New users cannot make new topics [OUTDATED][IGNORE]

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Re: New users cannot make new topics

Post by BobtheLunatic » Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:50 pm

I'm not a spammer...
Even worse, I have a long history here as "darthdroid" but the site wouldn't let me in... hope that can be fixed, if not I can post from this name I guess.... if it lets me lol.

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Re: New users cannot make new topics

Post by normandlandry » Sat Mar 19, 2011 6:40 pm

I am not Spam. I love this game. I've conquered the crash problem thanks to you and other dedicated Railroads! enthusiasts. I'm making progress in routing strategy and would like to try "KING COAL", a map I've only been able to hear about. I assume there is more coal available than one station can handle. I will use this to test some approach theories I've been working on. I've had some success in controlling tracks and trains and will share them shortly. For example: Getting three trains to share a single entry point to a station but remain on their individual tracks at the annex. Or, getting three more trains servicing that same annex simultaneously from the opposite direction with fertilizer, (Mudskippers). I'm looking for more maps with new trains, (or old ones). I've already played all the ones at Simple. I try every day to register at Bobby's where there are new ones but am rejected because of my email, wrong answer etc. etc. etc. Can users post them here where it's easier to register?
Also I'd like to hear more about the free flying camera. I followed the instructions at Simple with all possible variations, including standing on my keyboard with both feet, but am unable to get it to work. I have the patches installed and the terrain editor shows in my menu. I don't mind admitting I'm a little obsessive, especially when it comes to math, close scrutiny, measurable phenomena, oh, and trains. This is why I would spend months looking for maps, learning editing researching etc. Even with almost no results and little response. I don't even know how to use computers exactly. These are tools merely, to get results, to rout trains.

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Re: New users cannot make new topics

Post by normandlandry » Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:50 pm

I am not spam. I believe I'm registered but it's not letting me start a topic. I will inquire about sending two rails to an annex. Why does it alternate trains when loading? Is this really done in the real world or is this another example of bending reality to fit the software? My trains are driving down the track side by side. This leaves the station or annex underserved while my trains carry on together. Can the annex be improved to load on a first come first served basis?

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Re: New users cannot make new topics

Post by normandlandry » Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:02 am

I am not spam. Thank you for this very helpfull forum and all the hard work of the contributors. I have pics of old trains from around Guelph Canada. I'm posting here because I can't find any of my previous notes to you. I remain unable to post new topics. I registered a few days ago.
I've just found this game and am delighted with it. I realize it's different than previous versions, eg. I ran 1,000 trains on RRT II Platinum. Yes I'm not kidding 1000. Maps were easy to make on it as I'm sure they must be on Railroads! For now I don't get it but I know in time and with help I will.
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Re: New users cannot make new topics

Post by NewTrainGuy » Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:01 pm


I am a new user and am not a spam-bot. Please let me in. :D

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Re: New users cannot make new topics

Post by normandlandry » Thu Mar 24, 2011 3:20 pm

I am not spam even though I contact you every day. I have an avid interest in trains is all. I would also like to contribute to this great train effort. Despite posting daily on this page I remain unable to post a topic. I am not very computer savvy so perhaps I am missing something. How come I can see other posts on this page from new members but not mine. I can't find the video I uploaded or the picture. I see I've been accepted to some point because it lets me log in. I've read so much on this forum I can't see straight anymore. Despite this I still don't understand how to use forums and a whole lot else (not your fault). I already struggle with understanding things due to a disability. I can focus on a simple topic but if there's too much reading or if it takes days to understand, I have to take breaks. It takes me weeks to do what others do in days. I wore out three computers playing RRT II and so far two playing Railroads! I was able to make many maps on RRT II proving that either that game was easier or that in time, I can learn something difficult. I try to register with Bobby but that forum is only for people who can afford to have their own internet provider. I am forced to use public or free services enough as it is but forked out for these awesome games! Please approve me so that I might speak.

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Re: New users cannot make new topics

Post by normandlandry » Thu Mar 24, 2011 5:03 pm

This is starting to bug me now. I've just posted a reply to Lowell in a futile attempt to post something on this forum. Wouldn't you know it, it's not there. Am I blocked or something? How many weeks does it take to be approved? I would like to hear from a real person so that I know I'm not being blocked by a program or something. Could you please email me: I want to access more of Lowell's maps but cannot register at Bobby's because I use a free email. It took me weeks to understand that Bobby's will not accept me because of this and I've been posting here that I am not spam daily now for some time. I will be the first to admit I'm not that bright, but I try very hard. You must admit though, to pursue something for three months without acknowledgment is a sign of avid interest. Please add me.

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Re: New users cannot make new topics

Post by K-class » Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:26 am

Hello normandlandry you are persistant hopefully someone will sort out your reg issues. Im reg with a gmail account over at bobbys may have. orig reg with my other email.
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Re: New users cannot make new topics

Post by Skibabinz » Sun Apr 03, 2011 4:25 pm

Hey! I need posting privledges :D

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Re: New users cannot make new topics

Post by attackdog » Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:49 pm

Hi, new member would like permission to post please. Not a bot!

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Re: New users cannot make new topics

Post by mikado55 » Sat Apr 16, 2011 11:09 pm

helo everyone, I am looking to figure out how to install mods. I tried to fallow the instructions in the mods notepad thing but I just cant do it.

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Re: New users cannot make new topics

Post by kevcost » Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:24 pm

Hello, I'm not a robot :p)

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Re: New users cannot make new topics

Post by kevcost » Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:09 am

For a second time, I'm not a robot, I just need help with the game, I've just bouth it :)

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Re: New users cannot make new topics

Post by rober » Tue Apr 19, 2011 12:43 pm

i am not a spammer.please open my count.

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Re: New users cannot make new topics

Post by Smigol » Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:09 pm

Last I checked I was still human, so would you kindly open my account?

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