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Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 5:44 am
by snoopy55
While I'm gung-ho for the pack idea, the monies part is something I'm not for. BUT, if we could get Hooked on Gamers (this site main) to sponser it, then a donation would be the way to go. "download them your own way, or somehow get $X to the site and download the pack or packs.

I think Packs would be better... and Engine pack, a modded map pack (13 maps at this time) and break the other 55 into packs of 15 or so. Not a "Pay for each pack" deal, but a 'Pay once, download them all plus future packs"

Any response???


Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 7:29 am
by K-class
Ok my 5 cents worth.

Hats off to everyone and to Warll for starting this thread.

To one large modders pack or user created map mod No
For Money No

Maybe one user created map pack (example all of d53642's Maps in one pack) is the way to go but bundle all the maps wont work imagine trouble shooting a newbie install if the pack had 40 maps in it.

What I can see is new people and us old people come along and you do get lost finding the map in the forums as there can be updates and buried away on page 3 a fix for the map or dependant on some mod, fix or file buried in another post not remotely connected. Search is always a pain. (not referring to this great forum)

I think we need to do some house keeping.

Would suggest keep the wiki with User Created Maps but say example layout better.

First off base mod pack
1. Tendercars
2. Global file updates
3. Directory structure
4. Maps, files, graphics related to all maps or can be used as the base files.

Get that done first. Every map requires this base pack installed first.

Then as per the layout in the wiki User Created Maps (example)

Jim Bobs map railroad to the moon
1. Download base pack
2. download above installer
3. Install this dependence could be a map or file link to that location as you dont want maps to have the same download repeated.
4. Must have this engine / traincar mod as per the base pack
5. All support link to the forum post

These map packs in the wiki User Created Maps must be the latest, dated updated and maintained. Any issue should be removed from the wiki till fixed.

First post is a Sticky in all map forums
In big Capitals this is the Beta Map.

- go here for official release map and link to Wiki User Created Maps

Then note the maps, files and modifications in this forum are Beta work in progress always install the map in the Wiki User Created Maps. :D :D

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:14 am
by snoopy55
OK, how about this -
1) Put the Tender Pack as part of the Santa map. We would need a starter to get the needed folders set up.

2) An Engine Pack.

3) The maps required for the full Mod set...there are 13 at this time. A single Pack would either have to be updated for each new Modded Map, or a list of the needed maps in Wiki as a seperate set. That can be added to at any time.

4) Either Packs by author or sets of 5 or 10 in a Pack. As long as there is no Mod to them, your just installing map folders. At this time you're talking about 6 or 11 Packs, depending how many there are in each one.

And as to problems with maps, if you find one, bring it up in the thread so it can get fixed. The repairs are not somewhere in the thread, they've been put into the Installer if they have brought to the forums attention.


Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:44 pm
by Warll
Money is a big no-no, this really is only coming up because of the older average age of forum users here. If we bring money into the equation this just got a whole lot harder. You then have to worry about rights and licenses , in fact for one we would likely get shut down by 2K. The fact is people aren't working on stuff like this for money, its either free or not at all.

We're going with a all-in one KISS installer because A. anything harder then KISS will start to lose us users. B. We can market it on as a mod, if we split all this up into 5 different packs it would not be any better then what we have nowadays. Maybe a little not not worth the effort. Before we release this we'll test it to make sure no maps crash, this will make it much easier for troubleshooting since we'll know theres no problems in the XML.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 2:11 am
by CeeBee51
Warll wrote:We're going with a all-in one KISS installer because A. anything harder then KISS will start to lose us users. B. We can market it on as a mod, if we split all this up into 5 different packs it would not be any better then what we have nowadays. Maybe a little not not worth the effort. Before we release this we'll test it to make sure no maps crash, this will make it much easier for troubleshooting since we'll know theres no problems in the XML.
I'm with you on this. One pack will at least get newbies playing the user made stuff and thats the main point IMO. :D

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 4:00 am
by Lowell
Warll wrote:I just see this as the next stage in SMR modding's evolution. With this we will be able to get may new players. The ball already seams to be rolling, Atani says he can host the finale file and even the "mod's" web site. Hes also working on the installer. I'll do what promotional stuff I an get done. We still have over 20 days to get this done. Another thing, Lowwel do you think you'll be able to get your map out by the 18th?
I can try. The 2 maps work and have been play tested a zillion times...but I have "new" buildings and such to replace the "temp" ones now in place. My oil tanker is the main trouble. The Hull and top deck are two different sections. In max you can merge them as one Blender I am still digging...then I can make the UV maps and Nif files and finish. Or...I can get help to complete the models and train myself later. :) I will have time this weekend and some in the evenings this week.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 4:03 am
by Warll
We're going for a October 18th release date so as long as your close thats ok, Should give you time to perfect it.

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:50 pm
by Warll
Ok here that file atani wanted.

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:17 pm
by Zorander
I've gone and uninstalled the game and reinstalled to get rid of the clutter and to try and minimize CTDs. I am downloading the official patch fight now.

I decided to wait for the KISS custom installer before downloading any maps from this site. My question is: Is this all I need to do in anticipation of the upcoming maps installer?

I have also modified the executable for Vista OS.

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 6:14 pm
by Warll
That should be all at least thats all I did for my XP install.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 1:04 am
by Jancsika
I am puzzled. Right now we have in the Wiki all the scenarios and maps many of them unfinished. To put them on the CD is asking for future problems, because they can not be modified, while the Wiki site is easily modifiable.

Right now there are about 13 – 14 scenarios which are essential to modding the game. Maybe we should put those scenarios in a “SuperInstallerâ€

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:38 am
by Warll
SRMI will included all the maps we have at this time (minus testing amps and B&R demo) in working order. That means no XML errors. This should help us when creating maps in the future, since we would then have a standard setup for all users for mappers to work from. As for right's issues, we will happily not include any maps if the mapper wishes so. Of course we may have a "talk" with said mapper before back. :twisted:

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 1:07 am
by Lowell
Are you sure about those maps that have Errors? I have tested a Ton of them that fail right inside the Scenario Manager.
Warll wrote: SRMI will included all the maps we have at this time (minus testing amps and B&R demo) in working order. That means no XML errors.
What is SMRI? ...and say Warll...did that clean reload fix your troubles you were having with the games browser buttons?

Jancsika wrote: And there are future property rights. Do we know what Firaxis and 2K thinking?
Nothing...they don't care at this point. They are on other projects...mods are allowed for this game. Fraxis dropped the game to 2K's publisher/management hands for the "old" product...Fraxis is way out of the picture, most likely forgotten the game by now.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 1:14 am
by Warll
SRMI, stands for Sid Meier's Railroads!: Intercontinental. SMRI being the working name for this fan expansion. For me being able to play SMR I broke down and installed XP on an older drive. Vista will likely never work as well as XP when it comes to SMR.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 1:21 am
by Lowell
Well Vista is having some real issues...they should have fixed this open gl trouble by now. Windows is also getting bashed from the gamming industry because of the page/swap file stuff.
Time for an operating system design overhaul. Bill needs to modernise his opp ware for the next gen games and apps. Bigger,faster...etc.