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Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 2:20 am
by Warll
As some may notice SMR is nearly a year old (October 17). In this past year over 60 fan made maps have been created. Installers have even been created to combat our ever complexing installation process(Thanks Atani!). While some maps are without a doubt better then others, they all deserve to be played. Unfortunately having one map may mean that another does not work. If it is at all possible I believe we should package all current maps in one .exe. Ok I need to accept the fact that there would be little I could do but test. If we could create one standard file it would be much easier to get new players to start playing our wonderful maps. The key thing I see is that while most problems that people run into can be easily fixed they just don't. Instead they move on and miss what this site has to offer. The first thing they run into would be the fact that you have to be registered to see attachments, I can see why Falcon did this and in a way I am happy he did so, but no doubt we lose players. Since the size of any such file would cause a problem if hosted on I think it would be best if we hosted it at someplace with Filefront,Megaupload. If we do we would not have to worry about people missing them. Please discuses this and comment since this would require work from many people.
PS: Just so I don't feel do bad about this, I would be more then happy to create a promotional video for the FanExpansion, if it does make it off the ground.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 3:14 am
by snoopy55
While 1 .exe would be nice, unless it can be put on the Wiki, (which is also handled by this forum) there is a size limit.

What is really needed is in the registering, put a note to go to say Chat and read the first thread which would be a Sticky. There could be explained which maps to install for a fully loaded GLOBAL, explain that while the maps can be downloaded from the Wiki, it is also a good idea to read each maps thread, and to download the engines Installers

Just a thought.... :twisted:

And how are we going to celibrate the Birthday????? A gift of a new patch from Firaxis????? :wink:

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 3:34 am
by Warll
If we use an off site to host the file we won't have to worry so much about size. Saying the end file comes to around 250Mbs, then from a quick glance I can already see three potential sites. All three do not require someone to register to download so linking someone directly there would not be a problem.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 12:19 pm
by CeeBee51
It's a pretty good idea. It would also make it easier to reinstall without the time consuming add one map at a time thing as well and don't forget any that you need or stuff wont work.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 2:37 pm
by Warll
Snoopy just gave me his SMR folder ziped. It has just about all the maps, except I think he said two. I'll see if I can't try and make something on my own with this or at least test it. Linky: Credit goes to snoopy
Edit: My copy of 7-zip does not seam to like this, i'll try updating.
Edit 2: Oops I just took a look at the file size, 2mb is a little off the 125mb size Snoopy quoted me. Guess I'll have to download it again.
Edit 3: Ug, This is not going well I'll try again, but snoopy if by the time you read this I have not edited it again with a message of success could you please upload it to another site like Filrefront?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 4:41 pm
by atani
If there is interest in having a single installer which installs *EVERYTHING* I can do up such an installer in a matter of a few days...

Size I would estimate would be around 125-150MB. I will check with Falconer about the size restrictions for uploads, if possible maybe get him to upload it somewhere on the server and then we can just reference it.


Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 4:54 pm
by Warll
Well thats good news Mike. If we can get everything in one then we maybe able to get it on ModDB. Although when i last looked they did not have a section for SMR mods, but if i remember right there was one in the past. Doing so though requires a few things, one they require evry mod to have their own site.So i may have to trow together a quick and simple site for this. We would need a name simply FanExpansion might something like Sid meier's Railroads! Intercontinental be ok? Then finale a press release would need to be made. This all brings me to the off site hosting, if even only 100 people download this thats already 15 gigs of bandwidth,
i really don't want to have to trouble Falc with such demands. I would be surprised if this site even goes through the much bandwidth in a month.
I acknowledge that if the mod I am registering does not abide by the points below, it will not be listed on the Mod DB. If you cannot say "Yes" to each one of these points then you need to go correct something.

1. Site - This mod has an up-to-date website containing the idea, basic information, and other details. The website is not just a forum.
2. Idea - This mod's concept is unique and original, and I recognise that mods based upon others intellectual property may be closed at the IP owner's request.
3. Team - I am (Or the mod has) a dedicated leader who will not simply abandon the mod.
1. I can make this and ask Falc if he can host it as a sub domain.
2. We don't have a problem in this area.
3. We're all active, anyways we don't have to do much after the mods been "released" we can always use the page to post new maps. But we may have to organize our self's into a "team". Not to hard to do we just randomy apoint someone leader, then the rest is easy (Atani:Coder, Snoopy: you get to be leader
:twisted: , Then we list the mappers and thank everyone of Hookedgamersforums for testing. Simple as pie.)

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 5:14 pm
by atani
Warll wrote: 1. I can make this and ask Falc if he can host it as a sub domain.
Use the Wiki! Or, I can host it on my server, I get ~3TB transfer per month for free, excess usage is pennies per GB. I can host the installer, but we can use the Wiki here for the "site".
Warll wrote: 2. We don't have a problem in this area.
3. We're all active, anyways we don't have to do much after the mods been "released" we can always use the page to post new maps. But we may have to organize our self's into a "team". Not to hard to do we just randomy apoint someone leader, then the rest is easy (Atani:Coder, Snoopy: you get to be leader
:twisted: , Then we list the mappers and thank everyone of Hookedgamersforums for testing. Simple as pie.)
Fine by me...

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:07 pm
by Warll
atani wrote: Fine by me...
It would only be for looks, since we don't really have a leader. I can go down as promotional artist or PR Management. :lol: So what do you other guys want?
Edit: Ok I have since given up on downloading Snoopy's file. Instead I'm downaloding the maps one by one.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 8:18 pm
by snoopy55
CeeBee51 wrote:It's a pretty good idea. It would also make it easier to reinstall without the time consuming add one map at a time thing as well and don't forget any that you need or stuff wont work.
Warll, I can see your idea working except for one thing that CeeBee51 kinda points out. When you load up this and open it, say 3 monthes from now, what maps have been added to the growing list? I got the maps downloaded by just going down the list in Wiki and putting them in a "Maps to open" folder. It doesn't take that long. As I installed each one I moved it into a "Maps loaded" folder that was in the 'Maps to load'. And that didn't take that long, the Installers are fast. All that is really needed is a list of Maps with Mods which have to be loaded in a certain order, which should easily be gotten using the date they were posted, IE Basin and Range(created in May) would not be required for Chicago to the Rockies(created in Jan). I believe I have the list of Moded Maps that have mods that are placed in GLOBALS. A map that has mods in the RRT files without any special data such as NIF, KFM and DDS files. A list of which to load first and in what order would be a bit better and can be updated at any time.

My thoughts....I'll work on that list.


Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 8:24 pm
by Warll
I just see this as the next stage in SMR modding's evolution. With this we will be able to get may new players. The ball already seams to be rolling, Atani says he can host the finale file and even the "mod's" web site. Hes also working on the installer. I'll do what promotional stuff I an get done. We still have over 20 days to get this done. Another thing, Lowwel do you think you'll be able to get your map out by the 18th?

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:07 am
by Dr Frag
I would like to suggest, instead of a large installer, a multi installer. It would be an installer that you would select what maps you want intalled and it would go out and download/install them for you. This has the advantage of being way more upkeepable than a single mass installer and if I can get the dependencies worked out there won't be any issues of not having needed maps installed.

My buck fitty . . .

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:35 am
by CeeBee51
Thats a pretty fine buck fitty if you ask me. :D

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 3:18 am
by Warll
Ok most discussion is taking place on MSN, I encourage people to come on and chat with us. PM me or Atani for our emails.

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 5:12 am
by mikeyc
hooray, hooray. As an avid player and liker of SMR I THINK THE IDEA IS TERRIFIC. An expansion pack created by people who care.
I visit this site regularly to see whats happening and so keep abreast of the changes you guys are coming up with and at times envious of your knowledge of computers and how you do your mods. I believe there are oodles of SMR fans who would love to have these extras in their game but like me dont understand how things work so dont risk getting into trouble with the install so dont bother.
Like I said in a post about a month ago. If it was all tied up ready to plonk into the game people would pay, which could defray the costs of developing the mods. A labourer is worth his salt, so suggest that somehow, someone developing a mod that is used in the expansion pack be given some share of any monies. That then means the mods would have to be rated. Maybe its too big a can of worms but the idea of an expansion pack is generally sound. Please do it.