How about an moding app?
How about an moding app?
I know there is some version of an app somewhere in the forums to help make modding easier for those of us less technically inclined, but it never seemed to generate proper xml code for me. Now with standalone maps being the way of the future, it would be nice if someone with the technical expertise could make an app that would automate the process of making making scenarios as standalones (i.e. SAMs or CICs). Is there anything in the works? I'd love to make my own scenarios and even take a stab at making some for existing maps that need them but I can't work out all the xml gobbleydegook.
Re: How about an moding app?
At the bottom of this page in the Wiki: ... o_Info_XML
is a section called "Victory Conditions" that I did the notes on. Read it over and tell me what might need a bit more explaining and how it could be made easier to understand. I thought maybe doing the changeable variables in a different color,
<Condition> - Opening of Condition section
<szType>BuildStuff</szType> - Type of Condition
<bRequired> 1 </bRequired>
<szDescription> Create a more efficient city by building a Terminal in Hamburg. </szDescription> - Give the Player a description of the Condition here
<BuildList> - Opening of item or items to build section
<BuildListItem> - Opening of the Build List Item section
<szObjectType> Depot </szObjectType> - Type of object to be built
<szObjectName> Terminal </szObjectName> - Name of the object to be built
<szCityLocation>TAG_GERMANY_NAME_HAMBURG </szCityLocation> - Location written as TAG_(map name)_NAME_(city name). This could also be written as ANY_CITY
</BuildListItem> - Closing of the Build List Item section
</BuildList> - Closing of the build section. More than 1 BuildListItem section can be included.
<szNewspaperTitleSuccess> Die Eisenbahn Zeitung </szNewspaperTitleSuccess> - Name of the Newspaper to be used in your map
<szNewspaperHeadlineSuccess> TERMINAL BEAUTIFIES HAMBURG </szNewspaperHeadlineSuccess> - Headline for the Newspaper article based on the item(s) built
<szNewspaperTextSuccess> German architects construct places you'll want to stop. </szNewspaperTextSuccess> - Text of the article of the Newspaper.
<szNewspaperBitmapSuccess></szNewspaperBitmapSuccess> - DDS picture related to the condition
</Condition> - Closing of Condition section
In the above VC, the XML Code is blue, the explanation is green, the 'leave it alone' variables are black and the 'you can change me' variables are red. If we can get this worked out so it's clear, we can edit the Wiki when it gets working again. I can work these up in wordpad with the colors if you want. It would make a good 'break away now and then' from what I'm up to.....
There is really no xml gobbleydegook to work out. These could be done as Building blocks also, tho they are available in a lot of the maps. As BBs they would be all together with the explanations, and would be a copy, paste and edit thing. The hardest part of them I see is the Goods shipment requirements. I'm looking at a way to get an idea of the numbers to use, but it takes running by a few different people a few times. ... o_Info_XML
is a section called "Victory Conditions" that I did the notes on. Read it over and tell me what might need a bit more explaining and how it could be made easier to understand. I thought maybe doing the changeable variables in a different color,
<Condition> - Opening of Condition section
<szType>BuildStuff</szType> - Type of Condition
<bRequired> 1 </bRequired>
<szDescription> Create a more efficient city by building a Terminal in Hamburg. </szDescription> - Give the Player a description of the Condition here
<BuildList> - Opening of item or items to build section
<BuildListItem> - Opening of the Build List Item section
<szObjectType> Depot </szObjectType> - Type of object to be built
<szObjectName> Terminal </szObjectName> - Name of the object to be built
<szCityLocation>TAG_GERMANY_NAME_HAMBURG </szCityLocation> - Location written as TAG_(map name)_NAME_(city name). This could also be written as ANY_CITY
</BuildListItem> - Closing of the Build List Item section
</BuildList> - Closing of the build section. More than 1 BuildListItem section can be included.
<szNewspaperTitleSuccess> Die Eisenbahn Zeitung </szNewspaperTitleSuccess> - Name of the Newspaper to be used in your map
<szNewspaperHeadlineSuccess> TERMINAL BEAUTIFIES HAMBURG </szNewspaperHeadlineSuccess> - Headline for the Newspaper article based on the item(s) built
<szNewspaperTextSuccess> German architects construct places you'll want to stop. </szNewspaperTextSuccess> - Text of the article of the Newspaper.
<szNewspaperBitmapSuccess></szNewspaperBitmapSuccess> - DDS picture related to the condition
</Condition> - Closing of Condition section
In the above VC, the XML Code is blue, the explanation is green, the 'leave it alone' variables are black and the 'you can change me' variables are red. If we can get this worked out so it's clear, we can edit the Wiki when it gets working again. I can work these up in wordpad with the colors if you want. It would make a good 'break away now and then' from what I'm up to.....
There is really no xml gobbleydegook to work out. These could be done as Building blocks also, tho they are available in a lot of the maps. As BBs they would be all together with the explanations, and would be a copy, paste and edit thing. The hardest part of them I see is the Goods shipment requirements. I'm looking at a way to get an idea of the numbers to use, but it takes running by a few different people a few times.
I'm correct 97% of the time..... who cares about the other 4%....
Re: How about an moding app?
Sorry, that gobbledeygook comment was probably too generic a statement on my part. In that regard thanks Snoopy for replying at all!
The colour coding is very helpful, thanks! The biggest frustration I found in trying to make my map is how to place the resources. From what I've read elsewhere, once you try to place one resource you have to place them all, which I assume means setting x and y coordinates for every resource on the map. I guess since I don't have the amount of free time and level of tenacity I wish I did (I truly admire all of you who have put so much effort into your maps and sincerely appreciate the huge amount of time you have devoted) I was looking for relatively quick and easy ways to set things up. There's no substitute for just putting your nose to the grindstone I guess.
The colour coding is very helpful, thanks! The biggest frustration I found in trying to make my map is how to place the resources. From what I've read elsewhere, once you try to place one resource you have to place them all, which I assume means setting x and y coordinates for every resource on the map. I guess since I don't have the amount of free time and level of tenacity I wish I did (I truly admire all of you who have put so much effort into your maps and sincerely appreciate the huge amount of time you have devoted) I was looking for relatively quick and easy ways to set things up. There's no substitute for just putting your nose to the grindstone I guess.
Re: How about an moding app?
No, I'm sorry, I meant that as a kind of a joke. No offense taken.mojos wrote:Sorry, that gobbledeygook comment was probably too generic a statement on my part.
Now I understand what you are talking about. When you go thru the forum you see "scenario" used in two ways. The first is as you meant it, the whole map and how things are placed. The other way is as in 'The map is good, but it has no scenario', meaning the only thing you have to do is beat the other guys. I thought you meant it the second way. I'M sorry....
As to what you are talking about..... for that you need research if a map is from the real world and you want it to resemble that. For the other way, look at what you are working with. First, the finished Goods, where do you want them to come from? How many InCity Industries in which cities? This placement is the easy one. Print out the Thumbnail to assist you. Open your RRT_Cities XML and your RRT_Industries XML. Find the city where you want the Industry to sit. Just above </RRTIndustry> add the following:
Now look at the city you want it to sit in. Enter the X and Y locations, adding or subtracting 4 from one or both of them.(I don't know if that is required, but the Editor does it if you place them) Then copy the name of the cities TAG. Using the following city:
You would get:
Looking at your printed map, locate where all of one type of finished Good is manufactured. From there, figure out what would be a good place to put the Industry Annex. By this I mean you don't want it so close that the train reaches the town before it is finished loading, but not so far away that every train has to travel across the map to unload. A few kind of close and several a good distance will add to the maps interest. Once you figure out where you want the Industry Annexes, open the Editor and place them as close as you can to what you have marked.
When you have that saved, go back to the RRT_Cities XML and set the Finished Goods to the different sized cities.
That's about it, I think.....have I left anything out? Questions?
As to the SAM thing, I am working up a tutorial on that, tho I cannot guarantee a date on that. I will answer questions tho, which will help in getting the best tutorial I can out.
I'm correct 97% of the time..... who cares about the other 4%....
Re: How about an moding app?
Actually there is an other way, but you will have to start your map in the Terrain Editor.which I assume means setting x and y coordinates for every resource on the map. I guess since I don't have the amount of free time and level of tenacity I wish I did (I truly admire all of you who have put so much effort into your maps and sincerely appreciate the huge amount of time you have devoted) I was looking for relatively quick and easy ways to set things up. There's no substitute for just putting your nose to the grindstone I guess.
I hope you have the Terrain Editor activated. You have to have Patch 1.10 installed,then open the Settings.ini file and add a line EditorEnabled = 1
There you can make a blanc map the same size as the map you are working on.
After that you will have to copy over the data from your old map into the new and you will be able to add and relocate the cities and resources with a mouse click.
I think there is a Wiki about it.
Re: How about an modding app?
Thanks for the input guys! I did manage to enact the map editor yes and I've mad a map and played with the colour coding for elevations and such and that part was fun. The drudgery for me is trying to place the resources and set up the industries. The automated application I downloaded here (sorry I forget which of the many forums I found it on in here) was a great idea but unfortunately it didn't produce proper xml and the resulting scenario xml didn't actually work. Such a functioning application would be a god-send for quick and easy scenarioing (okay I made that word up, I admit it!)
Re: How about an modding app?
When Making a map just place 1 resource in at a time and then test the map so you will know if it works or not. Placing to much into the map from the start will create problems and you wont know from what part you added caused it.mojos wrote:Thanks for the input guys! I did manage to enact the map editor yes and I've mad a map and played with the colour coding for elevations and such and that part was fun. The drudgery for me is trying to place the resources and set up the industries. The automated application I downloaded here (sorry I forget which of the many forums I found it on in here) was a great idea but unfortunately it didn't produce proper xml and the resulting scenario xml didn't actually work. Such a functioning application would be a god-send for quick and easy scenarioing (okay I made that word up, I admit it!)
the best way 1 thing at a time test then add the next.
So take out what you added then start again 1 at a time.
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