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Re: Whats new??

Post by RockyNarrowGauge » Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:13 am

Your post makes little if any sense, so let me go over it and question you about it. As I read it.....
CalmDragon wrote:There are still plenty of Original Content Maps that work side by side with other maps just fine, though the SAM community insists on porting them into SAMS.
And the problem with this is? Hmmm, let me read on a bit more.....
CalmDragon wrote: sigh I almost have a fear of releasing another map only to have it snatched and ported at a moments notice as many other releases were.
Well, very few maps were really done since SAMs were finally stabilized. The vast majority of them were in existence at that time and few have been done since.
CalmDragon wrote: Being converted to a SAM or having custom content is not necessary to enjoy many maps.
From what I've seen custom content is only done at time when....let's see, what did snoopy55 use as an example..... oh ya, a Distribution Center looks like a Smelter.
CalmDragon wrote: It takes some skill in using custom content wisely, and applaud those who do. Wish they would leave the rest of the maps alone.
I think some guys once wished that people would quit complaining about what they were doing with their own time. But even now that still continues. Take a bow.
CalmDragon wrote:Or agree that all maps without custom content can go in a games folder together and not have to worry about clean installs or unzipping special versions of maps to play just that one map, and repeat the process to play another map. ay carumba
Since you did not seem to have read this whole forum, there were people who ASKED for maps to be done, even if they had no custom content.

I guess tho I will have to go over the threads for those maps. Let me take a look at them........ Nope, the originals are still there, and I didn't have anyone holding a gun to my head and telling me I HAD to download and use them. What exactly is your problem here? Are you taking over for Lowell and his gang, or did you join it and this is the requirement for you to be accepted?

There are things about certain maps that I don't like. And I'm sure there are thing about some maps that many other people don't like. BUT, we all have been given a gift. That gift is "If you don't like a map, you don't have to download and play it!"

If Snoopy55, while he was Moderator, had made a SAM of a map, posted it on the first post of the thread and deleted the original and the Installer version (I noticed you didn't complain about those), I could see your complaint. But he didn't, so you have no complaint. Other people have taken some maps and made changes in them and posted them with just a number or something added to the name. Go over to the two Side by Side maps that Jancsika did and complain about them.

This is the kind of thing that made Snoopy55 leave this site and go to Bobby's Rails where he and the rest of STEP Inc are not only making more SAMs, but creating new material and teaching others how to write new maps.

And why are you not complaining about Lowell? After all, he took his maps and made CICs out of them.

By the way, Snoopy55 stated many times that if someone made a map and did not want it made into a SAM, he would not do it. So post your map, add a line forbidding, or preferably nicely asking, him and his crew not to make a SAM out of it and leave the subject alone.

And Snoopy55 pulled what he could of hiw wasted work from this forum only to have Jancsika start to repost them. I didn't see you complain about that...or didn't you see that yet?

A lot of members were happy about what was done by the gang of STEP Inc, but alas, they'll not come back here and defend them.

I hope I got all of the above correctly understood.

One last thing, why don't you join Jancsika and complain about Lowell and his promised maps that take up a good deal of this forum with all the talk, complaining, bragging and advertisement, all without results. He doesn't have Snoopy55 to credit for that now.

Hey Atani, now that Snoopy55 is gone, why not make guys like CalmDragon and Lowell and the rest of his gang happy and delete all of the SAMs. That way there will be peace on this dead forum.

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Re: Whats new??

Post by Jancsika » Wed Jul 01, 2009 4:36 am

Before this gets any further.

Let's not start an argument about, how people feel about certain things. Doing this in writing, even the best intentioned comment will get misunderstood, feelings will get hurt, and nothing will be gained.

Things are pretty calm now, so lets keep it that way.

As about SAM-s : It gives a simple uniformity to the map structure. Any newcomer to the game will understand it. They would not be able to tell the difference between different styles, and maybe – if we don't scare them away - they will stay with us.

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Re: Whats new??

Post by Warll » Wed Jul 01, 2009 5:00 am

Jancsika wrote:As about SAM-s : It gives a simple uniformity to the map structure. Any newcomer to the game will understand it. They would not be able to tell the difference between different styles, and maybe – if we don't scare them away - they will stay with us.
Amen, SAMs provide a standard allowing new players to get in easy, which is why while I have only one none SAM map on SMRSimple.

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Re: Whats new??

Post by RockyNarrowGauge » Wed Jul 01, 2009 5:00 am

Well, he has already got snoopy55 a bit upset. snoopy55 deleted the two SAMs that were made from CalmDragons maps. You might want to delete any you have posted on this forum Jancsika, if you posted them. That will leave Warll's forum, if he has them posted there, and the ones on Calmdragons threads, which CalmDragon can remove.

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Re: Whats new??

Post by Warll » Wed Jul 01, 2009 5:07 am

SMrsimple is not a forum...

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Re: Whats new??

Post by RockyNarrowGauge » Wed Jul 01, 2009 7:14 am

A definition from the internet: A forum functions much like a {bulletin board}; users submit {postings} for all to read and discussion ensues

Now, people can download and they can comment. What, pray tell, do you call it?

Now, back to CalmDragon... Please tell us what your problem is with someone downloading free material, which it is once it is posted, and replacing a 3-liner goods file with a non-map-name full goods listing?

And by the way CalmDragon, you are missing one major thing with your complaint. You maps were never posted on this site as SAMs, so why is your complaint posted here?

And I just checked, the only thing that was done to your maps, and probably all of others that had nothing but original materials, was the Manges Tender files as an FPK. So, again, what is the complaint? Download the originals, stick them in your UserMaps folder, and enjoy yourself. The only thing you lose is the ability to play most of the maps with custom content. Of course you can load them with the installers, you just have to get the right ones in the right order until your machine crashes from overload.

Enjoy :mrgreen:

And just checking something out, your LongBeach map has all of the dual engine parts listed in the RRT_TrainCars_LongBeach.xml file, but your map does not use them. Didn't you say you prefered no mods?

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Re: Whats new??

Post by Warll » Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:21 pm

Techniqly it uses wordpress which is blogging software, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog Although for most purposes it might as well be a static site.

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