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Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 9:07 pm
by Falconer
Redknight: I've managed to find the proper coding for linking to files. The link to the excel sheet works now.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 10:48 pm
by RedKnight
Excellent, thanks Falconer.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:34 am
by Kroguys
I believe the equation used in Buyout cost is wrong. I would edit it, but I don't know how. :oops:

Buyout= 2*(Stock Sell Price)*(10-n)

Using Example 1 50*60 = 3000.

It should be 50*6 = 300.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:44 am
by RedKnight
Just hit the Edit symbol to upper right, or the Edit tab at the top of page, for the whole page. :)

We've been meaning to standardize that page to U.S. usage (commas instead of periods). Also I believe that 50 * 60,000 = 3M, etc. If you see other problems, please go for it!

I've been testing some other stuff and just playing the game for a while to see how my plans work... hope to spend more time on the wiki soon.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:07 pm
by Disco Stu
I've corrected Example #1, the calculation results were off by a factor 10. Sorry for that :oops:

Redknight, thank you for spotting the error!

Kroguys, the factor 10.000 in the buyout formula represents the fact that you buy and sell stock in units of 10.000 shares. E.g. if share price equals $27.30, one unit of stock amounts to about $273.000.

I think a lot of confusion arises from the notation, I used a dot . to separate the thousands (European notation). But since all amounts are now displayed with a dollar sign $, i agree that the notation is now incorrect and should be changed to the American comma , notation.

May do that another time - but not right now, it's getting late. Please, feel free to edit the page. Also, the page has become quite long, may be better to split some chapters into separate page(s)?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 2:44 am
by RedKnight
Hiya Disco,

Right it's becoming long and also repeats itself in a few places. Due in part to me tacking my stuff in there too, of course. Mind if I take a whack at tightening it up? A major re-arrangement.

A general note re: wikis (if you didn't know): You can always see how a wiki page looked in the past, by accessing the History tab at the top, and seeing how it looked on a particular date. So you can see if anything important got lost in an overhaul.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 2:28 pm
by Disco Stu
I notice that the Railroads! wiki is slowly but steadily gathering content. Great work, everybody!

RedKnight, thanx for the history tip. Still lots a stuff i can learn about wiki's. Wonderful software imho. Please feel free to edit or restructure the info I added in any way you like. Esp. the stock page may benefit from a major overhaul.

'nuff said - finally some spare time to play the game :D

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:23 pm
by RedKnight
Right, the wiki is building steam. Unfortunately I like to research new stuff, not re-write old stuff, so I haven't transferred half my stuff from the forum to there. :P A lot of the stuff I posted here, I view as preliminary now, though. I'm piecing together more solid stuff for the wiki.

Good job on that Engine listing. Would you have any idea what the "Speed" column means, or how "Power" might be used? Only "Max Speed" makes sense to me, right off. Hmm.

Don't forget to put the Railroads! graphic at the top of any new pages. Just Edit any other page to see what to cut and paste.