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How to get depressed....

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:12 am
by snoopy55
I come on to this forum 3 to who knows how many times a day. I get up, get a cup of coffee started, let the dogs out, finish making my coffee, let the dogs in, and come up here to my computer room to open this forum. Do I do it because I'm a moderator? No. Do I do it because I'm bored? No. Then why? I do it because I may find someone I can help. I do it because there are forum members who can teach me something. Because I may teach someone else something.

Did I have to work up a way to check out these maps? Do I waste my time printing out forms so I can mark off what is in those XMLs to see what is forgotten? Do I have to load up my drives with stuff that I don't need and often forget it's there when I've finished with it?

No, to all of those questions. There are some people out there who want to play this game and some of those maps. Why can't they? Is it something left out in the map? Something they didn't load? Something they tried that went wrong? It could be any of those things.

And then there are those who can't seem to get or keep this game working. Could it be the system they have? Could it be the OS they use? Could it be something they have running in the background? Could it be something that is running in the background they don't know about? The answer could be yes to none or any or all of these.

So, what do we do? Let's all stop playing and go on strike against Firaxis until they look over each system and its comtents and rewrite this game to work with all of them. Let's rent a billboard in front of every store that sells this game telling people not to buy it. I'm open to suggestions.... Don't get me wrong:

You are all allowed your opinions and allowed to voice them, as long as you keep it decent.

People have come onto the forum and spoke of how this particular map just does a CTD and they don't like that, end of story. I failed mind reading in 8th grade.(I'm not joking, we were tested on that) No one but you knows what you have for a system. No one knows where the map failed. No one knows what Mods you have loaded. No one but you. We owe alot to Atani, who is taking his own time to design a program to load these maps. And he is writing up the Installers, on his own time. Don't like the GLOBALS, the map is there for you to put in your system as a non-GLOBAL.

I used to write instructions to help people to make maps and change things in maps. Since the interest didn't appear to be there and I didn't care for some words directed at me, I've stopped.

I have helped to simplfy things in this game, to allow maps to take up less space, something that a group of us can look on with a smile.

I'm not going to leave this forum. I'm going to be here, moderating and helping and working out problems when I can, but only to those who appear to want that help. If you want to glue that CD to a wall or use it as a cup holder, I'm not going to give a voice to your choice. If you want to attack Firaxis, I'm not going to give my opinion on your opinion.

And I stopped looking for that soapbox.......

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:24 am
by dwax
snoopy's my hero!ImageImage

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:55 am
by stormfather
Don't let it get you down, Snoopy... the way I see it, this game is a diamond in the rough. There's so much potential, and it could have been such a great game...

But the maps are tiny (Playing football in the bathroom, someone once said), the routing is awkward, there aren't a lot of maps released with the game, and it crashes on a lot of people's systems (thankfully not mine.) But the community has done so much for this game, and every time I play it, I say 'man this game would be so cool, if...' and, often times, I can do that, unless someone else beats me to the punch.

Unfortunately, I always seem to start doing it and never finish. I've got 6 unfinished maps, fallen flags so to speak, sitting on my hard drive (England, New York, America 1.2, The German Empire, The FDR, the DRG, and the Catskill Mountains.) But in time I'll finish them, and release them because there is a community of people who see the same potential in this game that I do.

Yeah, it sucks that routing doesn't work too well, and it sucks that every time I play the game, I see a different shade of neon orange or vibrant violet in the water. It sucks that this game will never get an expansion pack, or even another patch. But that's the hand we've been dealt, and it's good enough for me, because ultimately, SMRR is a great game that will continue to be new and exciting as long as people like us continue to make custom content for it.

I drive a convertible '89 Mustang GT. I got it for 4500 and fixed it up over my summer vacations from college. I think it's the best car in the world. I wouldn't trade it for any other car out there. My last girlfriend, on the other hand, hated my car. Hated it.
It's too loud, I don't like the smell of burning rubber, the wind messes up my hair, the windshield wipers don't work and it leaks in the rain, does it even have turn signals, blah blah blah
But one man's garbage is another man's treasure (proof: ebay), and I appreciate this game despite it's flaws and despite what others think.

As a side note, the girlfriend who hated the car has been replaced. The good old 302, on the other hand, still hits the road every May. 8)

I see SMRR in the same light. Some people won't like it, and honestly I can't blame them. Its got its flaws, and I'd love to see them addressed. But at the end of the day, SMRR is still the CD that's sitting in my hard drive when I get home from class or work, and I'll keep supporting it and releasing new content (slowly) for quite a while.

I empathize with your frustration, though. I mean, hell, you account for 10% of this forum's posts and you're always one of the first people to answer any question. People are paid for doing a lot less.

Anyway, I'll take this chance to personally thank you for your ongoing support of the game and the community. I think you've made a lot of things a lot clearer for a lot of people, and I'll bet it seems like a thankless job at times. But know that your dedication is both noticed and appreciated, not only by myself but by everyone else who uses this board.

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 9:11 am
by gforce
we all know that i'm neither someone who only post the game is bad, i'm also helping people out, stating questions wich can give me and others some ideas, so i'm not the most anoying guy in this forum, agree?

but plz, it is needed to state out some frustration from time to time,
this forum must be used also for that, because it helps to share frustration and state out some indecent words from time to time, the youth these days hé :wink:

anyway, depression, frustration and hate is hardcoded in this game, respect the game, means respect for the feelings comming along with it! :roll:

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 9:17 am
by K-class
snoopy55 oh wise one thank you and don't feel you are alone, just keep doing what you are doing.

stormfather and others go and challenge yourself and keep making those maps and I encourage you to keep going. We are all here to help and encourage you to persevere. I'm still sticking with this game. :D

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 1:33 pm
by Wingo
What he siaid Snoopy.. Diamond in the rough. WOW, you're better at venting than I ever will be so I'm getting off my box right now.

Nothing, that's exactly nothing I had to say was directed at anyone on this forum, especially those that have tried to help.

You keep up the good work.

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 6:11 pm
by CeeBee51
I guess we all need to vent from time to time, me included :oops:
Yeah, some days I feel like pitching the cd in the trash but those silly trains just keep tugging at me and before you know it I've got notepad++ open and am back up to me arse in xml's, sometimes not knowing if I'm coming or going. Now excuse me but I've got a CN GP38 to install and get running on my BC modern era map. :P

Well Said

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 12:47 pm
by Slappy Da Clown
NEVER surrender & NEVER retreat. Thats the clown creedo ( usually cant remember where I am anyway ). You do gr8 work snoop & are much appreciated. Dont let the few peckerwoods get ya down, remember, machine guns are cheap.

Belly up to the bar my friend the beers are on me