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Post by Tijer » Sun May 11, 2008 7:21 pm


Again you have been presented with an opportunity to correct a problem, and have instead chosen to do nothing but appease the baby. This baby that you are protecting is great at slinging mud and creating turmoil. Then when things get hot it runs to you. I guess you are a gamer and not a modder, so you would have no idea what it is like to have over 6 months of your work get flushed down the toilet by a person you helped numerous times. The worst part of this whole thing is that they bastardized your idea in the process and sell it as their own. By the time you read this it will be to late to do research on the subject since the little baby in question likes to edit its posts. REPEATALY.

By locking the thread in question and stating what in my mind is clear support of the brat, on another thread, you are also supporting the baby’s argument that your moderator ruined the baby’s work. The fact is that that is also a lie. Just like the other lies that the baby has been telling. But instead of supporting your moderator, you allowed the baby’s lie to stand. Yes Sir, by doing nothing, you have done more damage then if you had done something. You have allowed the bully baby to continue to lie, cheat, steal and abuse other forum members. You have also allowed it to call in to question the integrity of the one person who has kept this site alive. Sorry, I do not support your actions or the lack of them. You have again made the wrong call. This baby needs to be dealt with not appeased. Instead you have help kick your moderator below the belt. While you are at it, why not thank him for the service that he has performed; free of charge, with yet another kick.

I will agree with what Warll stated to Dwax,
“What we have here is grown men in a dispute, one based on friction which has been around for at least six months. In fact this would have been a lot more visible and easier to solve had it been conducted in the forums instead of by PMs.”

Yes, as hard to believe as it is Snoopy would often PM Lowell to inform him that he was in error. Many of the forum members, would amazed to know how much of that map was the result of Snoopy. Did Lowell give any credit to Snoopy? Sorry, can’t find any, what a shock. While you are looking at that, why do you not review the emails that you got on this subject? How many are from modders and how many are from gamers. Gamers that where also beta testers for Lowell. Gamers do not count since all they do is play games, any game. Modders on the other hand have an intimate knowledge of the game mechanics, creativity to make it happen. What I am saying is laying track is not making the track, and there is a big difference.

Just for the record, every DDS in the Florida Gold 400 Map folder is full of HOLES.

Now your actions will dictate the out come. If this topic and post are altered or removed, then we all will know the fiber for which you are made of. Since I no longer expect to be able to access this site, I will wait and allow you to contact me.

Good Luck,
Good Day and
Be Safe.
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Post by Falconer » Sun May 11, 2008 8:21 pm

Tijer, contrary to what you may believe, I'm trying not to take any side at all.

What I do know, is that I have received PMs from two forum members in -support- of Lowell. Both PMs pretty much came down to the following, saying: "I don't have any problems with the Florida map, it's a good map" and "Lowell doesn't deserve the critisism he's under".

Reading the two main threads about the map, one thing struck me: lots of complaining, very little constructive critisism and not a single note of "hey, it's not perfect but I'm willing to help".

In your post, you say that perhaps I'm not a modder. This is true, at least not in the gaming sense of the word, but look at this site or any other in the HG network, and you will see things that I have 'modded', have turned into something more than what it was when I found it.

What is interesting, is that I think that the true spirit behind modding is being lost here.

You see, Firaxis created a game and made it accessible to other people to make changes. The moment they did that, they -shared- their technology with the world. The whole idea of making a game modable, is so that others will take that technology and add and improve upon it. Those additions and improvements should be -shared- too.

Lowell hasn't stolen anything. He has dipped into the collective knowledge that -you- as a group, have acquired. Modding knowledge and ideas belong to the community as a whole and -everyone- can do with that knowledge as they see fit, as long as they are not harming other people with what they do.

If you don't understand that, then it is you, Tijer, who doesn't understand what being a modder is all about.

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Post by Star Ranger4 » Sun May 11, 2008 8:37 pm

Falconer has a point Tijer... At the moment your being more disruptive about the issue than Lowell is. I hate to say it but at this point your passionate defense of the SAM method you and Snoopy developed vs Lowell's similar but different method is only serving to make you look like the bad guy.

In short, your starting to turn public opinon against you, which is never a good thing, OK? Trust me on this one...

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