As I stated, the new text and read me for this mod is being upgraded/replaced. The professional music scores and that model will have a special read me inside made just for this event and will explain the terms of use, these guys at 2K have been doing this for a long time…they understand. The total contact information will be sent. If they wanted to use a tanker model, it would be super easy for them to go right to the same place and do what I just did. 2K have been doing this kind of thing for a living...I think their art staff knows all about these sites and models...they are everywhere. I even see where they bought most of the models for this game, that’s why they weren’t allowed to release the 3D files to us, only the converted game stated in the License Agreement for the game, once you make anything having to do with this game, it becomes the property of 2K/Firaxis. So, in effect, you're giving it away.
I do not need to explain everything I do as to my purchases or game mods. That's my business. I said many times that I had permission and that it is of nobody’s concern, I have everything taken care of...that should have ended it right then, but no, it keeps going. I have stated many times on several posts where people can go and buy 3D files for trains and train cars.
After the harassment I got when I released the mod, I am a bit punchy still, and rightly so. That childish thread called the trouble with F/G was totally stupid and full of bogus stuff, all hate filled. I get attacked every time I make a post here it seems.