL in that particular set of rules.
I am interested in any discussion of issues not addressed or thoughts of other players and who knows, maybe we can establish a good set of rule systems for multi-players to avoid confusion and loss of time.
1/ Base Rules
Also called "Business Rules", this is the "no holds barred" version of multi-player and the PUREST way to play the game in my opinion as it is most like business and the game is after all a business simulation.
A/ NO Use of the "Online Lag Glitch".
If you see a train that makes $10,000,000 in a
couple minutes, the owner violated this rule...
B/ NO Use of any programs or trainers
Note: Only person so far known to have one is
called "MagicheroGODtrain" but rumors say
at least one other person uses one (a
friend of Mr. Magic I'm told).
C/ NO Excessive Station Moving.
This is defined this way: Move your station all
you like, but the station building (not it's tracks)
MUST be touching the city's green circle
somewhere. So as long as some corner of that
building (and again, not the bridge structure over
the tracks, or the tracks themselves, just the
rectangular station/depot/terminal BUILDING
itsefl) is touching the city's green circle, it's legal
Also keep in mind that the city green circle does
indeed grow when the city grows, but at no time
can the building be (completely)outside the
circle (just make sure a corner at least is
D/ NO Use of the "Cheat Glitches"
1/ NO Ghost Trains (Ghost trains are trains that
happen by accident I believe.) Due to excellent
track laying they tend to appear. You know if you
have a ghost train if you have a train that stays at
a station loading passengers or goods from an
industry, but won't move past the switching point.
So the train doesn't use all the track to the other
destination, just from the switching point to the
station which leads to a huge advantage for that
route. Since these happen by accident, they are
allowed to occur, just not to remain. The player
must FIX the ghost train, usually this involves
deleting some of the track and the stations in the
case of passenger ghost trains and remake them.
As long as they fix it upon noticing it or having it
pointed out to them, it's okay.
2/ NO Ghost Track: You can actually
disconnect a track from the station so the track
stops short of the station, (like about one to two
inches away from the station) appearing to NOT
be connected to that station-yet it is, and
somehow goods are delivered and taken from that
station even though the train is nowhere near it.
I've seen a few do this and refuse to stop, one is
called "Silica". This move is clearly illegal and can
only be done deliberately.
2/ "King City Rules"
This is a rule system designed by myself and another player who will get credit here as soon as I see him again and get his USER ID. And this is a very fun set of rules to use, I recommend it.
A/ Includes "Base Rules".
B/ One depot/station/terminal per city.
Once someone plants a depot in a city, it belongs to them and you cannot enter this city. This essentially makes the game a race to the best cities and can be very amusing. Again, in case the race is close: The planting of the station determines who "won" that city. Once the other player has a depot there, you must back off and not plant a depot.
This does NOT apply to resources, JUST cities (which includes villages, towns, and metropolises.
(just to be clear, the only other rules are the base rules, everything else other than base rules and the King City Rule is perfectly legal.
3/ "Ownership Rules"
A/ Includes "Base Rules"
B/ This is basically King City Rules PLUS you also cannot invade a resource that already has an annex.
So essentially only ONE depot/station/terminal per village/town/city/metropolis and only ONE annex per resource.
So if someone is in a city, you cannot plant a depot, nor ship to or from that city. If someone has planted an annex (again, tracks don't matter, ANNEX does) they OWN that resource and you cannot go into it or harvest it, etc.
This too is a fun way to play at times, again making the game more of a race to the best action on the map.
To reiterate: These rules include the base rules and Ownership Rules and EVERYTHING ELSE is LEGAL.
4/ "Mickey Mouse Rules"
These are the rules preferred by many of the new players. These rules take a lot of the fun out of the game (IMO) and limit what tactics are allowed, but certainly have some merit for training purposes and for those who like to play this way.
A/ "Base Rules" are in effect.
B/ "Ownership Rules" are in effect.
C/ Raising your tracks is not legal at the edge of the
track (this means you cannot make RAMPS).
D/ Subways are illegal.
E/ Tracksneaking is illegal.
(tracksneaking is when you cross over someone's
tracks using small pieces of track.
F/ Blocking is not legal.
This of course means INTENTIONAL blocking, if your
route happens to block another player, well, the early
bird gets the worm.
G/ No deleting your track at any time, for any reason.
H/ No station moving at all.
I/ No track trimming
This is really already covered by Rule G/ No deleting
your track ever.
If someone only plays ownership rules-they really have NO ranking by someone with base rules.
I think that covers it but there might be more and if so, please let me know if you can think of any I missed lol.
I will add more rule systems as time permits.
Note: Unless otherwise specified, ALL rule systems INCLUDE the base rules-so basically these base rules should NEVER be violated unless explicitly stated or agreed upon among players.

Since these rules are new, if you have some problems with them or there is something missing please pm me. The rules are new and may need to be changed. If you see anything that needs to be changed please say so.
1. Bob_the_Lunatic
2. CrashDummy__1.1
King City


Mickey Mouse